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With the development of science and technology, social progress, there have beenmany new business models in marketing field recent years, the electronic commercemode is known widely. Compared with the traditional entity enterprises, the electronicbusiness enterprises provide consumers with more quality, convenient service. From theconsumer point of view, they purchase goods not only focus on price, but also on valueof commodity value.
     This study based on the online consumers’ perceived value of this research topic,combined with the actual situation of China’s online shopping, which factors areaffecting our online consumers’ perceived value and purchase intention? And how muchis the impact? Whether does the perceived value impact on the purchase intention? Andhow much is the impact? Which role does the online word-of-mouth act in the situation?In response to these issues, this study attempts to explore the perceived product quality,service quality, perceived website purchase cost and perceived risk of four major factorsas antecedent variables which impact on consumers’ perceived value, building atheoretical model of the online consumers’ perceived value and its antecedent variablesinfluencing purchase intention. We issued questionnaires to consumers who had boughtclothing and footwear products online and did statistical analysis, factor analysis,correlation analysis, and regression analysis, and testing hypotheses of the questionnaire.The results show that perceived product quality, perceived website quality of servicehave significant positive effects on perceived value and purchase intention of onlineconsumers. Perceived risk has significant negative effects on perceived value andpurchase intention. The purchase cost of online consumers has significant positive effectson perceived value and influences purchase intention which is not significant. Perceivedvalue (functional value, emotional value and social value) of the purchase have asignificant positive impact on purchase intentions. Online word-of-mouth plays aregulatory role between perceived value and purchase intentions. This conclusion isbased on the strategy and way to enhance consumers’ online perceived value andpurchase intention to provide theoretical guidance to promote the rapid development of China’s online retailers.
     This study’s chapter structure is organized as follows:
     The first chapter is the introduction. We proposed the issues as well as researchsignificance, put forward the research framework and main content of the study, and thendefinited relevant concepts, and finally elaborated approaches as well as innovationpoints of the study.
     The second chapter is the literature review. Summarized the literatures of domesticand foreign scholars’ research on the consumer network shopping influencing factors,consumers’ perceived value,online word-of-mouth as well as consumers purchasewillingness of network, then put forward in this article to explore the direction:perceivedvalue and its antecedent variables influencing network purchase intention.
     The third chapter is building model and proposing research hypotheses. Inconjunction with the theme of the study, we sort out the relevant theories, includingtransaction costs theory, customers’ value theory, reasoned behavior theory, plannedbehavior theory, propagation theory as well as cognitive dissonance theory, elaborated onthe theme of the thesis the basic role. The second based on the research of domestic andforeign scholars, perceived product quality, we regarded perceived website servicequality, purchase cost and perceived risk as antecedent variables of perceived value,online word-of-mouth as regulatory variable, building a theoretical model of perceivedvalue and its antecedent variables influencing network purchase intention. Andanalysesed the interaction among all variables in the model, then proposed researchhypotheses.
     The fourth chapter is research design. At first designed the variables scale in themodel. Then designed the questionnaire and tested the reliability and validity of thequestionnaire by small sample pre-survey, conducted a questionnaire pre-test. Deletedunreasonable items and formed the final questionnaire. At last issued questionnaires andcollected data.
     The fifth chapter is empirical analysis. At first we made descriptive statisticalanalysis of the collected data, then made reliability and validity analysis of questionnaire,including using structural equation for confirmatory factor analysis and testing the model. At last we made regression analysis and tested the assumptions of the paper.
     The fifth chapter is conclusion and outlook. We summarized the results on thetheoretical and empirical analysis of the paper, integrated the conclusions of the full text,and made management recommendations, pointed out the limitations of the study andfuture research directions.
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