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American neorealist fiction has become an important type of contemporary American fiction since it appeared in the1970s. When postmodern experimentalist fiction lost its charm and attraction at the end of the1960s, there were two roads lying ahead of American writers-furthering the postmodern experimentation or returning to the traditional mode of fiction writing. Many American writers, at the crossroads of novel writing, began to pay close attention to societal reality and return to the mode of realistic fiction writing. However, they didn't copy the writing techniques of traditional realist writers; instead, they combined the realist style and postmodern writing skills. Many young novelists participated in this type of fiction writing fashion. As a result, there appeared a new form of fiction-neorealist fiction, which displays the features of both realistic and postmodern fictions. Some critics call this new type of fiction postmodern realistic fiction. In the past forty years, neorealist fiction has developed into the main type of contemporary American fiction.
     The current study of American neorealist fiction at home and abroad is mainly limited to the discussion of the name of this new type of fiction and focuses on neorealist features in some contemporary American fiction. Focusing on the subject matter, themes, characterization, narrating technique, space of criticism and canonization, this dissertation aims to make a systematic study of American neorealist fiction and points out American neorealist fiction has become a third approach of fiction writing between the traditional and experimental fictions.
     This dissertation is composed of seven sections. The introductory chapter reviews and summarizes the current academic study of American neorealist fiction. On the basis of it, the dissertation puts forward a definition of American neorealist fiction, demonstrates the significance of its study, and introduces the research purposes, viewpoints, approaches and innovative insights.
     Chapter One expounds three important aspects of the subject matter in American neorealist fiction. The postmodern society characterized with science, technology and consumerism becomes an important aspect of the subject matter. Since the1970s, the transition of American society and the public life style has exerted direct influences on contemporary American fiction writing. A group of novelists have devoted to depicting the effects of the rapid development of science and technology and the spread of consumerism on the public life. The reality of contemporary American society is vividly presented in this way. History and fictional anecdotes constitute another aspect of the subject matter. Based on the real historical figures and events, American neorealist novelists re-create or fabricate historical figures, and re-construct American historical moments so as to reflect American societal reality and participate in the ideology construction. The third aspect of the subject matter centers on the spiritual and moral world of contemporary Americans. American society has been comparatively stable; however, the crises of faith, politics, environment, ecology, marriage and family, the threat of terrorism, and various kinds of terrors erode the spiritual world of the public, which inevitably causes the moral deterioration. Neorealist writers expose in their writings the effects of those crises on people's mind for the purpose of calling for the consciousness of reconstructing American people's spiritual ecology.
     Chapter Two discusses the themes of American neorealist fiction. Contemporary Americans' worries about existence, the truth of historical fabrication, and the dissolving of American-style family constitute three significant themes of American neorealist fiction. Different from postmodern experimentalists' evading reality and history but emphasizing selfhood, American neorealist novelists prefer to make the themes of fiction closely connected with contemporary American reality and history. They ponder over the postmodern problems obsessing contemporary American public through two dimensions of reality and history. In this way, they depict American people's worries about existence, the truth of history and human relationships in the postmodern times.
     Chapter Three defines the concept of character and the characterization in American neorealist fiction. American neorealist fiction focuses on representing HUMAN BEINGs displaying internal and external characteristics. Postmodern experimental novelists tend to pay less attention to the significance of characterization. Conversely, neorealist novelists emphasize creating characters with distinctive external features and a complicated psychological world so as to surpass the "people"(possessing vivid external features yet lacking the stereoscopic effect) in traditional realistic fiction, the "personalities"(displaying layers of personalities) in modern fiction, and the "figures"(existing in the form of signs and shadows) in postmodern experimental fiction. The neorealist fiction characters range from the desperate people in the lower class, social mainstay characters in the middle-class stranded in faith and family crises, minorities deserted in the cultural crack, historical figures displaying another aspect of life, and contemporary social elitists as well. These characters reflect the art of characterization in American neorealist fiction.
     Chapter Four mainly studies the art of narration in American neorealist fiction. American neorealist fiction inherits the tradition of regional writing in traditional realistic fiction, focuses on minority communities, cosmopolis, American west and borders, and develops a narrative feature of "postmodern American regional writing" with multiculturalism as its background. In the aspect of narrative structure, American neorealist fiction proficiently connects the complete plot in traditional realistic fiction with the technique of collage and pastiche in postmodern experimentalist fiction, highlights the quality of storytelling in fiction, merges the features of traditional and experimental fictions, and thus forms its own unique narrative art. From the dimension of language, American neorealist fiction conveys us the impression that language in American neorealist fiction is not "a transparent window" from the perspective of traditional realistic novelists, and not a subject of word games in the eyes of postmodern experimentalists, but a subject of rhetoric which successfully displays the themes, narrative authenticity and characterization in a fiction.
     Chapter Five discusses the space of criticism and canonization of American neorealist fiction. American neorealist fiction rose when European continental literary theories poured into America in the1970s. Consequently, apart from social and historical factors, the flourishing of neorealist fiction in America was influenced by the atmosphere of literary criticism. The evolvement of contemporary American literary criticism expands the space of neorealist fiction study, especially deepens the extrinsic space for studying neorealist fiction, and offers important theoretical discourses to understand neorealist fiction. However, during the process of adopting and surpassing some elements from traditional realistic fiction, modern fiction and postmodern experimentalist fiction, American neorealist fiction stimulates the contemporary American literary criticism, and draws its attention to aesthetic perspectives in fiction study. Meanwhile, the canonization of American neorealist fiction is related to contemporary American literary criticism as well as the quality of American neorealist fiction.
     Finally, the Conclusion part points out that contemporary American history and culture, together with the law of the art of fiction, makes neorealist fiction a prevailing contemporary fiction type. Since the1970s, postmodern consumerism, postmodern civilization of science and technology, contemporary American politics and postmodern multiculturalism breed the flourishing of American neorealist fiction socially, politically, economically and culturally. The development of fiction is inseparable from the tradition of realism. From realism to modernism, postmodern experimentalism, and then to neorealism, it's proved that the art of fiction should be connected with reality, and narrative technique can add artistic effects of storytelling and reflecting reality. In brief, between the choices of postmodern experimentation and traditional fiction writing styles, American neorealist fiction has been a third way of contemporary American fiction writing, and exhibits a profound transition of contemporary American fiction:focusing on reality, reflecting on morality and meditating on existence.
① [美]温迪·斯坦纳:《后现代小说——1960年至1990年》,《剑桥美国文学史》(第七卷),[美]萨克文·伯科维奇主编,孙宏主译,北京:中央编译出版社,2004年,第518页。
    ② Kristiaan Versluys, "Introduction," in Neo-Realism in Contemporary American Fiction, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA: Rodopi,1992, p.10.
    ③ 徐彦利:《站在潮峰处高歌——评杨立元<新现实主义小说论>》,《文艺理论与批评》2004年第2期,第123页。
    ④ 徐彦利:《站在潮峰处高歌——评杨立元<新现实主义小说论>》,第123页。
    ① Malcolm Bradbury,"Neorealist Fiction," in Emory Elliott,ed.,Co,umbia Literary History of the United States, New York:Columbia University Press,1988,p.1127.引文系笔者自译,下同.
    ② Malcolm Bradbury,"Neorealist Fitiion," in Emory Elliott,Columbia Literary History of the United States, p.1141.
    ① Jose David Saldivar, "Postmodern Realism," in Emory Elliott, ed., The Columbia History of the American Novel, Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2005, p.529.
    ② Jose David Saldivar, "Postmodern Realism," in Emory Elliott, ed, The Columbia History of the American Novel. p.535.
    ③ Jose David Saldivar, "Postmodern Realism," in Emory Elliott, ed, The Columbia History of the American Novel. p.535.
    ① Malcolm Bradbury, "Writing Fiction in the 90s," in Kristiaan Versluys, ed, Neo-Realism in Contemporary American Fiction, Amsterdam-Atlanta, GA:Rodopi,1992, p.16. 引文系笔者自译,下同。
    ② Malcolm Bradbury, "Writing Fiction in the 90s," in Kristiaan Versluys, ed, Neo-Realism in Contemporary American Fiction, p.19.
    ③ Malcolm Bradbury, "Writing Fiction in the 90s," in Kristiaan Versluys, ed, Neo-Realism in Contemporary American Fiction, p.18.
    ④ Malcolm Bradbury, "Writing Fiction in the 90s," in Kristiaan Versluys, ed, Neo-Realism in Contemporary American Fiction, p.24.
    ① Joseph Dewey, Novels from Reagan's America:A New Realism, Gainesville:University Press of Florida,1999, p.12.
    ② Joseph Dewey, Novels from Reagan's America:A New Realism, p.12.
    ③ Joseph Dewey, Novels from Reagan's America:A New Realism, p.21.
    ① Robert Durante, The Dialectic of Self and Story:Reading and Storytelling in Contemporary American Fiction, New York and London:Routledge,2001, pp.37-38引文系笔者自译,下同。
    ② Robert Durante, The Dialectic of Self and Story:Reading and Storytelling in Contemporary American Fiction, p.54.
    ③ Robert Durante, The Dialectic of Self and Story:Reading and Storytelling in Contemporary American Fiction, p.54.
    ④ 该中文名系笔者按英文名Sue-im Lee音译过来。
    ① Sue-im Lee, "Person, Thing, Place:Realism and Postmodern Realism in Contemporary American Fiction," Doctoral Dissertation, University of Illinois at Chicago,2002, p.vi.
    ② Christophe Den Tandt, "Pragmatic Commitments:Postmodern Realism in Don DeLillo, Maxine Hong Kingston and James Ellroy," in Klaus Stierstorfer ed., Beyond Postmodernism:Reassessments in Literature, Theory and Culture, Berlin & New York:Walter de Gruyter,2003, p.122.
    ③ Christophe Den Tandt, "Pragmatic Commitments:Postmodern Realism in Don DeLillo, Maxine Hong Kingston and James Ellroy," p.125.
    ① 20世纪90年代以来,我国学者对当代美国小说的研究逐渐转向纵深,但主要关注美国后现代派小说。有关美国后现代主义小说的论文、论著层出不穷:无论是对美国后现代派创作的整体研究,还是对美国后现代主义小说家的个案研究,在我国已有多项国家社科基金项目,产生了众多成果,如杨仁敬的《美国后现代派小说论》(青岛出版社,2003年)和《美国后现代派小说选》(青岛出版社,2004年)、陈世丹的论著《虚构亦真实——美国后现代主义小说研究》(外语教学与研究出版社,2005年)和《美国后现代主义小说艺术论》(辽宁师范大学出版社,2002年)、胡全生的论著《英美后现代主义小说叙述结构研究》(复旦大学出版社,2002年),此外,有关个别美国后现代小说家的论著和论文更是屡见不鲜。
    ② 苏光凤:《美国八十年代小说创作倾向》,《外国文学研究》1989第4期,第67页。
    ① 苏光凤:《美国八十年代小说创作倾向》,第67页。
    ② 岛苏光凤:《美国八十年代小说创作倾向》,第69页。
    ③ 苏光凤:《美国八十年代小说创作倾向》,第69页。
    ④ 程锡麟:《虚构与事实:战后美国小说的当代性与新现实主义》,《外国文学研究》1992第3期,第32页。
    ⑥ 程锡麟:《虚构与事实:战后美国小说的当代性与新现实主义》,第34页。
    ⑦ 程锡麟:《虚构与事实:战后美国小说的当代性与新现实主义》,第34页。
    ⑧ 程锡麟:《虚构与事实:战后美国小说的当代性与新现实主义》,第37页。
    ① 程锡瞵:《虚构与事实:战后美国小说的当代性与新现实主义》,第38页。
    ② 杨传鑫:《关于二十世纪现实主义》,《中南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》1993年第3期,第102页。
    ③ 杨传鑫:《关于二十世纪现实主义》,第102-103页。
    ④ 杨传鑫:《关于二十世纪现实主义》,第103页。
    ⑤ 杨传鑫:《关于二十世纪现实主义》,第103页。
    ⑥ 杨传鑫:《关于二十世纪现实主义》,第103页。
    ⑦ 杨传鑫:《关于二十世纪现实主义》,第103页。
    ① 王守仁主撰:《新编美国文学史(1945-2000)》(第4卷),上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002年,第242-244页。
    ① 郭继德:《当代美国文学中的新现实主义倾向》,《当代外国文学》1997年第4期,第147页。
    ② 郭继德:《当代美国文学中的新现实主义倾向》,第149页。
    ① 郭继德:《当代美国文学中的新现实主义倾向》,第150页。
    ② 荣征:《美国当代文学中的写实现象》,《外国文学研究》1998年第2期,第58-59页。
    ③ 荣征:《美国当代文学中的写实现象》,第59页。
    ④ 王守仁:《谈二十世纪的现实主义》,《外国文学评论》1998年第4期,第46页。
    ⑤ 王守仁:《谈二十世纪的现实主义》,第46页。
    ⑥ 王守仁:《谈二十世纪的现实主义》,第46页。
    ① 王守仁:《谈二十世纪的现实主义》,第49页。
    ② 郭继德:《战后美国文学的回眸》,《当代外国文学》2000年第3期,第140页。
    ③ 李公昭:《20世纪美国现实主义小说的发展与复兴》,《四川外语学院学报》2000年第3期,第6页。
    ① 姜涛:《当代美国小说的新现实主义视域》,《当代外国文学》2007年第4期,第115页。
    ② 姜涛:《当代美国小说的新现实主义视域》,第116页。
    ① 姜涛:《当代美国小说的新现实主义视域》,第117页。
    ② 虞建华:《当今美国文坛两部社会小说的文外解读》,《国外文学》2009年第2期,第85页。
    ① 虞建华:《当今美国文坛两部社会小说的文外解读》,第85页。
    ② 虞建华:《当今美国文坛两部社会小说的文外解读》,第83页。
    ③ 虞建华:《当今美国文坛两部社会小说的文外解读》,第87页。
    ④ 虞建华:《导读》,《当代美国小说:1970年以来的美国小说介绍》,[英]肯尼思·米勒德著,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006年,第4页。
    ① 王守仁、童庆生:《回忆、理解、想像、知识:论美国后现代现实主义小说》,《外国文学评论》2007年第1期,第48页。
    ② 滕学明:《美国后现代现实主义小说探析》,《西安外国语大学学报》2009年第2期,第69页。
    ③ 陈彦旭:《美国新现实主义与后现代小说中的道德意识》,《外国问题研究》2009年第4期,第36页。
    ④ 陈彦旭:《美国新现实主义与后现代小说中的道德意识》,第36页。
    ⑤ 毛信德、黄凰:《<宠儿>的后现代现实主义叙事阐释》,《英美文学研究论丛(第10辑)》,李维屏主编,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009年,第174页。
    ① 杨仁敬:《序言》,《虚构亦真实——美国后现代主义小说研究》,陈世丹著,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005年,第3页。
    ② 杨仁敬:《序言》,第3页。
    ③ 杨仁敬:《序言》,第3页。
    ④ 杨仁敬:《序言》,第3页。
    ① 王守仁主撰:《新编美国文学史(1945-2000)》(第4卷),第245页。
    ② 王守仁、童庆生:《回忆、理解、想像、知识:论美国后现代现实主义小说》,第50页。
    ③ 2011年11月4日至6日,在江苏省外国文学学会年会期间,笔者曾向王守仁教授请教其先后使用“新现实主义小说”和“后现代现实主义小说”的原因,王守仁教授坦言,对于20世纪70年代以来的美国小说需要进一步研究,视角不同,结果也就不同;还有,现在看来,当年编写《新编美国文学史》时,工作有些仓促,需要重新考虑20世纪70年代以来美国小说的发展。苏州大学外国语学院王腊宝教授认为,20世纪70年代后,在英语文学界,一批新作家进入读者视野,他们采用与传统现实主义紧密联系的创作手法进行小说创作,因而可以称这批作家的小说为新现实主义小说;与此同时,20世纪50至60年代以后现代实验小说创作而享誉文坛的作家中还有一大批在20世纪70年代后继续从事小说创作,他们在创作中开始注重以讲故事为特征的现实主义文学传统,但同时仍采用后现代的叙事风格,所以,他们的小说可以称为后现代现实主义小说。王腊宝教授还特别指出,第二次世界大战将世界各国文学,尤其是英语国家的文学,纳入一个统一进程,以澳大利亚的小说为例,战后澳大利亚小说也出现了后现代实验主义运动,在20世纪80年代后,澳大利亚文坛上一批“英裔白人男性”作家群的崛起给后现代实验运动后堕入颓势的小说创作注入新的血液,小说创作在主题上出现整体回归现实的趋势,在形式上呈现出一种融合传统现实主义和七十年代实验主义的第三条路径。王腊宝教授的观点具体可参见其发表在《当代外国文学》2003年第3期的《当代澳大利亚小说创作走向》一文。
    ① Don DeLillo, White Noise, New York:Penguin Books,1985, p.319.
    ② 文学概念上的fabulation一词是由评论家罗伯特·斯科尔斯在其著作《虚构者》(The Fabulators,1967)中首次提出来,用来指在20世纪出现的风格与南美洲的魔幻现实主义小说想接近的英语小说,与传统的现实主义和浪漫主义完全不同,注重小说在主题、形式、风格、时间的连续性,以及神话和幻想与日常生活相融合等方面的实验,属于后现代主义的小说风格。
    ③ David Lodge, The Novelist at the Crossroads, London:Routledge,1971, pp.3-34.
    ① David Lodge, "The Novelist Today:Still at the Crossroads?" in The Practice of Writing, London:Penguin Books,1996, p.6.
    ② 杨仁敬:《美国后现代派小说论》,青岛:青岛出版社,2003年,第164页。
    ③ David Lodge, "The Novelist Today:Still at the Crossroads?" in The Practice of Writing, p.9引文为笔者自译。
    ① 王守仁主撰:《新编美国文学史(1945-2000)》(第4卷),第243页。
    ① Philip Roth, "Writing American Fiction," in Malcolm Bradbury, ed., The Novel Today:Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction, Manchester:Manchester University Press,1977, p.34,引文为笔者自译,下同。
    ② Philip Roth, "Writing American Fiction," in Malcolm Bradbury, ed., The Novel Today:Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction, pp.37-38.
    ③ Philip Roth, "Writing American Fiction," in Malcolm Bradbury, ed., The Novel Today:Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction, p.46.
    ① 姜涛:《当代美国小说的新现实主义视域》,第116页。
    ② 杨仁敬:《美国后现代派小说论》,第154页。
    ① [美]雷蒙德·卡佛:《卡佛自话》,《大教堂》,[美]雷蒙德·卡佛著,肖铁译,南京:译林出版社,2009年,第236页。
    ① 陈榕:《新历史主义》,《西方文论关键词》,赵一凡、张中载、李德恩主编,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2006年,第672页。
    ② [英]拉曼·塞尔登编:《文学批评理论:从柏拉图到现在》,刘象愚、陈永国等译,北京:北京大学出版社,2000年,第474页。
    ③ 朱立元:《当代西方文艺理论》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1997年,第400页。
    ① [法]米歇尔·福柯:《规训与惩罚》,刘北成、杨远婴译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2003年,第29页。
    ② [捷克]卢波米尔·道勒齐尔:《虚构叙事与历史叙事:迎接后现代主义的挑战》,《新叙事学》,[美]戴卫·赫尔曼主编,马海良译,北京:北京大学出版社,2002年,第190页。
    ③ 陈榕:《新历史主义》,《西方文论关键词》,赵一凡、张中载、李德恩主编,第672页。
    ④ 朱立元:《当代西方文艺理论》,第399页。
    ⑤ [英]马克·柯里:《后现代叙事理论》,宁一中译,第97页。
    ① [美]简·斯迈利等:《25年来的美国小说》,李红侠译,《译林》2006年第6期,第181页。
    ② Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, Or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Durham:Duke University Press, 1991, p.35.
    ① Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, Or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, p.5.
    ② Linda Hutcheon, The Politics of Postmodernism, London:Routledge,1989, pp.47-92.
    ② [英]拉曼·塞尔登编:《文学批评理论:从柏拉图到现在》,刘象愚、陈永国等译,第474-475页。
    ① 南方朔:《导读:在失乐园里忆乐园》,《美国牧歌》,菲利普·罗斯著,宋瑛堂译,台北:木马文化事业股份有限公司,2006年,第11页。
    ② 见1998年版英文版小说I Married a Communist (New York:Vintage International)的封底。
    ① [英]拉曼·塞尔登编:《文学批评理论:从柏拉图到现在》,刘象愚、陈永国等译,第485页。
    ② [英]拉曼·塞尔登编,《文学批评理论:从柏拉图到现在》,刘象愚、陈永国等译,第516页。
    ① [英]特里·伊格尔顿:《理论之后》,商正译,北京:商务印书馆,2009年,第139页。
    ② Daniel R. Schwarz. "A Humanistic Ethics of Reading," in Todd F. Davis and Kenneth Womack, ed., Mapping the Ethical Turn:A Reader in Ethics, Culture, and Literary Theory, Charlottesville and London:University Press of Virginia,2001, p.3.
    ① [美]罗伯特·斯通:《灵魂之湾》,姚翠丽译,北京:人民文学出版社,2005年,第4页。
    ① [美]罗伯特·斯通:《灵魂之湾》,姚翠丽译,第256页。
    ② 徐颖果、冯佳:《从普利策奖获奖小说看美国文学的核心主题》,《外国文学动态》2010年第5期,第45-46页。
    ③ 徐颖果、冯佳:《从普利策奖获奖小说看美国文学的核心主题》,第46页。
    ① 朱新福:《<白噪音>中的生态意识》,《外国文学研究》2005年第5期,第109页。
    ② John N. Duvall, The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2008, p.1.
    ③ Dianne C. Luce, Reading the World:Cormac McCarthy's Tennessee Period, Columbia:The University of South Carolina Press,2009, p.vii.
    ① Nigel Watson, "Postmodernism and Lifestyles," in Stuart Sim ed., The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism (Second Edition), London and New York:Routledge,2005, p.37.
    ② 朱叶:《美国后现代社会的“死亡之书”——评唐德里罗的小说<白噪音>》,《当代外国文学》2002年第4期,第161页。
    ① Nigel Watson, "Postmodernism and Lifestyles," in Stuart Sim ed., The Routledge Companion to Postmodernism (Second Edition), p.37.
    ① 朱叶:《美国后现代社会的“死亡之书”——评唐德里罗的小说<白噪音>》,第162页。
    ① Peter Boxall, Don DeLillo:The Possibility of Fiction, London and New York:Routledge,2006, p.125.
    ① Stacey Olster, "White Noise," in John N. Duvall ed., The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2008, pp.89-90.
    ② 朱叶:《美国后现代社会的“死亡之书”——评唐德里罗的小说<白噪音>》,第163页。
    ① Catherine Gallagher and Stephen Greenblatt, Practicing New Historicism, Chicago and London:The University of Chicago Press,2000, p.51.
    ② 托尼·莫里森的小说《宠儿》(1987)以美国历史上女奴隶从南方种植园逃离后为不让子女在种植园主追捕时再次沦为小奴隶而被迫实施的杀婴事件为基础,以主人公塞丝一家的经历为关注焦点,讲述了19世纪美国种植园历史上从非洲贩卖来的六千万奴隶的辛酸生活史。唐·德里罗的小说《天秤星座》(1988)对1963年肯尼迪总统在达拉斯遇刺事件真相的虚构,让读者相信刺客李·奥斯瓦尔德只不过是一场政治阴谋的牺牲品。罗伯特·库弗的小说《公众的怒火》(1977)对1953年美国罗森堡夫妇间谍案的描写,正面讲述了20世纪50年代美国历史上的反共思潮。威廉·沃尔曼的小说《七个梦》(Seven Dreams,1990)、《女王家族》(The Royal Family,2000)、《潮起潮落》(Rising Up and Rising Down,2003)、《欧洲中区》(Europe Central,2005)等都以历史事件为背景,通过历史上真人真事与小说虚构人物和情节的结合,凸显了新现实主义小说基于历史又超越历史的本质。
    ① 竹夕:《历史在这里拐了一个弯——菲利普·罗斯的<反美阴谋>引起巨大关注》,《外国文学评论》2005年第1期,第152页。
    ② Michiko Kakutani, "A Pro-Nazi President, a Family Feeling the Effects," in The New York Times, September 21, 2004.
    ③ 参见菲利普罗斯·研究协会官方网站“荣誉”条目,
    ① William E. Engel, "Philip Roth Comes of Age," in Sewanee Review,1 (Winter 2006), p.ix.
    ② Philip Roth, "Postscript," in The Plot Against America, New York:Houghton Mifflin Company,2004, p.369.
    ③ "Charles Lindbergh Biography,".
    ① Philip Roth, "Postscript," in The Plot Against America, p.370.
    ① 王守仁主撰:《新编美国文学史(1945-2000)》(第4卷),第250页。
    ② Carol C. Harter and James R. Thompson, E. L. Doctorow, Boston:Twayne Publishers,1990, p.5.
    ③ 王守仁、童庆生:《回忆、理解、想像、知识:论美国后现代现实主义小说》,第55页。
    ④ 王玉括:《小人物与大历史——评E.L多克托罗的新作<霍默与兰利>》,《外国文学动态》2010年第1期,第27页。
    ⑤ Richard Trenner, ed., E. L. Doctorow:Essays and Conversations, Princeton:Ontario Review Press,1983, p.43.
    ⑥ Richard Trenner, ed., E. L. Doctorow:Essays and Conversations, p.24.
    ⑦ Richard Trenner, ed., E L. Doctorow:Essays and Conversations, pp.25-26.
    ① [美]E.L.多克托罗:《大进军》,邹海仑译,北京:人民文学出版社,2007年,第9页。以后本节中凡出自该书的引文均直接在引文后括号内标注页码,不再以脚注形式一一作注。
    ① 邹海仑:《“世界爷”——多克托罗——人性之旗(代译后记)》,《大进军》,[美]多克托罗著,邹海仑译,北京:人民文学出版社,2007年,第309页。
    ① Lynda G Adamson, Thematic Guide to the American Novel, Westport:Greenwood Press,2002, p.115.
    ① 鲁枢元:《生态批评的空间》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,2006年,第22页。
    ② Stephen J. Burn, Jonathan Franzen at the End of Postmodernism, London & New York:Continuum International Publishing Group,2008, p.106.
    ① 虞建华:《当今美国文坛两部社会小说的文外解读》,第82页。
    ② 鲁枢元:《生态批评的空间》,第25页。
    ① 鲁枢元:《生态批评的空间》,第19-20页。
    ② [美]罗伯特·斯通:《灵魂之湾》,姚翠丽译,北京:人民文学出版社,2005年,第2页。本节中引文后只标注页码的均出自该书。
    ① 徐正芳:《灵魂、政治、爱情——评罗伯特·斯通的<灵魂之湾>》,《当代外国文学》2005年第3期,第162页。
    ① Jonathan Franzen, The Corrections, New York:Picador USA,2001, p.105.
    ① Uri Margolin, "Character," in David Herman, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Narrative, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2007, p.66.
    ② M. H. Abrams, ed., A Glossary of Literary Terms (Seventh Edition), Fort Worth:Harcourt Brace College Publishers,1999, p.32此处引文系笔者自译。
    ① 胡全生:《后现代主义小说中的人物与人物塑造》,《外国语》2000年第4期,第53页。
    ② 胡全生:《后现代主义小说中的人物与人物塑造》,第52-55页。注:胡全生教授论述的后现代主义小说笼统地指代英美两国的后现代主义小说。他在论文中,除了引用英国作家约翰·福尔斯的小说《法国中尉的女人》作为例证外,主要还是援引美国后现代主义小说家的作品来说明后现代主义小说的人物塑造。笔者认为,现在看来,胡全生教授所指的将人物视作“人影”的后现代主义小说应为后现代主义实验小说和元小说,因为新现实主义小说虽然在后现代主义实验小说失势之后出现,但它同样也是后现代主义小说的一个分支,不过,其人物塑造与前两种小说相比,已经发生了很大变化。这种变化正是本节所要论述的内容。
    ③ E. M. Forster, Aspects of the Novel, New York:Harcourt, Inc.,1927, p.67.
    ① 胡全生:《后现代主义小说中的人物与人物塑造》,第54页。
    ② Wayne C. Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction (Second Edition), Chicago and London:The University of Chicago Press,1983, p.4.
    ① Victoria Lipina-Berezkina, "American Postmodernist Literature at the Turn of the Millennium:the Death and Return of the Subject," in Klaus Stierstorfer ed., Beyond Postmodernism:Reassessments in Literature, Theory and Culture, Berlin & New York:Walter de Gruyter,2003, p.272.
    ② Peter Currie, "The Eccentric Self:Anti-Characterization and the Problem of the Subject in American Postmodernist Fiction," in Malcolm Bradbury and Sigmund Ro, eds., Contemporary American Fiction, Baltimore: Edward Arnold (Publishers),1987, p.64.
    ① Uri Margolin, "Character." in David Herman, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Narrative, p.72.
    ② 胡全生:《后现代主义小说中的人物与人物塑造》,第56页。
    ② Keith Opdahl, "The Nine Lives of Literary Realism," in Malcolm Bradbury and Sigmund Ro, eds., Contemporary American Fiction, Baltimore:Edward Arnold (Publishers),1987, p.1.
    ④ John Barth, "The Literature of Exhaustion," in Malcolm Bradbury, ed., The Novel Today:Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction, Manchester:Manchester University Press,1977, p.73.
    ① Malcolm Bradbury, The Modern American Novel (New Edition), Oxford and New York:Oxford University Press,1992, p.264.
    ② Keith Opdahl, "The Nine Lives of Literary Realism," in Malcolm Bradbury and Sigmund Ro, eds., Contemporary American Fiction, p.14.
    ① 朱立元:《新时期以来文学理论和批评发展概况的调查报告》,沈阳:春风文艺出版社,2006年,第64页。
    ② 胡全生:《后现代主义小说中的人物与人物塑造》,第57-58页。
    ① Roland Barthes, S/Z, Trans. Richard Miller, New York:Hill and Wang,1974, p.4.
    ① 卡佛本人对评论者们使用"minimalism"—词来表述其作品风格颇有微词。1983年,在接受《巴黎评论》杂志采访时,他说:“在评论我的上一部书时,有人称我为一位‘极简主义’作家。这位评论者本意是想称赞我。但我不喜欢。‘极简主义者’一词多少带有一种视野和创作都窄小的味道,我不喜欢。”(见Mona Simpson and Lewis Buzbee, "Raymond Carver," in Marshall Bruce Gentry and William L. Stull, eds., Conversations with Raymond Carver, Jackson and London:University Press of Mississippi,1990, p.44.)而评论者称赞卡佛的极简主义风格是因为他的作品有这样一种以省略为主的显著特征:在人物塑造、事件陈述和环境的描写上,卡佛给读者留下了大量的正如约翰·巴思所认为的“少就是多”的想象空间。
    ② Haruki Murakami, "A Literary Comrade," in William L. Stull and Maureen P. Carroll, eds., Remembering Ray: A Composite Biography of Raymond Carver, Santa Barbara:Capra Press,1993, p.130.
    ③ Carol Sklenicka, Raymond Carver:A Writer's Life, New York:Scribner,2009, p.408.
    ① 见1989年英文版《大教堂》(New York:Vintage Contemporaries)的封底。
    ② Adam Meyer, Raymond Carver, New York:Twayne Publishers,1995, p.125.
    ③ [美]雷蒙德·卡佛:《卡佛自话》,《大教堂》,[美]雷蒙德·卡佛著,肖铁译,第237页。
    ④ [美]雷蒙德·卡佛:《卡佛自话》,《大教堂》,[美]雷蒙德·卡佛著,肖铁译,第236页。
    ⑤ 肖铁:《译后记:卡佛与极简主义小说》,《大教堂》,[美]雷蒙德·卡佛著,肖铁译,南京:译林出版社,2009年,第242页。
    ① John Alton, "What We Talk About When We Talk About Literature:An Interview with Raymond Carver," in Marshall Bruce Gentry and William L. Stull, eds., Conversations with Carver, Jackson:University Press of Mississippi,1990, p.161.
    ② 肖铁:《译后记:卡佛与极简主义小说》,第241-242页。
    ③ 酗酒对卡佛的影响非常深刻,他也因此塑造了众多在艰难生活中养成酗酒习惯的人物。卡佛小说中的大多数人物也都因为酗酒而使自己的婚姻或生活濒临危机,比如短篇小说《小心》中的劳埃德因为酗酒而不得不与妻子伊内兹分居。
    ④ Raymond Carver, Fires:Essays, Poems, Stories, Santa Barbara:Capra Press,1983, p.27.
    ① Raymond Carver, Fires:Essays, Poems, Stories, pp.21-22.
    ② [美]雷蒙德·卡佛:《大教堂》,肖铁译,南京:译林出版社,2009年,第56页。本小节在文中引文后只标明页码的均出自该书。
    ① Robert Durante, The Dialectic of Self and Story:Reading and Storytelling in Contemporary American Fiction, New York and London:Routledge,2001, p.18.
    ① 于晓丹:《雷蒙·卡佛:人与创作》,《外国文学》1994年第2期,第48页。
    ① Robert Durante,The Dialectic of Self and Story:Reading and Storytelling In Contemporary American Fition, p.36.
    ① Randolph Paul Runyon, Reading Raymond Carver. Syracuse:Syracuse University Press,1992, p.185.
    ① 陆建德:《前言》,《灵魂之湾》,[美]罗伯特·斯通著,姚翠丽译,北京:人民文学出版社,2005年,第13页。
    ① 徐正芳:《灵魂、政治、爱情——评罗伯特·斯通的<灵魂之湾>》,《当代外国文学》2005年第3期,第163页。
    ② 朱世达:《从十本书看美国人的精神境界》,《读书》1982年第5期,第117页。
    ③ 朱世达:《从十本书看美国人的精神境界》,第117页。
    ④ [美]罗伯特·斯通:《灵魂之湾》,姚翠丽译,第2页。本节中引文后只标注页码的均出自该书。
    ① Gregory Stephenson, Understanding Robert Stone, Columbia:University of South Carolina Press,2002, p.1.
    ① J. Hillis Miller, On Literature, London and New York:Routledge,2002, p.45.
    ② [英]马克·柯里:《后现代叙事理论》,宁一中译,北京:北京大学出版社,2003年,第74页。
    ③ James Wood, How Fiction Works, London:Jonathan Cape,2008, p.168.引文系笔者自译,下同。
    ① James Wood, How Fiction Works, p.169.
    ② James Wood, How Fiction Works, p.169.
    ③ James Wood, How Fiction Works, p.186.
    ① Theodor W. Adorno, Notes to Literature, Vol.1, ed. Rolf Tiedemann, trans. Shierry Weber Nicholsen, New York: Columbia University Press,1991, p.30.
    ② 笔者认为,这也是学界至今迟迟没有在这类小说的名称上统一认识的原因之一,将它定义为“美国新现实主义小说”,或者“美国后现代现实主义小说”,或者是更宽泛地看就是“美国后现代派小说”,都有据可依。但学界公认的是这类小说更关注后现代时期的美国社会现实,因此,笔者以为“美国新现实主义小说”或“美国后现代现实主义小说”这两个名称凸显了现实主义在这类小说的体现,更为妥当。
    ③ David Lodge, "The Novelist Today:Still at the Crossroads?" in The Practice of Writing, p.6.
    ① M. H. Abrams, ed., A Glossary of Literary Terms (Seventh Edition), pp.145-146.此处引文系笔者自译,下同。
    ② M. H. Abrams, ed., A Glossary of Literary Terms (Seventh Edition), pp.194-195.
    ① Toming, A History of American Literature, Nanjing; Yilin Press,2002, p.145.
    ② 张冲主撰:《新编美国文学史(起始-1860)》(第1卷),上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000年,第230页。
    ③ 张冲主撰:《新编美国文学史(起始-1860)》(第1卷),第222页。
    ④ Toming, A History of American Literature, p.145.
    ① 陶洁:《美国文学选读》,北京:高等教育出版社,2005年,第6页。
    ② Toming, A History of American Literature, p.145.
    ① 刘英:《文学地域主义》,《外国文学》2010年第4期,第104页。
    ② [英]马克·柯里:《后现代叙事理论》,宁一中译,第101页。
    ① Susan Willis, Specifying:Black Women Writing the American Experience, Madison:University of Wisconsin Press,1987, p.94.
    ① Robert Stepto, "Intimate Things in Place:A Conversation with Toni Morrison," in Danille Taylor-Guthrie, ed., Conversations with Toni Morrison, Jackson:University Press of Mississippi,1994, p.12引文为笔者自译,下同。
    ② Robert Stepto, "Intimate Things in Place:A Conversation with Toni Morrison," p.10.
    ③ Robert Stepto, "Intimate Things in Place:A Conversation with Toni Morrison," p.11.
    ① 王守仁、吴新云:《性别·种族·文化——托妮·莫里森的小说创作》(修订版),北京:北京大学出版社,1999,第49页。
    ② 王守仁、吴新云:《性别·种族·文化——托妮·莫里森的小说创作》(修订版),第65页。
    ③ Robert Stepto, "Intimate Things in Place:A Conversation with Toni Morrison," pp.15-16.
    ① Robert Stepto, "Intimate Things in Place:A Conversation with Toni Morrison," p.14.
    ② Carmen Gillespie, Critical Companion to Toni Morrison:A Literary Reference to Her Life and Work, New York: Facts On File, Inc.,2008, p.249.
    ③ Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark:Whiteness and the Literary Imagination, New York:Vintage Books,1992, g.xii.
    ④ Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark:Whiteness and the Literary Imagination, pp.x-xi.
    ① Alan Cooper, Philip Roth and the Jews, Albany:State University of New York Press,1996, p.10.
    ② Alan Cooper, Philip Roth and the Jews, p.10.
    ① 何宁:《孤独的守望者——评保罗·奥斯特的<纽约三部曲>》,《译林》2006年第6期,第206页。
    ② Robert Weibezahl, "DeLillo's Cross-Town Trek," in Book Page:America's Book Review, April,2003.
    ① John Updike, "One-Way Street," in The New Yorker, March 31,2003.
    ① 王守仁、童庆生:《回忆、理解、想像、知识:论美国后现代现实主义小说》,第52页。
    ① 见2000年版英文小说City of God (New York:Plume)扉页。
    ① 李战子、韩秉建:《译序》,《上帝之城》,[美]E.L.多克特罗著,李战子、韩秉建译,南京:译林出版社,2004年,第5页。
    ① 王守仁主撰:《新编美国文学史(1945-2000)》(第4卷),第511页。
    ② Caryn James, "'Blood Meridian,'by Cormac McCarthy," in The New York Times, April 28,1985.
    ③ Caryn James, "'Blood Meridian,'by Cormac McCarthy," in The New York Times, April 28,1985.
    ① Harold Bloom, How to Read and Why, New York:Scribner,2000, pp.254-255.
    ② Harold Bloom, How to Read and Why, p.257.
    ③ Barcley Owens, Cormac McCarthy's Western Novels, Tucson:The University of Arizona Press,2000, p.x
    ① David Lodge, The Art of Fiction, New York:Viking Penguin,1992, p.216.引文内容系笔者自译,下同。
    David Lodge, The Art of Fiction, p.216.
    ① David Lodge, The Art of Fiction, p.217.
    ② H. Porter Abbott, "Story, Plot, and Narration," in David Herman, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Narrative, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2007, p.41.
    ③ H. Porter Abbott, "Story, Plot, and Narration," p.43.
    ④ H. Porter Abbott, "Story, Plot, and Narration," p.44.
    ① [美]J.希利斯·米勒:《解读叙事》,申丹译,北京:北京大学出版社,2002年,第43页。
    ② [美]J.希利斯·米勒:《解读叙事》,第47页。
    ③ [美]马克·吐温:《汤姆·索亚历险记》,朱建迅、郑康译,南京:译林出版社,2001年,第240页。
    ④ [美]J.希利斯·米勒:《解读叙事》,第44页。
    ⑤ [美]J.希利斯·米勒:《解读叙事》,第47页。
    ① 王守仁主撰:《新编美国文学史(1945-2000)》(第4卷),第149页。
    ② 姜涛:《当代美国小说的新现实主义视域》,第116页。
    ③ John Gardner, The Art of Fiction:Notes on Craft for Young Writers, New York:Vintage Books,1983, p184.引文系笔者自译。
    ① Rafael Perez-Torres, "Knitting and Knotting the Narrative Thread-Beloved as Postmodern Novel," in Modern Fiction Studies, Volume 39, Numbers 3&4, Fall/Winter 1993, p.690.
    ② 雷格:《前言》,《宠儿》,[美]托尼·莫里森著,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000年,第xii页。
    ① 雷格:《前言》,第xii页。
    ② Rafael Perez-Torres, "Knitting and Knotting the Narrative Thread-Beloved as Postmodern Novel," p.690.
    ① David Lodge, Language of Fiction:Essays in Criticism and Verbal Analysis of the English Novel, London and New York:Routledge,2002, p.xiii.
    ② [美] J.希利斯·米勒:《解读叙事》,第168页。
    ③ Michael Toolan, "Language," in David Herman, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Narrative, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2007, p.231.
    ④ David Lodge, Language of Fiction:Essays in Criticism and Verbal Analysis of the English Novel, p.5.
    ① [英1弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:《伍尔夫读书心得》,刘文荣译,上海:文汇出版社,2011年,第225页。
    ② 杨仁敬:《美国后现代派小说论》,第34-35页。
    ① 申丹、韩加明、王丽亚:《英美小说叙事理论研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年,第223页。
    ② Umberto Eco, On Literature, translated from the Italian by Martin McLaughlin, Orlando:Harcourt, Inc.,2004,p.311.此处引文系笔者自译。
    ① 杨仁敬:《美国后现代派小说论》,第21-26页。
    ② 杨仁敬:《美国后现代派小说论》,第27页。
    ③ 杨仁敬:《美国后现代派小说论》,第27页。
    ① 朱叶:《美国后现代社会的“死亡之书”——评唐德里罗的小说<白噪音>》,第160页。
    ① 在论证小说《白噪音》为美国后现代派小说时,学者们也经常引用这样的小说原文,认为这样的商业广告语在小说文本中的出现赋予小说以信息时代的特色,告知读者后现代主义时期人们的生活绝不可能归于平静,消费主义始终萦绕在后工业时期人们的眼前和心头。这里再次引用这样的小说原文来说明小说《白噪音》作为一部美国新现实主义小说的语言特征似乎有欠说服力,不过,我们应该看到,作为后现代派小说的《白噪音》和作为新现实主义小说的《白噪音》之问并不矛盾。从广义的层面来看,《白噪音》首先是作为一部后现代派小说存在的,但从狭义的层面理解,《白噪音》则是一部反映后现代美国社会现实的新现实主义小说,其文本中充斥的商业广告语影射了后现代时期的美国社会现实:消费主义潮流污染了人们的精神生态。这样的小说语言对小说主题构成的修辞作用就是隐喻。
    ② 王守仁主撰:《新编美国文学史(1945-2000)》(第4卷),第304页。
    ① 王守仁主撰:《新编美国文学史(1945-2000)》(第4卷),第306页。
    ② 王守仁主撰:《新编美国文学史(1945-2000)》(第4卷),第305页。
    ① Amy Tan, The Opposite of Fate:A Book of Musings, New York:G. P. Putnam's Sons,2003, p.279.
    ① David Lodge, "The Novelist Today:Still at the Crossroads?" in The Practice of Writing, p.11.
    ② [英]特里·伊格尔顿:《现象学,阐释学,接受理论——当代西方文艺理论》,王逢振译,南京:江苏教育出版社,2006年,第201页。
    ① J. Hillis Miller, Theory Now and Then, Durham:Duke University Press,1991, p.145.
    ② J. Hillis Miller, Theory Now and Then, p.145.
    ① 王腊宝、张哲:《译序》,《新批评》,[美]约翰·克罗·兰色姆著,王腊宝、张哲译,南京:江苏教育出版社,2006年,第3页。
    ② 王腊宝、张哲:《译序》,第5页。
    ① [美]雷纳·韦勒克:《近代文学批评史》(1750-1950),第六卷(中文修订版),杨自伍译,上海:上海译文出版社,2009年,第258页。
    ② J. Hillis Miller, Theory Now and Then, p.172.
    ③ J. Hillis Miller, Theory Now and Then, p.175.
    ① Alvin Kernan, The Death of Literature, New Haven & London:Yale University Press,1990, p.3.
    ① Jonathan Culler, On Deconstruction:Theory and Criticism after Structuralism, Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2004, p.7.
    ② Jonathan Culler, On Deconstruction:Theory and Criticism after Structuralism, p.17.
    ③ Jonathan Culler, On Deconstruction:Theory and Criticism after Structuralism, p.18.
    ① J.Hillis Miller,Theory Now and Then,pp.185-186.此处引文为笔者自译。
    ① Harold Bloom, The Western Canon:The Books and School of the Ages, New York:Harcourt Brace & Company,1994,p.3.此处引文为笔者自译。
    ② Ken Shulman, "We Have Lost the War" (interview), in Newsweek, Nov.7,1994, p.62.
    ③ Harold Bloom, The Western Canon:The Books and School of the Ages, p.10.
    ④ 盛宁:《对“理论热”消退后美国文学研究的思考》,《文艺研究》2002年第6期,第9页。
    ④ Ken Shulman, "We Have Lost the War" (interview), p.62.
    ① 盛宁:《对“理论热”消退后美国文学研究的思考》,第6-7页。
    ② 盛宁:《对“理论热”消退后美国文学研究的思考》,第6页。
    ③ Vincent B. Leitch, Living with Theory, Malden:Blackwell Publishing,2008, p.1.
    ④ Vincent B. Leitch, Living with Theory, p.13.
    ⑤ Vincent B. Leitch, Living with Theory, p.15.
    ① Vincent B. Leitch, Living with Theory, p.9.此处引文为笔者自译。
    ② Vincent B. Leitch, Living with Theory, p.11.
    ③ Vincent B. Leitch, Living with Theory, p.128.
    ① Vincent B. Leitch, Living with Theory, p.128.
    ① [英]马克·柯里:《后现代叙事理论》,宁一中译,第50页。
    ② 申丹、韩加明、王丽亚:《英美小说叙事理论研究》,第222页。
    ① Justine Tally, Toni Morrison's Beloved:Origins, New York & London:Routledee.2009.p.xiii.
    ② Justine Tally, Toni Morrison's Beloved:Origins, p.xiv.
    ① [英]特里·伊格尔顿:《现象学,阐释学,接受理论——当代西方文艺理论》,王逢振译,第194页。
    ② 朱新福、张慧荣:《后殖民生态批评述略》,《当代外国文学》2011年第4期,第25页。
    ③ 朱新福、张慧荣:《后殖民生态批评述略》,第27页。
    ① 杨仁敬:《美国后现代派小说论》,第28页。
    ① 具体的被邀请评委名单可参见"The Judges," in The New York Times Book Review, May 21,2006.
    ② "What Is the Best Work of American Fiction of the Last 25 Years?" in The New York Times Book Review, May 21.2006.
    ③ 2006年,《纽约时报书评》曾邀请小说家简嘶迈利(Jane Smiley)和迈克尔·坎宁安(Michael Cunningham)、评论家斯蒂芬·梅特卡夫(Stephen Metcalf)和莫里斯·迪克斯坦(Morris Dickstein)讨论有关评选“25年来出版的美国最优秀小说”的调查和当代美国小说的状况。具体内容可参见访谈录:《25年来的美国小说》([美]简·斯迈利等著,李红侠译),《译林》2006年第6期,第181-185页。
    ① A. O. Scott, "In Search of the Best," in The New York Times Book Review, May 21,2006.此处引文系笔者自译。
    ② Barbara Kiefer Lewalski, "English Literature at the American Moment," in Emory Elliott, ed, Columbia Literary History of the United States, New York:Columbia University Press,1988, p.24.
    ① Harold Bloom, The Western Canon:The Books and School of the Ages, pp.20-21.此处引文系笔者自译。
    ② Lee Morrissey, "Introduction:'The Canon Brawl:Arguments over the Canon'," in Lee Morrissey ed., Debating the Canon:A Reader from Addison to Nafisi, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2005, p.2此处引文系笔者自译。
    ① 陈红、成祖堰:《<白噪音>的叙事策略与文体风格》,《当代外国文学》2009年第3期,第78-79页。
    ① [美]温迪·斯坦纳:《后现代小说——1960年至1990年》,《剑桥美国文学史》(第七卷),[美]萨克文·伯科维奇主编,孙宏主译,第518页。着重号为笔者添加。
    ② 陈红、成祖堰:《<白噪音>的叙事策略与文体风格》,第81页。
    ① [美]伊万·卡顿、吉拉尔德·格拉夫:《1940年以来的文学批评》,《剑桥美国文学史》(第八卷),[美]萨克文·伯科维奇主编,杨仁敬等主译,北京:中央编译出版社,2007年,第260页。
    ② William J. Bennett, "To Reclaim a Legacy," in Lee Morrissey ed., Debating the Canon:A Reader from Addison to Nafisi, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2005, p.113.
    ① William J. Bennett, "To Reclaim a Legacy," in Lee Morrissey ed., Debating the Canon:A Reader from Addison to Nafisi,p.115.
    ② William J. Bennett, "To Reclaim a Legacy," in Lee Morrissey ed., Debating the Canon:A Reader from Addison to Nafisi, p.115.
    ③ William J. Bennett, "To Reclaim a Legacy," in Lee Morrissey ed., Debating the Canon:A Reader from Addison to Nafisi,p.116.
    ④ William J. Bennett, "To Reclaim a Legacy," in Lee Morrissey ed., Debating the Canon:A Reader from Addison to Nafisi, p.116.
    ① Roger Kimball, "Speaking Against the Humanities," in Lee Morrissey ed., Debating the Canon:A Reader from Addison to Nafisi, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2005, p.172.
    ① [美]伊万·卡顿、吉拉尔德·格拉夫:《1940年以来的文学批评》,《剑桥美国文学史》(第八卷),[美]萨克文·伯科维奇主编,杨仁敬等主译,第263页。
    ① [美]温迪·斯坦纳:《后现代小说——1960年至1990年》,《剑桥美国文学史》(第七卷),[美]萨克文·伯科维奇主编,孙宏主译,第499-500页。该处引文中一些作家的译名与我国学界现有译名略有不同,比如Thomas Pynchon常译作托马斯·品钦、Philip Roth常译作菲利普·罗斯、Don DeLillo常译作唐·德里罗,等等。为尊重译文起见,引用时未作改动。
    ① Malcolm Bradbury, Possibilities:Essays on the State of the Novel, London & New York:Oxford University Press,1973, p.167.
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