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Ecological economy,circular economy is a new economic development model the late1990s,the United States,Germany,the European Union and other major western industrialized countries and regions for the rapid development due to the emergence of resource and environmental problems. At present,agricultural development in China is facing severe ecological difficulties,under the dual pressures of resources and the environment. Here is a inevitable choice,that is, drawing on the Agricultural Circular Economy Theory of developed Western countries,having an in-depth research on and applying the basic concepts of Agricultural Circular Economy Theory scientifically. In order to get harmonious development between human being and nature,overcome the ecological difficulties of agricultural development and transform the way of agricultural development,the actual condition of our country's agricultural development needs to be concerned,Agricultural Circular Economy Theory also needs to be applied creatively. This paper describes the theoretical basis of agro-ecological systems development,a clear rationale and system characteristics and the basic types of agricultural ecological development system,focus on the concept of super-cycle economy on the path of development of the agro-ecological system analysis,its characteristics,behavior and path studies. we take Guizhou as an sample to do the case studies to find out the measures that can promote the development of ecological agriculture.The main contents and conclusions are listed as follows:
     First,based on agro-ecological theory,economic theory and the evolution of super-cycle theory,we put forward the concept model of super-cycle economy,we hold the view that circular economy is based on super cycle theory in the principal of efficiency and harmony. The theory holds the idea that circular economy reasonably regulates man and nature's composite contradictory movement,scientific planning, organization and management of production,distribution,consumption and emissions,thus,continuing to meet man and nature's needs;we also have an analysis of the economic system,that is running super-cycle "symbiotic (interdependent) principle checks,balances (constraints) principles and transformation (loop) principles","reduce,recycle,reuse,and innovation",the"4R" principle,the"open,efficient, interactive, inclusive"principal.Research and scientific basis of the intrinsic relationship Hypercycle economic development and ecological agriculture,ecological agriculture is proposed based on the analytical framework developed over the path of circular economy:the path to three cycles of evolution analysis, impact analysis of the behavior of the path formed by the three cycle path design.
     Second,we analyze the basic rules and agro-ecological characteristics of the evolution of the development path based on the basic content of super-cycle economy, in the guidance of evolution of economic theory and the theory of institutional change. We proposed the breakthrough model and direction. We consider that the evolution of agricultural ecological development path will experienced following five process:given conditions,implementation promotion,the state of formation,breakthrough path. We think the government play a leading role in the development process in the implementation of industrial ecology,the earlier to start,the lower the investment management and ecological costs,the smaller the impact on economic and social development. On the contrary,the later to start,the greater the investment,the greater the impact on the economic and social development;Our research lay a solid foundation for future study and through the model we found the mechanism of the economic system and the super-cycle three cycles of evolution conditions.
     Third,based on the result of a game analysis,we analyze the the development of ecological agriculture in the process of stakeholders:producers,regulators,consumer behavior in specific agro-ecological processes,"ecological chain"form,"Ecological Technology innovation" process and the super-cycle economy"system to form a" course of conduct selection game analysis.Found that:(1) In the process of tripartite game,for assuming that the angle of economic man,the three will choose the best time to decide whether to participate in eco-development activities. Producers exist"luck",not a lot of pressure,I can escape the escape;managers are also"speculation",eco-development costs,if not high,the pressure is not on,then no matter;consumers exist" wait and see attitude"to bring their own great loss, the distribution of benefits and more on supervision, otherwise no matter what.(2)In the "industrial ecological chain" formation game,between the interests of the game producers is an important factor to make the upstream and downstream producers cooperative approach in the long term,both sides of the policy are met"incentive compatibility" condition;this needs of the public,government and enterprises to work together to complete.(3) Evolutionary Game Theory in the"development of agro-ecological system", formed,that under the assumption of bounded rationality,companies choose through the market will promote the formation of the park,but the park after the key is whether the stable development of enterprises to join revenue size,Government by providing incentives factor.increasing external pressures ecological measures to promote the stable development of the park (4) analyzed the game model assumptions and game analysis to achieve optimal results measures to meet the conditions of realization approaches proposed to strengthen the law,increasing external pressure to build cooperation platform,building a shared mechanism to provide incentives and subsidies for eco-effective measures.
     Fourth,in the path of agricultural development in eco-design studies,based on the theoretical framework of economic super-cycle,combined with the findings and breakthrough mechanisms evolution path,and the path to influence the behavior of game analysis concluded,from the "inner loop,the loop and super-cycle"three angles,is designed based on"agro-ecological agriculture development path Hypercycle economy ".(1)Agricultural Development Mechanism ecological path. One is that the mode of development of organic agriculture is the vision for the development of ecological agriculture,the current food security mainly China,the development of agriculture is a viable way to super-cycle;Second,focus on aspects of the production mechanism for the establishment of cleaner production patterns,Third aspects of the operating mechanism pay more attention to ecological farming techniques,the rationalization of chemical inputs,production of structural composites.(2) the construction of super-cycle agricultural park,requiring the W model,G mode or H mode,build ultra-cycle agricultural park;construction (3) super cycle of agricultural campus network,from a regional types,can build a regional,wide area agricultural industrial park network both virtuous cycle of economic systems,social systems and ecosystems;from the functional types,can be constructed production,circulation type,reduced and service-oriented Hypercycle agricultural park.
     Fifth,from the institutional,economic and technical safeguards proposed three levels of agricultural ecological development. Considered:one regime to develop a macro-oriented legal system,in view of the systematic construction of industrial policy, and improve the application of technical specifications microscopic attention humane informal system design;Second,the economic aspects of pricing strategy to reform agricultural resources,strengthening Pigou means of the application,start the agricultural market regulation,financial support to strengthen agriculture;Third,the technical aspects of the strategy to implement eco-technology,targeted implementation of eco-related technological innovation,strengthen the construction of technological innovation.
     Sixth,Guizhou,analyzes the development path based on agro-ecological problems Hypercycle economy,analyzes the history,current situation and problems of ecological agriculture development in Guizhou, summed up,tea,grass cycling livestock industry in Guizhou rice,economic practice and Experience;respectively,from the super-cycle agricultural development,agricultural park and ultra-ultra-loop cycle three levels of agricultural campus building was constructed in Agriculture super cycle of economic development system,the formation of a favorable economic systems,social systems and ecosystems healthy,harmonious and healthy development of agriculture super-cycle economic system.
     In short,in several aspects from the theme of "super-cycle economy'three cycles of'analytical framework" to build agro-ecological papers on the development path of a study that "agriculture super-cycle economy"is to promote the development of ecological agriculture valid path,its meaning broad,rich epitaxial performance is a valid path facilitate the resolution of modern agro-ecological dilemma.
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