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There has been growing global resource depletion, environmental pollution and ecological deterioration with the growth of economy and industrialization since 1960’s, there is obvious contradiction between the Industrial activities and the resources and environment. The conflict between industry and resources and environment has become a outstanding constraint to China's sustainable development of economy. There was almost no substantive progress in solving Resources and environmental problems with traditional methods. the end control of environmental technology has not fundamentally eliminate the waste, and even produced new pollution; government’s regulation does not solve the ever increasing resources and the environment crisis caused by industrial activity. People began to reflect on and review the traditional values and concept of development, realized that the traditional model of economic development would only exacerbate the predatory resource development and the serious damage to the environment. Human beings should seek new development model from a wider range of height to realize coordinated development of the economy, social, resource and environment. concept of sustainable development, industrial ecology, recycling economy have been Pointed out the specified direction for promoting Ecologicalization of industrial activities.
     As an important forms of industrial organization at the present stage, looking on the studies about externality of the SMEs cluster, whether Marshall's "Economic Principle", or later economists studies have been focused on the external economies, but rather on the cluster negative environmentale externalities of the cluster, leading to more serious environmental damage negative externalities with larger gathering. SMEs cluster’s ecologicalization is expression of eco-industrial ecology, recycling economy and the level of advanced stage. There has important theoretical and practical significance to study this issue. The paper illustrates the basic connotation of industrial ecosystems and industrial ecology principles and characteristics of the system in the back of industrial ecosystems sources of economic thought and review the history of industrial ecology. Try to explore the development of SMEs cluster ecological path as a starting point for research in order to study clusters of SMEs in China.
     Following the logical framework of "concept definition and theoretical basis→model →dynamic mechanism→security system, " we achieves the following results and conclusions:
     Firstly, refering PSR model when analysis quantitative situation of the agriculture-related SMEs cluster, establish a three-dimensional model to evaluate the performance of cluster through comprehensive analysising of "pressure", "state" and the "response"of the cluster’s ecological development, and have a case analysis of the model.
     Secondly, point out that the formation of the ecologicalization of agriculture-related SMEs cluster is self-organization-Planning symbiotic way through comparison the dynamic mechanism of evolution of tecological enterprise clusters and non-ecosystem. That is, through government guidance, policies, regulations and public participation, and non-governmental organizations (such as research institutions, associations, venture capital funds, etc.)technical financial supporting,form the symbiotic network and ecosystem of the agriculture-related SMEs cluster on basis of the resources exchange and the target of improving resource utilization, reducing production and operating costs, enhancing economic efficiency and environmental benefits.
     Thirdly, propose two typical patterns of the ecologicalization of agriculture-related SMEs cluster: vertical closed-type and transverse coupling type according to the affiliations of enterprises in the cluster under the guidance of ecosystem, industrial symbiosis and industrial metabolism. Discuss the meaning, prerequisite and the way operayion of the two models.Then have cases analysis of the two models using a Woertaile Lotka (Lotka-Volterra) prey model cluster to analysis the behavior of upstream enterprises and downstream enterprises in the exchange of waste or by-product In the analysis of vertical closed mode, and have a conclution: it help upstream and downstream enterprises to reach equilibrium improving downstream business’transformation efficiency and the purchase rate of upstream enterprise’s in the limited agriculture-related environment of SMEs cluster.
     Fifthly, analysis the dynamic mechanism of ecologicalization of agriculture-related SMEs cluster from endogenous and exogenous perspective, and think that endogenous type momentumprofits such as economies of scale, competition and cooperation, market prices changes of resources is basic mechanism, otherwise external power mechanism such as the restraint and incentive system of government, promotion of intermediary organizations and balancesis of public and non-governmental organizations is effective mechanism to guide and promote the ecologicalization of the cluster. The synergistic formes dynamic mechanism system of the ecologicalization of agriculture-related SMEs cluster.
     Sixthly, analysis the behavior of material exchange between two agriculture-related enterprises in SMEs cluster using game of theory, and have a conclusion: the enterprises in cluster will selecte material exchange under to promote coexistence and ecological development of cluster. Analysis the game between the enterprise and government under the ecology direction, and have a conclusion: it requires government intervention in order to form a circular economy as soon as possible, and it will achieve a better stimulus incentives when the intervention efforts achieve a certain intensity.
     Seventhly, the ecologicalization of agriculture-related SMEs cluster needs participation of many main subject such as system innovation of government, the technical support of scientific research institutes, trade and communication services of associations according to the system theory.
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