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Increasingly serious problem of agriculture has received the unprecedented attention of the whole society; the central authorities issued a series of landmark agricultural policy, such as agricultural tax exemption, the development of modern agriculture, rural areas, attempting to change the status of agriculture. However, the situation of the three agricultural issues in the new period is still grim, to solve these issues takes a long time, how to "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"is also still in the preliminary explored. Faced with the grim situation of the three rural problems, in the background of the central increasing the efforts of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", the study from the point of view of the integration between the main body to probe into how to upgrade the effect of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"in the new period. Thus, this study starts with the concept of "subsidizing and developing agriculture " and correlative basic issues , on the basis of hackling existing study and relative theory, definituding the concept and basic areas of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", and then by analysising the actuality of the three agricultural issues and the effect of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", to discuss "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"the integration of the main conditions on the operation of the interactive effects of constraints, revealing the the main interaction Problems and deep-rooted causes of the main interaction in "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", and on this basis, to research and design the main mode and the realization of path about the main body's interactive integration of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"in the new period. Firstly, the main research content
     In this paper, the following five areas have been researched.
     (1)To explore and norm the concept and basic category of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry".According to the central policy and the reality of the three agricultural issues, Combination of existing research and relevant theory, to norm the intension of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry".And further from the view of what is "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"," why to "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", how to "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country", to discuss the basis, tasks, subjects, methods, channels and the main interaction relationship of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", in order to lay a theoretical foundation for the full text of the study.
     (2) Discuss the basic task and the main channel of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry". The basic task of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"is to evaluate the effect of the criterion run of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"at this stage, it is also central issue of implementing "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"in the future. Taking into account the "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"was made against the background of the highlighted three rural issues, this paper started with the main performance of the three agricultural problems, resolved the substance of the three agricultural issues , combined with the grim situation of the three agricultural issues to discuss the basic task of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry". On this basis, according to the relationship of market-related economic actors , discussed and sorted out the main channel of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"at this stage, in order to establish the basis for evaluating the operating results of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry".
     (3) Analysis the operation situation of the existing "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", and evaluate its practical results. On the basis of sorting out the main channel of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", to classify the " subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry" into the government-led financial markets to support agriculture and the government to guide the main marketer support agriculture,and from the specific channels, the main implementation body, the implementation modes and specific measures and so on , to analysis the operate situation of each channel, and then assess practical results arising from the basic tasks of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country".
     (4) To explore and reveal the main problems exsits in"subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"integration of the interaction and why at this stage. According to the result of analysis the operation of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"to explore the constraints of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"main interactive integration situation that effect to "subsidizing and developing agriculture", and to further analysis the specific issues existed in the main interactive integration of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", and then analyzes the reasons for these problems.
     (5) Research and design the basic modes and the realization of paths of the main interactive integration of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"in the new period. Based on analysis the main problems exsits in"subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"integration of the interaction and why at this stage, and according to the characteristics of the three agricultural issues, further defined the basic ideas and should adhere to the basic principles of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country",and according to the designed basic pattern, to advance the basic paths of integration of all aspects of power and achieve the positive interaction. between 1 main bodies.
     Secondly, the main conclusions and important points.
     (1) Government-led agro-financial direct effect of increasing the income of the farmers was not obvious, but to improve the agricultural resources with the traditional advantages of a major agricultural province of agricultural output are more pronounced effect, rural and social development, health, social security and other fields did not receive sufficient support. The reseach estimated that the use of ordinary least-squares regression, ridge regression estimates and the method of principal components is estimated that expenditure on financial support for agriculture and farmers income growth analysis of the relationship between the results show that the fiscal income of the farmers between agriculture and the negative partial correlation relations, that is, excluding other factors affect the income of rural residents after the impact, the state financial expenditure for agriculture has played virtually no growth promoting effect of the income of the farmers. Evaluation of the use of DEA methods on different parts of the country the financial efficiency of agriculture on the agricultural output of the analysis, results showed that the traditional big agricultural province, the efficiency of financial support for agriculture is relatively high, and the lack of resources in agricultural production areas, the relative efficiency of financial support for agriculture terms are also relatively low. Specific input from the actual demand and the gap between analysis, show that the rural and social development, health, social security and other areas did not receive sufficient support.
     (2) Government guide the market players support agriculture acquired in spite of not a small achievement in nurturing agriculture-related market players, increase their income, raise the level of agricultural modernization and the promotion of rural economic and social development, but also for agriculture are far from providing long-term sustainable and stable development platform the benefits of constraints has also been considerable.
     According to the specific measures of support and guidance, financial institutions, rural development and agriculture-related business, as well as financial institutions, agro-specific manner and the benefit of three agriculture analysis shows that financial institutions, government guidance in support of agro-food acquisition, large-scale agricultural development projects and rural infrastructure has played an important role, but the specific aspects of increasing the effectiveness of the income of the farmers was not obvious. According to the specific measures of support and guidance, the development of agriculture-related enterprises, as well as agriculture-related enterprises of the agro-specific manner and the benefit of agriculture analysis, and demonstrates the Government guide enterprises to support agriculture in order to increase the income of the fanners to enhance the level of agricultural modernization and prosperity of the rural economy has made important achievements, but the main problem is that business and the relationship between agriculture is still relatively fragile, and the existence of damage to agriculture business interests, long-term sustainable development of agriculture has not yet set up the platform, while the entire The surface is also very limited benefit.
     (3) The main interaction of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"affects the overall effects of "support agriculture" from both the collaboration missing and division of labor constraints. "Subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"as a subject involving a large number of systems engineering, in addition to outside input, who is going to vote, to vote through the channels, where the successful bidder of all kinds of subjects in the "subsidizing and developing agriculture " the process of how the division of labor how to cope with, that is, " Subsidizing and developing agriculture," the main problem of interaction is also a very key issue. Lack of collaboration among the main constraints of the three agricultural problems break the vicious circle, resulting in severe recessive loss of three agricultural interests, resulting in the widening gap between urban and rural areas difficult to fundamentally reverse the trend. Division of the main bottlenecks that lead to bias can not be resolved, not the rational allocation of limited investment, as well as difficult to give full play to the existing role of input. Missing from the collaboration and division of labor bias of the specific performance, in all the main areas of collaboration, focus on direct financial support for agriculture, to guide the market, not the main emphasis on agriculture; emphasis on bank credit to guide agriculture, importance of agriculture to guide the insurance not enough; emphasis on the industrialization of agriculture leading agriculture enterprises, and township enterprises and small and medium-sized guide not placed enough emphasis on agriculture. Division of labor in all the main aspects of the issue of more importance to agriculture, and farmers and rural issues are often ignored; short-term and direct problem solving, do not attach importance to long-term and based on problem solving, attention to explicit support, not the loss of attention to hidden problems; in the support of specific object, some object is over-investment in certain object is ignored. These issues with the multi-management system to support agriculture and the government is directly related to preferences.
     (4)The conformity between the main body of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"depends on the the government and the market main body should play a main role in a reasonable position, and theat achieving the aim,it is necessary that improve the rural market system to build an interactive platform; reform the agriculture management system to build an interactive relationship, normative acts of the Government of holding out agriculture to ensure the positive interaction. The conformity between the main body of subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"acoords the different nature of the subject, definitudes the role promoting the t positive interaction between the main body in the he process of subsidizing and developing agriculture", in order to achieve the integration of the whole society force. Government as the main responsibility body,the implementation body, the main incentive and supervision; its the main task is to improve the system, afford public goods, regulate external, improve quality of farmers and stabilize dramatic fluctuations in market prices. Financial institutions as a implementation body for"subsidizing and developing agriculture ", and it is also the main market operators, and its main function is i providing the support of credit, insurance and other financial services in the process of subsidizing and developing agriculture". Enterprise as a implementation body for"subsidizing and developing agriculture", and the main market operators, its main functions is to promote growth of the income of the farmers and enhance the modernization level of agriculture and the rural through the transaction the goods and elements. To achieve the conformity between the main body of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"needs perfect the circulation system of rural land, reform the household registration system and improve the fanner employment and social security system in order to build a platform for interaction between the main body of subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"; through the reform the relationship of government departments at all levels, between the Governments, between the Government and market players to build an interactive relationship; through the process and the institutionalization of the government's actions to ensure that the benign interaction between the main body of subsidizing and developing agriculture ".
     Thirdly, the main innovation.
     (1) The innovation of define the concept. The mainly innovation is toadvance the new view of subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry" . Although"subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"、"subsidizing and developing industry by agriculture"and the agricultural support in developed countries have an important relation at this stage, but because of the different background of subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"、"subsidizing and developing industry by agriculture",as well as the different national conditions between developed countries and China, simply figuring subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry as the industry feeds agriculture, and our nation learning of the agricultural support in developed countries, not being in line with the current complexion implemented subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry, and not being conducive to the scienced implementation of subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry. Thus, the comments of this study will draw on existing research and theory, based on the facing task system and the special background of subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry, making the new definition for"subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry". This article holds that the "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"is the support and help that in the background of three agricultural problems are increasingly serious and agriculture proportion in the national economy is significantly droping, based on market mechanisms alone can not solve the issue of agriculture, the Government had adopted the means of market intervention and the redistribution, adjusting the structure of national income distribution, encouraging and promoting the development of agriculture.
     (2) The innovation of perspective. There are two aspects of innovation perspective. First, this study explores the problems of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"from the perspective of interaction between the main body of subsidizing and developing agriculture", and put forwaed the policy measures of improving the effect of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"from this point of view. The general study starts with how to step up from the "premium agricultural" efforts, as well as how to put into. This study is focused on how to integrate interactive relationship between the main body of "subsidizing and developing agriculture", in order to make the the resources exert maximum impact as far as possible, producing the best results. Second, this study will divide the current "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"into two departs, a direct government-led financial supporting agriculture and the government to guide the market to support agriculture. "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"is an extremely complex and large practical problems, how to reflect the ongoing practice of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country" in a comprehensive and systematic way is a new problem. As a result of the complex nature of practice of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", easily leading to a general one-sidedness, the point of view of this study is that the government is the first main body, but not the only implement body, according to the role of the implementation of the channels divide the "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"into direct government-led financi al supporting agriculture and the government to guide the market to support agriculture ,this is a innovation.
     (3) The innovation of viewpoint. The main point of view papers may be have three aspects of innovation. First, the new point of view of the essence of the problems of agriculture, as well as the basic task of "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry". The promise of definituding the basic task of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"is corrent acquaintanceship of the probleme of three rural . The problem of three rural seems to be simple, but as a result of their problems are too complex, easy to form a one-sided understanding:or stressed agricultural modernization, or stressed the issue of food security, or stressed the income of the farmers, or emphasized different problems in rural areas and backward adequate. In this study, based on the integrity of the issues of three rural, analysed the rural issues from the interrelated and mutually constraining, which make the basic tasks of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"as a systematic project. Secondly, putting forward new problems and the reasons based on the existing "subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry". As a result of this study explores the problems of "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"from the perspective of interaction between the main body of "subsidizing and developing agriculture ",different from the traditional "subsidizing and developing agriculture" efforts and how to research point of input, so the ""subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry"" and the reasons for the problems there are some new ideas and conclusions. Thirdly, how to upgrade in the future ""subsidizing and developing agriculture by industry", the effect of a new point of view. The same research-based perspective of the different from this study how to coordinate the various ""subsidizing and developing agriculture " the main relationship, the main force to integrate and realize the benign interaction between the point of view of the main initiatives to improve the "agricultural workers make up" effect of countermeasures.
     As a result of the "subsidizing to agriculture, peasant and country"is the currently great deepening social practice in our country in the course of the completion of this study, the new problems continually arise, new policies and measures to keep out, for these new problems and new policies and measures, this study failed to reflect the very good and in-depth study, which need to follow-up study to explore further.
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