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As the continuous improvement of China's consumption level, food safety problem have gradually become the focus of all the consumers. Base on the different operation mode of a supply chain, this dissertation addressed a new method to confirm food safety. That is the Closed (Sealed) Supply Chain. Three different ways to keep food under supervision were proposed: market access model by government, multi-nodded detect model by producers and information traceback system model of consumers. Economics and management related research methodology was being applied to explain the theory. At the same time, government institutions and related policy recommendations were listed based on the closed food supply chain in urban system.
     On the framework structure, text of this dissertation was divided into eight chapters. The first chapter of the thesis was a part of preface, mainly about the theoretical and practical background, the research subject, and the sources of research ideas, methodology, significance, techniques and innovations. Chapter 1 also summarized supply chain related concepts, cleared the theoretical definition and made some comparisons, which laid the foundation of the full text.
     ChapterⅡsummarized and overviewed the relevant theories and literatures in accordance with the thesis. According to the review, supply chain operation mode could be divided into three categories: one was the research of supply chain operation mode, which was summarized into two major categories, focus on the flexibility or focus on cost control. Adding new elements into the supply chain operation model were more and more popular, and the factor of food safety became the research content of this thesis; the second category was food supply chain research. These studies for the food supply chain provides a basis for further study of operation model; the third category was food safety related research, which included consumers, producers and government, echoed back with the core chapters of this dissertation(Chapter 4,5,6).
     ChapterⅢstated the basic facts of China's food supply chain. By summarizing the development status and system of food production and circulation, some problems get involved with food safety were analysed, as well as developed countries' experiences on food production and distribution system. The full text of this part was the basis of the following theoretical analysis.
     ChapterⅣ,ⅤandⅥare the core chapters of this article. They were based on different behavioral agent: the government's actions, the producer and consumer's behavior. These three closed model of the food supply chain constitute a food closed supply chain operation mode. ChapterⅣdiscussed urban food supply chain with the government market access through various nodes. This market access is a mandatory system and an implementation of production and management control for food quality and safety. Game theory was employed to help analysing the model. The conclusion was that market access system gave defect food producers a high-cost signal which would allow the market to achieve separate-equilibrium and keep the protection of food safety.
     ChapterⅤwas mainly about the discussion of the safety related behavior by the producers. Base on the responsibility integration of the core enterprise in the supply chain and multi-nodded detection system, this chapter tried to build a closed city food supply chain operation model. The theoretical concept model had been built to discuss how to operate a self-testing multi-nodded detection system under four different types of core enterprise model. Chapter V also analyzed the cost of quality accurred along with the multi-nodded detection system, mainly about the impaction of logistics costs and economic production quantities (EPQ) to food producers and operaters of the supply chain.
     ChapterⅥdicussed food safety related consumer behavior. First of all, a preliminary analysis of the willingness to pay and traceback behavior for food safety was conducted. Then further analyzed of both behavior were made via classic Hotelling Game theoretical model to discuss the impact on food supply chain. The expansion of Hotelling Game model gave us a clear view on how the consumer-based behaviors influence the market share, revenue etc. The dissertation also described the conditions on building the traceback information system.
     On the basis of the preceding chapters, both the theoretical analysis and the reality overview, ChapterⅦproposed an integrated construction of urban food closed supply chain based on the conclusions of ChaptersⅣ,ⅤandⅥ, as well as the coordination of the three different closed operation methods and the coordination between the supply chain and the policy environment.
     ChapterⅧput forward policy recommendations on the construction of city food closed supply chain. Both supporting policy of construction of China's city food closed supply chain and complementary policy. As the coordination and complementation to food closed supply chain, government policies played a very important role on food safety.
     Chapter nine is a peroration, in which the conclusions of the dissertation were summarized and an appraisal was also were demonstrated as well to look into the future study of this issue.
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