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Plate and strip production plays an important role in national economy. The crown and shape is the main accuracy standard of plate-strip product, and the rolling mills type is the important element of affecting the crown and shape. The 1800 5-stand cold tandem mill and 5000 wide plate mill will be introduced in later tertiary engineering of Baosteel. As foreign merchant in the quotation tendered variant rolling mills type, the rolling mills type selection is a important subject which needs be researched conscientiously when made decision.
    The pass schedule is the main technological substance in plate and strip production, and is the base of calculation of the rolling mills type selection. It is not satisfaction to needs that the pass schedule was laid down only by empirical method as the very fast development of rolling technology, then the majorized technology of pass schedule is gradual taken seriously by people. At first, based on rolling pressure calculation model that was taken consideration of rolled piece elastic deformation, using mixed friction model, in this paper, accurate solution about rolling force longitudinal distribution at deformation zone, the open question is researched and analysis in the pass schedule of Baosteel 2030 cold tandem mill. The majorized calculation model of rolling regulation on cold strip mill is established with the multiple objective function indued shape object that the power dispensed uniform and the front tension force transverse distributed uniform, with the constraint condition of rolled piece biting
     condition, maximal rolling pressure, maximal rolling torque, and antihunting slipping, then the canonical specification manufactured are analysis and calculated of Baosteel 2030 mill and the 1800 5-stand cold tandem mill. For the requirement of 5000 wide plate rolling mills type selecting, based on the characteristic of wide plate is been researched, and the pass schedule of canonical specification manufactured is design calculated.
    Against the nine types of rolling mills about the 1800 5-stand cold tandem mill, using the new theory of selecting cold strip rolling mill model that the ability of shape control is considered, the indexes are comprehensive considered of the control ability of thickness distribution of strip form, the lateral direction rigidity against rolling pressure, the lateral direction rigidity against bending force and the roll contact pressure distribution, the features and characters of each in the nine's are comprehensive analysis.
    Then the programmer is analysis of selecting the 1800 5-stand cold tandem mill, which supply of technical support for new item of the 1800, and obtain better effect. For increasing the over-all properties of rolling mills, the optimization design for rolls system parameter of cold rolling mill using rolling mill design theory combination linkage modem optimization methods.
    The detailed calculation and paired analyzing is taken for the four types of wide plate mills which was presented by the new 5000 item groups of the Baosteel, and the merits and faults in wide plate milling are contrasted emphasis on two types of rolling mills model and two kinds of roll shape curve. Against the feature of wide plate, the thrust force of PC mill is detailed calculated and analyzed, and the influence of crossing angle on PC mill to side form of plate is stimulated with elastic-plastic finite element method, It is a certain guide significance to formulate rolling regulation of wide plate on PC mill.
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