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夏枯草(Prunella vulgaris L.)为唇形科夏枯草属多年生草本植物,以干燥果穗入药,临床应用广泛,同时还可用于化工、食品以及观赏等。
Prunella vulgaris L.,plant of its fruit cluster,is a Chinese medicinal material gathering drug,edible,view and admire.
     Excellent germplasm is the basis and key to ensure the quality of Chinese medicine material.It is important to study characteristic of germplasm and seed vigor of Chinese medicinal material.This paper studies the quality classification standard of the seed of P.vulgaris from different population,seed priming technology which improves seed vigor, and the characteristic of seed mucilage.The results are as follows:
     1.The seed purity,1 000 seeds weight,seed moisture content,seed relative conductivity and seed viability of P.vulgaris of 34 different population were tested and these indexes were analyzed by K clustering.The results showed that the seed purity,1 000 seeds weight,seed moisture content,seed relative conductivity and seed viability of P. vulgaris from different population exist significantly differences.Three final cluster centers were obtained by K clustering analysis.Based on three final clusters of these indexes and practical production,seed quality standard of P.vulgaris were divided into three classes.It was scientific to class the seed qulity standard through mathematical clustering and benefit for good agriclutural practice of P.vulgaris.
     2.P.vulgaris seeds were primed with different methods.Salt stress was made by the different concentrations of NaCl solutions,drought stress was made by the different concentrations of polyethylene glycol(PEG).The paper studies seed germination in stress and influence by priming technology on the vigor and stress-resistance of P.vulgaris seeds. As concentrations of stress increasing,seed germination reduced.Primied seeds with PEG, GA_3,KNO_3-KH_2PO_4 under proper concentration,seed vigor,stress-resistance increased while treated with NaCl reduced seed vigor and seed germination percentage in salt and water stress.
     3.Hydroscopicity,water holding,germinative condition and the influence of seed mucilage on the germination were tested to primarily elucidate the function of seed mucilage of P.vulgaris.Seed mucilage of P.vulgaris have great ability in absorbing and holding water.The more water,the more seed mucilage formed while the germination of seeds suffer more inhibition.There are some beneficial content in the seed mucilage improving seed germination,while seed mucilage hinder seed of P.vulgaris germination
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