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ABSTRACT:China has witnessed a rapid urbanization since its introduction of reform and opening up policy. Especially since the conclusion of Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the CPC and the central urbanization work conference in December2013, the Party Central Committee has proposed to achieve the new urbanization. This new goal accords to new conditions for historical development and new imperatives of ecologically-sustainable development and improving people's living standard under higher demand of building urbanization. Guizhou, a southwestern province in China, ranks relatively low among all provinces in terms of its urbanization rate. Unbalanced equilibrium between its urban wealth accumulation speed and people's aspiration for happiness, expansion of its cities and factor intensity, material prosperity and eco-civilization level have become more evident during the process of urbanization. Compared to the central and eastern provinces, Guizhou also lacks of sufficient drive in agriculture, industry, and science and technology in its urbanization process. It is, therefore, of practical significance in probing into the urbanization development strategy and realization approach in western province such as Guizhou.
     Drawing on the existing urbanization theories and new urbanization modes, this dissertation attempts to offer an in-depth exploration on issues of developing Guizhou new urbanization from both theoretical and practical perspective. Based on theories and empirical methods such as regional economics, urban economics, city theory, urbanization theory, factor analysis, data envelopment analysis(DEA) model, entropy method, grey correlation model and the situation of urbanization in China, this dissertation, by focusing on the development status of Guizhou urbanization, aims to address issues relating to Guizhou new urbanization mode such as influences, efficiency, path and mode selection of its development and safeguards so as to understand, investigate and analyze its development from macro and intermediate perspective and provides a new angle for researching issues like new urbanization.
     This dissertation provides a new-type urbanization development strategy mode of Guizhou through the following factors:
     First, the general theories of cities and urbanization such as the concept of city, the functions and the characters of the city, the composition of city and the economic role and effect of city are stated. A brief summarize on urban development theory, land use and rent theory, dual economic theory and urbanization in the theory of public economics, and development tendency and modes of new urbanization are also introduced. Second, by reviewing development history of urbanization in China, analyzing developing situation of its urbanization in the east, the central, and the western region and introducing typical regions, issues facing Guizhou in the process of new urbanization are researched in accordance with current situation. Third, objective schemes of Guizhou-oriented are discussed in this dissertation in terms of the urbanization status quo in Guizhou. A new evaluation index system of urbanization incorporating economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress in Guizhou through factorial analysis is offered. Four, based on that new evaluation index system of urbanization, an empirical research for the development efficiency of urbanization among9administrative regions directly under the provincial government through data envelopment analysis(DEA) model is carried out. Five, an empirical comparison about new urbanization level among13cities and prefectures in Guizhou in light of gray relative analysis method, entropy method and departure method is conducted; Five typical cities are chosen as benchmarking cities of different modes; a comparative analysis about strengths and weaknesses of each mode and an analysis considering importance of those modes under every index according to gray relative analysis method are provided; development characteristics of urbanization for prefectures and counties in Guizhou are defined through the urbanization evaluation mode of every prefectures and counties in Guizhou; the demographic transition mode is proved to be the best one for Guiyang(the capital of Guizhou province) and the upgrading prefectures and counties mode is suitable for other prefectures and cities in Guizhou through comparing the integrating degree between prefectures and counties in Guizhou and five new urbanization modes in view of departure method. Six, countermeasure and suggestion about accordingly new urbanization are offered by combining the empirical results and focusing on five issues of new urbanization in Guizhou. Safeguard measures of new urbanization in Guizhou are also provided on that basis.
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