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ABSTRACT:Container terminal as an important link in the transport chain, Not only need enough capacity to meet the supply needs of the growing need, but also need the container terminal managers to be efficient, modern management:the rational allocation of the logistics resources, optimization the distribution channels of logistics resources, improve the dissemination of logistics information system, reduce the operating costs of the logistics system to container terminal. Continuously improve internal logistics system operational efficiency, and to quickly respond to the requirements of the development of modern logistics. Container yard as the convergence of the physical buffer of ocean and inland transportation systems, scientific configuration yard resources on reasonable arrangements for ship loading and unloading plans to reduce the time in Container terminal, reduce operating costs, improve the through put of the has an important significance, so the yard subsystem as a separate object of study has its unique importance, necessity and practical.
     This paper study on optimize the railway container terminal yard'resource assignation, first a brief introduction to the container terminal's handling technology, container access strategy, with the current development of information technology, described in detail the application of Internet of Things technology in the railway container terminal. Things technology to bring a new ideas of railway container terminal operations, the use of systematic thinking (system operating balance) to study the issue of resource assignation of railway container terminal's yard. From the point of view of system integration, railway container terminal yard's resources optimization problems, provide a more scientific perspective for optimize the yard's resources.
     Secondly, the thesis focuses on the deficiencies of the current yard allocation of resources (such as import and export containers stacked separately; only consider the yard allocation of resources under static conditions, use the mathematical programming methods to construct dynamic stock piling of container in the case of mixed heap allocation model:First of all, balanced import and export yard each section box operation volume, balancing optimization model of the yard section of the operation volume of import and export containers (yard section of the distribution model I);trucks go the shortest distance as the objective function, the distribution of each group box in the yard section of the optimization model (yard section of the allocation model II). Model Ⅰ in the yard each segment capacity load balanced basis to determine the amount of each yard section of the container operations, based on the results of the model Ⅰ, model Ⅱ determine the stacking position of each container to meet all yard under the premise of a balanced amount of work allocated to the container specific stacking section and Bay.
     Finally, according to the constraints of the above model characteristics, design an adaptive immune clone algorithm and ILOG software to solve the model. Examples show that this method can effectively solve the yard's resource assignation, saved the yard equipment operating cost, improve the yard operations efficiency and utilization. Not only for the Railway container terminal yard's resources optimal provide a new idea, but also has important reality value.
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