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Under the circumstance of climate change, carbon emission reduction has become the global focus in recent years. The characteristics of climate change and carbon abatement require international cooperation, however, the growing global impact of climate change and differences in emission reduction position of countries are in sharp contrast. According to theories of international cooperation, national interests are the core of international cooperation. So the current international cooperation dilemma of carbon emissions reflects the differences and conflicts on interests between countries.
     Researchers from home and abroad have already made many research and studies on the costs and benefits of carbon abatement. These studies mainly focus on the global cost-benefit analysis, but show little attention to the analysis of different characteristic of each country, especially the cooperation and analysis of the major interest groups in the field of international climate negotiations. Even the little cost-benefit analysis on the national level is some kind of one-sided, only concerning part of the revenues or costs of carbon emission reduction, or some influential factors, which lacks comprehensive and systematic analysis. Moreover, divorced from reality, many studies in this field have obvious bias, such as exaggerating the loss of climate change and the emission reduction potential in developing countries while ignoring many uncertainties of climate change, the potential gains of developed countries, and the development costs which developing countries have to pay during the global carbon reduction process. These problems make the current researches unable to explain the different positions of countries in the carbon abatement, the deadlock of international climate negotiations and lack practical guidance.
     Thus, in this dissertation, economic analyzing tools such as comprehensive index analysis and model analysis are used in the systematical research on the comparison of national interests in the international cooperation framework of carbon emissions reduction.
     First, the major interest groups of international climate negotiations and their positions are consolidated and defined, and core issues of the article are further refined as the interests between different interest groups; then, the costs and benefits, associated with carbon reduction, and their factors are studied. Besides, the variation of benefits and costs in the different types of countries are pointed out, which establish the basis for comprehensive benefit analysis. On this basis, scenario analysis and game analysis are used to estimate the different expected benefits of interest groups in international cooperation, which proved the key impact of interest differences on international cooperation in carbon abatement. Finally, four key institutional measures are proposed to achieve carbon reduction targets in international cooperation.
     Comparing to current studies on carbon emissions abatement, this research features the following aspects of innovations.
     Firstly, the article systematically studies the causes and types of the loss of climate change, and it impacts on different countries, and pointed out the deficiencies of current research. It also proposed and demonstrated the potential benefits that low-carbon countries may obtain under global cooperation. These potential benefits, together with the mitigation, composed the better carbon reduction system.
     Secondly, the carbon reduction costs are divided into implementation costs and development costs. Besides, the forms and factors of different costs are discussed, especially the formation mechanism of the development costs, which is neglected by most researches. The discussion set a comprehensive analytical framework for the costs studies of carbon reduction.
     Thirdly, based on the research of the costs and benefits of carbon abatement, a scenario analysis model and a game theory model are set up to study the national profits and international cooperation of carbon reduction, whose results have high consistency with the trend of international climate negotiations and the real attitude of different countries. Then, from the perspective of interest balance, the article indicated that the international cooperation system of carbon abatement can be established through four key institutional measures which will improve the availability of the absolute interest of countries, lower the gaps of their relative interest and remove the differences of national position.
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