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The energy consumption in China has been 27.5% of the total social consumption and has made 1% growth each year. The buildings in heating areas are not only highly energy-consumed but also of less comfort. Buildings’energy saving is one of the three key energy saving fields in China. The most important and difficult point is the energy saving reconstruction of existing heating residential buildings which has been carried out steadily since the end of 1990s. Although certain progress has been made after more than ten years, the reconstruction is still slowly developed. Because of the externalities of energy saving reconstruction as well as the lack of government’s relative policies and ineffective enforcement, market failure and government failure both lie in the energy saving reconstruction of existing residential buildings.
     This thesis focuses on three difficulties in the process of existing residential buildings’energy saving reconstruction in heating areas in North China. They are respectively“difficulty of raising reconstruction funds, difficulty of unifying proprietors’intentions and difficulty of proprietors’managing the reconstruction process”. Theories, such as externality theory, cooperation countermeasure theory, group decision-making theory, regulation theory and so on, are applied in this thesis to quantify energy saving’s externality, to set up beneficiaries’cost allocation model based on cooperation countermeasure, to propose the idea of establishing professional enterprise to manage existing residential buildings’energy saving reconstruction and explore the function expansion and management mode of governmental institutions. It aims to clean the barriers in the reconstruction, provide the government with theoretical basis to formulate reconstruction policies and provide project management enterprises with reference to develop business.
     The main innovations in this thesis are:
     1. This thesis sets up the cost allocation model based on cooperation countermeasure theory. On the basis of quantifying the positive externality of residential buildings’energy saving reconstruction, it proposes that government, proprietors, power suppliers and heating suppliers should jointly contribute to energy saving reconstruction. What’s more, it also made proper allocation of the reconstruction expenses. Hence, the situation of single capital source is broken and the problem of raising funds is solved.
     2. This thesis firstly proposes the idea of establishing professional enterprise to manage energy saving reconstruction of existing residential buildings and designs its operation procedures and decision-making methods. Dealing with the difficulties of unifying proprietors’intentions as well as managing the reconstruction process, it raises the idea of establishing professional management enterprise and designs a set of working procedure from mobilizing proprietors’intention to assessment after reconstruction. Moreover, it proposes that selecting potential communities and the more acceptable reconstruction methods should apply analytic hierarchy process and group decision-making theory according to residential and buildings’features.
     3. This thesis raises the countermeasures to the problem of market failure and government failure in residential buildings’energy saving reconstruction. In order to promote the involvement of each beneficiary, reduce coordinating cost and create working environment for the professional reconstruction enterprise, it applies regulation theory to the management and suggests the following functions should be developed: coordinating function; formulating qualifications rules for the professional reconstruction enterprise and supervising implementation; formulating rules to divide charter reconstruction areas and supervising implementation; applying for carbon trading project as the agent of all reconstruction proprietors.
     4. This thesis establishes the typical reconstruction cost model of existing residential buildings’energy saving. Focusing on the heating metering, precondition of advancing energy saving reconstruction, it puts forward that the double-tube system should be the first choice for the reconstruction of indoor heating measurement and temperature control. Since the reconstruction of heating source and network heating balance are the heating enterprises’responsibilities, it also points out that they should be eliminated according to“Heating Metering and Reconstruction Plan of Existing Residential Buildings in the Northern Heating Areas”. On this basis, the typical reconstruction cost model of existing residential buildings’energy saving is established. What’s more, Xian’s typical existing residential buildings’reconstruction is chosen as a case study and its reconstruction cost is confirmed basing on the cost model.
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