1.秦艽炮制研究 2.《中国药典》2005版13种中药材薄层色谱彩色图谱
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1 To improve the industrialization of Gentiana macrophylla Pall. in shaanxi province, using the HPLC to detect the gentiopicroside content as an index, we studied separately: (1) Influence of drying conditions on gentiopicroside content in Gentiana macrophylla Pall. (2) Influence of different processing technology on gentiopicroside content in Gentiana macrophylla Pall. At different drying temperature, the content of gentiopicroside is variable. When the drying temperature is at 20℃、 40℃、 60℃、 80℃、 100℃,the content of gentiopicroside is according to high and the highest is at 100℃, on the other hand the content is lower from 120℃ to 200℃. Conclusioning the gentiopicroside content is the hightest at the drying temperature of 100℃. Different processings such as baking with alcohol, baking with nothing. drying in the sun shine and cool, cook with milk, braise with alcohol and nothing, have much influence on the content of gentiopicroside.When it is baked with alcohol, the content is the higtest. On the other hand it si lowest when it is cooked with milk. This can provid some reason to the processing technology method, which is useful to the quality standard of Gentiana macrophylla Pall.2 Pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of china is a low of medicine and traditional herbal medicine. Every herb in it has its own distinguish of thin layer chromatography. In order to improve its legal fiction, the committee of Pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of china established a collection of chromatic illustrative plates of planar chromatography TLC, which is matched with Pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of china(2005). The meeting of Pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of china(2005) granted the task of thirteen herbs to us in order better to describe the quality of Chinese traditional medicine, we studied the thirteen herbs separately and established their collection of chromatic illustrative plates of planar chromatography TLC. Referrencing other article, we main use the condition of Pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of china(2005) to make the collection. The collection of chromatic illustrative plates of planar chromatography TLC is not only practicability, artworkly and beautiful, but also in the fully person of information of herbs.
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