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After 30 years of reform and opening up, the economic of China grows rapidly with fast expansion of total economic output. China's position in the world economy has risen day by day and has become one of the world's most vibrant economies. However, in the mean time of economic and social development of China made great achievements, we also can clearly see that, the vast rural areas also faced with serious problems, mainly in the widening of urban-rural gap; rural economic and social development lags behind, agricultural foundation is weak, peasant incomes increase so slow and rural labor employment difficulties. These problems have restricted China's economic and social development.
     The 5th Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of CPC proposed building a new socialist countryside, is a major strategic decision based on solving the "three problems about countryside, agriculture and farmers" and a major historic task of modernization process in China. Building a socialist new countryside, farmers are the main part, is the backbone of rural talent. Building a new socialist countryside is not only providing a platform for rural talent, but also put a higher demand of rural talent. In the progress of building new socialist countryside, both of the industrial development, infrastructure construction, or development of social undertakings, spiritual civilization; either from the current focus, or the longer term, we need do everything in improving the quality of the rural labor force, cultivate hundreds of millions of educated, skilled, operate new farmers, in particular the need to build a large-scale, quality, reasonable structure of rural talent. At the end, the author believes that talents people are the key to solve three problems about countryside, agriculture and farmers. After solving the problems of rural human resources, the systems and mechanisms can be formed to mutual benefit the urban and rural areas development. Solving the problems of rural human resources can provide strong intellectual support in rural areas to build the well-off society.
     What are the affections for rural talent pushing the promotion of rural economic and social development in rural areas, What are the factors of impaction of rural personnel development, How to consider these factors in development of qualified personnel in rural areas in order to effectively promote the construction of rural talent and human resources development? In this background, it is undoubted have very important theoretical and realistic meaning to analyze the reason of village talent supply and demand disequilibrium and present condition of countryside talents. It is also need to pay attention to village talents construction predicament, strategy and construction path, research the construction of talents and human resource development.
     Speed up construction of rural talent and human resources development, is to achieve agricultural structure adjustment, promote rural economic growth, it is also an important measure and an inevitable choice. To increase the income of peasants, therefore, developing modern agriculture and building a socialist new countryside ask us to stick to basic education, not only improve the overall quality of future workers, but also combined with the strategic restructuring of the rural economy. We should establish a sound mechanism for rural people to grow, and also increase the input into the construction of rural human resources; it is necessary to establish the construction of rural human resources strategies and objectives, but also various types of personnel for rural growth and play a role in providing a platform and a relaxed environment.
     This paper uses basic principle of human resources theory, the dual economy theory, agricultural economics, organizational behavior, social psychology and technology economics, combine qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, macroeconomic analysis with microscopic analysis,empirical analysis with normative analysis, comprehensive analysis with questionnaires, from the analysis of the status of rural talent and cause of the imbalance of supply and demand, doing empirical research on rural economic development and rural talent evaluation factors, on this basis a comprehensive, systematic, in-depth training of qualified personnel in rural areas of the country's strategies, objectives and types of personnel development in rural areas and human resource development research.
     There are eight chapters of this study and can be divided into three parts, the first two chapters are the general part, purposing the meaning, method and frame structure of this study, give a brief introduction of general theory of Interior and abroad human resources development. The third, fourth and fifth chapters are the core content of this article, it is mainly explain the rural talent supply and demand situation, analyze the reasons for the imbalance between supply and demand; through the creation of econometric models to study the rural talent on the role of rural economic development, analysis and evaluation the construction of rural human resources factors. The sixth, seventh and eighth chapters, based on overseas experience and lessons of rural human resources construction, propose the strategy, system selection and response of Chinese rural human resources construction, and from the micro level put forward specific policy recommendations on types of personnel development in the rural areas.
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