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     研究表明:①在古代期间,农历4月-6月、农历2月-3月是禁渔期的重要时段,在春夏季设立禁渔期制度,是养护水生生物资源和水域生态系统的重要措施;②已知的两种最小可捕体长四寸(合今0.0924 m)、一尺(合今0.232 m),初步显示了古人制定生态养护政策时具有严格细致的生态系统管理意识。
Fishery, noticeably, is one of the oldest productive activities that came into being soon after the birth of human societies. Thus as humans‘civilization progressed, people created an endless stream of traditional ecological wisdom to manage and promote fisheries. In China‘s vast historical document legacy that we inherit from thousands of years of traditional civilization, there are lots of knowledge and law on fishery ecology along with experience on production and management of fisheries existed in ancient writings. Based on comparison, it‘s found that a large part of the knowledge, law and experience are holding the similar view with current scientific findings. Besides, the ancient information contained some foresighted understandings.
     Currently, marine ecosystems are in serious troubles globally, largely due to the failures of fishery resources management and faults in the forms of production. Meanwhile, fisheries are in serious crises ecologically, environmentally and on resource providing across the world. Similarly, in China, fisheries come up with a series of negative factors, such as frequently-happening overfishing, rampant illegal fishing, persistently degrading and decreasing fisheries resources, out-dated inferior production methods of aquacultures, constantly deteriorating water environments and shrinking development spaces for offshore fisheries. To restore and conserve both fisheries resources and fishery ecosystems, we need to learn from concepts and practices of both management strategies and production methods of traditional fisheries urgently. At the meantime, we should strengthen the interdisciplinary and comprehensive studies on the ways, strategies, regimes and existence foundations for fisheries‘sustainable development.
     Focused on learning from history and making ways for ancient wisdom to serve the present, based on studies on ecosystem-based fisheries and management strategies, this research employed interdisciplinary research methods (from the disciplines of marine ecology, aquatic basic sciences, sustainable development management, fisheries history, nature conservation, ecological agriculture and ecological civilization), conducted systemic and in-depth comprehensive studies on both the general development trajectory and some specific aspects of Chinese traditional sustainable fisheries. These aspects mainly are the policies and regulations on sustainable management, the sustainable production modes, the aquatic ecosystem conservation measures, and the traditional ecological wisdom underlying the three aspects stated above. Otherwise, the research made an attempt to probe into the strategies on capacity building of sustainable development of offshore fisheries and modern development of traditional wisdom on aquatic ecosystem conservation in offshore fishing communities in China. Finally, after an overall analysis of all the findings, some main conclusions could be drawn and shown as follows:
     1. In China, fishery has a long history covering hundreds of thousands of years. In the Paleolithic Period, fishery had become one of the vital production activities for people. From remote antiquity till the nineteenth century, Chinese ancestors had always attached great importance to viewing and dealing with things in the context of natural ecosystem entirety. To fulfill the balanced and orderly utilization of fisheries resources and waters, people developed and enacted rigorous and detailed policies and regulations, established powerful administration organizations, set up diversiform management mechanisms, strength the advocacy and education of decrees, coordinate and integrate the development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, maintain internal balance of local mega-agriculture, in order to motivate fishing populations and aquatic farmers to comply with seasonableness and the abstinence principle.
     The research shows that as early as the in the last phase of prehistoric Neolithic Period, China established the world‘s earliest fisheries department, which is named―Yu‖. Then in the early Xia Dynasty, China formulated the world‘s earliest ecosystem conservation decrees, which contains measures for conserving aquatic ecosystems. In Zhou Dynasty, China set up the world‘s earliest closed fishing seasons. The management measures of ancient China that set up closed fishing areas, minimum catchable sizes, and so on, are also the earlier ones in the world.
     The research shows:①In ancient times, the fourth to sixth and second to third lunar months were the main parts of the closed fishing seasons. It‘s shown that setting months of springs and summers as closed fishing periods was the key measures for Chinese ancestors to conserving the aquatic organism resources and aquatic ecosystems;②The two types of minimum catchable body length of fishes (0.0924 m and 0.232 m) set up by Chinese ancestors preliminarily shows that the ancients had already had the awareness of carrying out rigorous and relatively precise ecosystem management in the process of developing policies and regulations on ecosystem conservation.
     According to the information obtained, the ban system for ecosystem conservation of fisheries waters in the Zhou Dynasty could be preliminarily established. The system is comprised of:①Strictly prohibition from damaging waters;②Strictly prohibition from catching young and gravid aquatic animals;③Strictly prohibition from fishing in inappropriate periods;④Strictly prohibition from poisoning aquatic animals and poisoning waters;⑤Strictly prohibition from over-fishing.
     In ancient times, Chinese people had developed deep-level fishery ecosystem conservation wisdom, which mainly consisted of:①The perspective of viewing from the entirety of nature-economy-society large ecosystem;②The principles of abstinence, saving and frugality;③The principle of seasonableness;④The thought that those in subordinate positions will follow the good example set by their superiors;⑤The concept that people should maintain the entire balance and interior coordination of aquatic ecosystems.
     2. During the most parts of Chinese history, to boost the sustainable development of fisheries, people had constantly paid close attention to the contents and social effects of fisheries production, concerned about the relationship between fishery production and ecological environments, laid emphasis to accommodate fisheries activities to maintain the balance existing among production development, livelihood and ecology. People took the ideal that the development of fishing industry must be based upon that the development could carry out good conservation of aquatic animals;aquaculture should assist natural things in accordance to their natural instincts, should facilitate the advancement of the overall function of mega-agriculture-technology-economy system and boost the step-by-step release of development potential of the industry itself.
     The compound eco-agriculture mode, which incorporates multiple industries in southern Jiangsu Province in Ming Dynasty, complies with the niche theory, and is seemed as a model of traditional eco-agriculture. In the mode, various agricultural species including aquatic animals with high economic value were arranged in their own appropriate spaces, crop and plant cultivation was connected with aquaculture and livestock and poultry rearing in an organic way according to the food chain theory and the theory of multistage utilization of both material and energy, thus the flows of energy, circulations of materials, transfers of information and increases of value were all realized in efficient ways. Then the efficient eco-economic system formed.
     In archaic Chinese, the character―Fishery‖is formed by the combination of the characters―Water‖and―Fish, Fish‖. It is a good reflection of the ancients‘ecological awareness and the ancients‘understandings of fishery ecosystem. Meanwhile, the contents of famous traditional Chinese paintings handed down from ancient times, like Jiang Xing Chu Xue Tu, Xue Jiang Bu Yu Tu, and so on, preliminarily tell us that the ancients rarely engaged in fishing production in the whole summer, in early autumn and in middle autumn of a year. This is a direct reflection of Chinese ancestors‘ecosystem conservation wisdom.
     On the whole, the development of Chinese traditional fisheries had been strongly influenced by a variety of social and humanistic factors, which mainly are the traditional religions, philosophical thoughts, folk conventions, literature and arts of the nation. The eco-ethical wisdom underlying various traditional cultural elements relating to fisheries had provided powerful intellectual impetus and intellectual support to the sustainable management and sustainable production of traditional fisheries, built up broad and massy mass bases for the cause of conserving aquatic organisms in all ages. These cultural elements mainly are totemism, nature worship, Zhou Yi, the hundred schools of thought, Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Neo-Taoism, Neo-Confucianism, folk institutions and conventions, and so on.
     3. Currently, to advocate and propagandize traditional eco-ethical wisdom and foster people‘s ecological consciousness on a worldwide scale, is of fundamental significance for the sustainable development of fisheries. Especially the coastal residents that mainly depend on traditional fishing for subsistence could benefit from the eco-ethical wisdom more. If the major fishing nations could pay more attention to the conservation of marine fisheries resources and aquatic ecosystems, the ecological condition of main fishing regions will get better and better in the near future, and people engaged in small-scale marine fishing will have more security in obtaining foods and maintaining their livelihood.
     4. Comparing the large-scale and organized freeing captive animals occurred in the traditional society with today‘s reproduction and releasing of certain commercial marine organisms, it‘s shown that there are some similarities between them. The main difference between them lies in the different management condition after releasing animals. In the traditional society, the animals released were protected from people‘s catching. However, in the modern world, many populations of the aquatic animals released has been being fished or damaged in the same year. Thus the latter should learn from the former on the subsequent management strategy after releasing.
     5. In general, most deeds people acted upon nature should be defined as ecological interventions; in the natural environment, every intervention will give rise to a series of correlated responses. The condition of fisheries management, to a certain extent, always directly decides the vitality of regional fishery economy, decides the biodiversity of regional aquatic organisms, and decides the health degree of regional aquatic ecosystems. Therefore fishery management cannot be treated without full consideration. Currently, on account of humans‘frequent unordered interventions, more and more fishery ecosystems come up with out-of-balance or collapsed conditions. Confronting the crises, people today should learn from the ancients, should view the role that fisheries management plays in the natural ecological processes in a long-range and full-scale perspective; should set up adequate closed fishing days, strictly limit fishing efforts, thoroughly prohibit harmful fishing tools and fishing methods; should optimize fisheries administration; should earnestly strengthen fishery legislation, law enforcement and supervision; should increase efforts in policy advocacy and education; should effectively protect and manage local traditional ecological wisdom and ecological cultural resources relating to fisheries; should carry out ecological knowledge education and ecological civilization education; should fully mobilize the populace to participate in resource management; should develop ecological fisheries when emphasizing the site-specific adjustments according to the circumstance‘s permit, should establish compound eco-agriculture systems and cyclic economy systems covering multiple components of regional mega-agriculture; should strength ecosystem conservation of all types of fisheries waters, in order to intensify the harmonious relationship between fisheries production and natural ecology, so that sustainable development of fisheries can be realized.
     6. Chinese people have maintained time-honored traditions of giving concern to, planning and promoting fisheries‘sustainable development. The studies show that currently, in order to complete the capacity building of sustainable development of Chinese fisheries, people should hand down the traditions and have a good grasp of the following three key aspects: (1) The combination of foundation construction for developing ecological fishery and for developing harmonious agriculture and harmonious countryside; (2) The prevention of―Tragedy of the commons‖and the promotion of community-based sustainable fisheries management; (3) The construction of cultural environment for fisheries‘sustainable development and cultivation of social atmosphere in which ecological civilization is highly valued.
     7. Offshore areas are vital regions for the development of fishery production. On the basis of comprehensive analyses of the conditions of coastal fishery eco-economic systems in Rongcheng City, Shandong Province, China, it‘s found that offshore fishing areas could improve abilities in fisheries‘sustainable development by regional ecological planning based on the entirety of offshore eco-economic system, offshore ecosystem-based fisheries and management, effective combination of responsible inheritance and development of the resource of traditional ecological wisdom and unified conservation of offshore ecological systems, mainly. The research also shows that in the earlier years, fishermen of Rongcheng were quite conscientious in conserving aquatic organisms and ecosystems, never overused fisheries resources and never damaged waters. Just because traditional ecological wisdom universally attaches great importance to aquatic ecosystem conservation, at present we should revive the long-standing traditions in history, should inherit and carry forward traditional ecological wisdom and nurture people‘s ecological conscientiousness.
    ④参见“川衡,每大川,下士十有二人、史四人、胥十有二人、徒百有二十人;中川,下士六人、史二人、胥六人、徒六十人;小川,十士二人、史一人、徒二十人。泽虞,每大泽、大薮,中士四人、下士八人、府二人、史四人、胥八人、徒八十人;中泽、中薮,如中川之衡;小泽、小薮,如小川之衡------汉·郑玄注,唐·贾公彦疏,《周礼注疏·地官》见全书第0085册,第148页; ------汉·郑玄注,唐·贾公彦疏,《周礼注疏·天官》见全书第0085册,第67页;鳖人掌取互物,以时簎鱼、鳖、龟、蜃,凡貍物。春献鳖蜃,秋献龟鱼……掌凡邦之簎事------汉·郑玄注,唐·贾公彦疏,《周礼注疏·天官》见全书第0085册,第67至68页;人、史二人、徒十有六人------汉·郑玄注,唐·贾公彦疏,《周礼注疏·天官》见全书第0085册,第12页。”
    ⑤注:西汉时,1尺合今0.232 m;约公元5-23年,1尺合今0.231 m。
    ①参见“鱼禁鲲鲕------吴·韦昭注,《国语·鲁语上》见全书第0403册,第50页;不麛不卵,不杀胎,不殀夭;禽兽鱼鳖不中杀,不粥(鬻)于市------汉·郑玄注,唐·孔颖达疏,《礼记注疏·王制》见全书第0110册,第259、285页;獭祭鱼,然后虞人入泽梁------汉·郑玄注,唐·孔颖达疏,《礼记注疏·王制》见全书第0110册,第259页; ------周·荀况,唐·杨倞注,《荀子·王制》见全书第0695册,第156页;餧兽之药,无出九门------汉·郑玄注,唐·孔颖达疏,《礼记注疏·月令》见全书第0110册,第326页;
    不涸泽而渔------周·辛钘,《文子·上仁》见全书第1062册,第344页; 竭泽而渔,岂不获得?而明年无鱼------秦·吕不韦,汉·高诱注,《吕氏春秋·义赏》见全书第0850册,第350页;
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