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In the21st century, social and economic is rapidly developing, and the process of urbanization is constantly accelerating, people'living standards are improved significantly. The demand of water is growing on the industrial, domestic and other aspects. However, in some areas of water scarcity, the development of social and the improvement of people's living standards are seriously restricted by water resources. Therefore, as a control means of rationally allocating water resources, inter-basin diversion project plays an irreplaceable role in industrial production, people'lives and social sustainable development. Long-distance diversion project is a complicated systematic project, and there will be security operation issuses and early warning issuses in some special projects.
     This paper studies some new theories and new methods on automatic collection of ice water level signal in harsh environment, aiming at solving the existing scientific questions and difficult engineering Problems in the Diversion Project. The research results can be used to solve the ice water level signal acquisition problem in the harsh environment of the waterways open channel icing in the winter. This paper researches and explores new technical solutions and new ice water level sensor and collection system device with automatic data acquisition, processing, storage, and real-time monitoring as one to suit the condition of the northern winter. The main achievements of this paper are as follows.
     1) In view of the water and ice differences in physical and chemical properties, this paper proposed the ice water detection scheme based on the equivalent resistance-temperature gradient characteristic differences of the measured medium.
     2) The simulation experiment have be done to verify the feasibility of the ice water detection scheme based on the equivalent resistance-temperature gradient characteristic differences of the measured medium, provide theoretical support and implementation way for further developing the engineering applications of ice water detection.
     3) Under field conditions we had tested the ice water detection sensor we designed based on the equivalent resistance-temperature gradient characteristic differences of the measured medium, and designed, developed a set of data processing system for data field debugging.
     4) We analyzed and verified laboratory simulation data and field data, designed the "least squares point of ice water situation data processing algorithm", to solve judgment error problem of singularity in engineering measurement.
     5) On the basis of the inductive digital level sensor designed by Professor MaFuchang of Taiyuan University of Technology, Institute of Measurement and Control Technology, we made some improvement on heat preservation structure, and designed a set of anti-freeze sensor system for solving the water level detection problem without full water pressure in the freezing condition, which also provided some new ideas and new methods for achieving water level detection technology in winter.
     The anti-freezing water level detection technology based on the inductive digital level sensor has achieved some initial success related to the paper, and obtained the corresponding patents. And the ice water detection sensor based on the equivalent resistance-temperature gradient characteristic differences of the measured medium and the data processing system have also been applied to the country's first21research projects in Antarctica. But our theoretical research and technology still have problems to be solved, and we also need to explore and research to a wider science and technology fields and deeper scientific issues. We also hope to be able to get much guidance and help from peer expert and scholars, make contribute to china's contemporary conservancy construction.
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