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Rainfall always induced catastrophic disasters and landslide, so it is a great significance of the study of rainfall infiltration mechanism and it is calculation methods. There are some shortages in current study about rainfall infiltration, the free seepage stage has always been neglected in study of rainfall experiments and theoretical models although the stage is very important to engineering seepage stability problems; it is reasonless that current calculation methods treat rainfall infiltration as a simple boundary, which not only brings more errors but also has not reflected the practical rainfall course. So the studies of rainfall unsaturated infiltration experiments、theoretical models and calculation methods have accomplished in this paper, hope to provide new research ways to rainfall infiltration stability problems of geotechnical engineering.
     The main works include tests of rainfall infiltration equipments、results analysis、theoretical models study and numerical calculation. The test equipment of rainfall infiltration has been designed firstly, which can exactly control rainfall intensity. Twelve tests has been done using different soils as specimen which to illustrate the mechanism of free and pressure infiltration stages from a point of view of suction, and the rainfall course has been definitely described. Furthermore, we analyzed the relationship of rainfall intensity soil unsaturated parameters and suction. Based on suction, we conducted the rainfall free and pressure infiltration models, they can tell the essence of rainfall infiltration, and the research developed relative calculation methods to take place of the current method treating the rainfall infiltration as a boundary. All these works not only have clearly practical significance and good precision, but also is well adapt to engineering application.
     The paper design the relative numerical calculation method based on the rainfall infiltration theoretical models we conducted, combining with rainfall infiltration compute program Unsat-Seepage, the computer codes have been developed to study the rainfall infiltration and its’engineering application. As an elucidation, the stability problems of Ruins of Jiaohe slopes under rainfall infiltration have been simulated, using the method developed the paper. The result showed that all works of the paper are more applicable and reasonable.
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