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In recent years, highway construction has been developing rapidly, but at the same time, highway asphalt pavement in the early emergence of more serious damage phenomenon. Not only caused economic losses but also affected the social image of the transport sector and project sustainability. Early Damage of Asphalt Pavement mainly as follows: water damage, loose, rutting, cracking, weeping and so on. Rut one can say is the most serious damage is quite large, it is a unique damage pavement phenomenon. Analysis shows that the causes of rutting, rutting resulting temperature is the most direct incentives making asphalt softening temperature, resulting in decreased carrying capacity of asphalt concrete. Currently rutting of asphalt pavement in the settlement issue, mainly to improve high temperature stability of asphalt mixture. Through improved high temperature performance of asphalt or using skeletal aggregate gradation asphalt mixture and so to improve the rutting resistance.These measures are taken to "passive" type of technical measures to improve the mixture through the high temperature of their "passive" acceptance of outside temperature. But the project is proved that the technology is difficult to fundamentally solve the rutting problem and increase the cost of the project.
     Based on this problem, we use a smaller thermal parameters of asphalt as a road ceramic insulation, reduced heat accumulated in the asphalt mixture, reduce the temperature of the road and improve road rutting resistance. Characteristics of the method is to avoid the path of "passive" accept outside temperature, instead of using "active" approach to reduce the surface temperature.
     Ceramic insulating layer of asphalt concrete waste, asphalt pavement design theory in achieving innovation at the same time; also promoted the use of waste ceramic waste, conserve resources, protect the environment. Road construction with ceramic waste, can reduce the consumption of mineral resources, to effectively alleviate the damage of industrial production on the environment. This will help ensure the quality of highway construction, improving transportation efficiency, reduce pollution and improve the ecological environment. Turn will have enormous economic and social benefits.
     This article based on weather, road engineering, thermal engineering, materials engineering and other fields of theory and technology, expand the waste mixture of ceramic insulation layer "active" to reduce road surface temperature technique. Contents of the study include
     ①The temperature of the main factors affecting the road. Study found that high temperatures affect the path of two main factors: (a) the external environmental factors, including solar radiation, air temperature, wind and other external factors. (b) internal factors of road materials, the thermal properties of materials, including thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity. Which is an objective of environmental factors, not the people's will is that we not change. Therefore, to reduce the surface temperature, must adopt the second approach, that uses a small thermal properties of the material as road paving materials to reduce surface temperature.
     ②To study the way the material thermal parameters, proved theoretically that a lower thermal properties of materials to achieve lower road temperature is feasible. To study the thermal properties of ceramic waste less asphalt road performance. Study found that waste mixture of ceramic insulation used as a road surface wear layer is feasible. The laboratory test method to study the waste mixture of ceramic thermal properties obtained from waste proved ceramic insulating layer of asphalt mixture as the temperature is reduced the feasibility of the road.
     ③Through the insulating layer of ceramic waste asphalt concrete determination of the actual road temperature, heat proof ceramic waste asphalt concrete layer has a better cooling effect. Waste asphalt concrete with ceramic insulation layer, can significantly reduce the surface temperature; ceramic waste asphalt concrete pavement temperature insulating layer can reduce the duration of action; with ceramic insulation to reduce waste asphalt concrete pavement temperature fluctuations; so the application of ceramic waste asphalt concrete greatly improved insulation surface temperature conditions.
     ④Calculated using finite element software Ansys, through parameter analysis to study the incorporation of ceramic waste materials (ceramic waste ash were 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%) insulation on the road effects. Study found that, considering the ceramic waste asphalt pavement performance and cooling effect, it is recommended in practical engineering applications, ceramic content of 40% ~ 60% is more appropriate.
     Studies have shown that through the paper, ceramic waste for insulation layer of asphalt pavement can not only reduce the surface temperature of a good, improving pavement temperature conditions, enhancing road rutting resistance performance, and can use ceramic waste, conserve resources, protect the environment. Therefore, in road construction and maintenance should be the promotion of the technology.
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