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US-India civilian nuclear energy accord promotes the U.S.-India relationship further. There five reasons that U.S. government cooperates with India in civilian nuclear area: First, the U.S. government thinks the accord would help U.S. bring India into international non-proliferation regime, which has positive significance to prevent proliferation; Second, it is helpful of reducing India's energy competition with U.S. in global energy market, and decreasing India's dependency on countries opposed to U.S.; Third, it would help U.S. open up India's nuclear market and weapon market, which would bring lucrative profits to America's enterprises; Fourth, it is in favor of the rise of India, and enlarging the global influences of democracies; Fifth, it is useful of uniting India to carry out America's strategy of containing China. However, this accord also initiates domestic doubts from counter-proliferation personages in U.S.. In their opinions, opening the nuclear trade to India would promote India's nuclear bombs' production capability, lead serious harms to nuclear proliferation; on the other hand, it would induce dissatisfactions of Pakistan, Iran and North Korea, and increase complexity and difficulty to solve the Iran nuclear problem and North Korea nuclear problem; Moreover, it would increase the channels of terrorists to obtain and make use of the nuclear fuels to manufacture terrorist weapons, and increase the attacked targets of terrorists. But driven by the American domestic powers' impetus, this accord passed in American congress finally. There are some reasons that India promotes this accord. The implementations of this accord will help India obtain nuclear material and nuclear technology quickly and easily, promote the level of nuclear energy uses; at the same time, this accord means U.S. accepts India as a nuclear big power. The accord has symbolic significance to India's great-power ambition, consolidates India's superiority in southern Asia, and increases India's strategic initiatives in the game with U.S., Russia, China, etc. The domestic doubt is about that India's national sovereignty and autonomy would be violated by America. Although the nuclear accord is paused because of the Indian domestic political crisis, it passed in Indian Parliament finally either. International society's responses to this accord are different. Britain's attitude shifts from objection to support; France and Russia support this accord all along. China doesn't express support or objection definitely; Pakistan expresses dissatisfaction with giving India nuclear treatment; International Atomic Energy Agency and Nuclear Suppliers Group give permissions to this accord. The success of US-India civilian nuclear energy accord impinges seriously on international non-proliferation regime. It destroys the rule of international non-proliferation regime which stipulates that nuclear weapon states could not trade with non nuclear non-proliferation Treaty countries. It would lead to the vertical proliferation of Indian nuclear weapons and set a bad example to other countries. The accord reflects the substance that great power and power politics act as a dominant role in the operation of international regime. The impacts of US-India civilian nuclear energy accord on regional security focus on southern Asia, which would bring about nuclear arm race between India and Pakistan and the terrorist attacks to the weak areas of southern Asia. The accord would promote U.S.-Indian strategic relations, and change the strategic decisions of U.S., India, Russia, China and Japan, and the relations among these major powers.
①Elisabeth Bumiller and Somini Sengupta, U.S. and India Reach Agreement on Nuclear Cooperation, March 2,2006. http://www.nytimes.com.
    ②Elisabeth Bumiller and Somini Sengupta, U.S. and India Reach Agreement on Nuclear Cooperation, March 2,2006. http://www.nytimes.com.
    ③Jim Vandehei,Muneeza Naqvi and Fred Barbash, U.S..India Seal Nuclear Deal. Accord Sets Up Sharing of Data, Fuel to Satisfy Rising Energy Needs,2006.3.2,http://www.washingtonpost.com.
    ①Jim Vandehei,Muneeza Naqvi and Fred Barbash, U.S..India Seal Nuclear Deal, Accord Sets Up Sharing of Data, Fuel to Satisfy Rising Energy Needs,2006.3.2. http://www.washingtonpost.com.
    ②Howard LaFranchi, US, India revive sweeping nuke deal, Christian Science Monitor,2008.7.10, Vol.100, Issue 158.
    ③Howard Lafranchi, Fallout of US-India nuke deal, Christian Science Monitor,2008.10.24, Vol.100, Issue 232.
    ④Harsh V. Pant, The US-India Nuclear Pact and the Non-Proliferation Regime:Triumph of Politics Over Institutions, Conference Papers--International Studies Association,2007 Annual Meeting, pp.1-18.
    ⑤Mark Fitzpatrick, US-India Nuclear Cooperation Accord:Implications for the Non-proliferation Regime, Asia-Pacific Review,2008.5, Vol.15 Issue 1, pp.76-85.
    ①Howard LaFranchi, US, India revive sweeping nuke deal, Christian Science Monitor,2008.7.10, Vol.100, Issue 158.
    ②Howard LaFranchi, Why US is shifting nuclear stand with India, Christian Science Monitor,2005.7.20
    ③Charles D. Ferguson, Security is vital in US-India nuke deal, Christian Science Monitor,2006.9.19, Vol.98, Issue 206.
    ④Harsh V. Pant, The US-India nuclear deal:the beginning of a beautiful relationship?, Cambridge Review of International Affairs,2007.9, Vol.20 Issue 3, pp.455-472.
    ①Condoleezza Rice,Opening Remarks Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,April. 5,2006.http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2006/64136.htm.转引自赵青海:《美印核合作及其影响》,载《国际问题研究》,2006年第4期,第25页。
    ④Carin Zissis,India's Energy Crunch, Council on Foreign Relations Backgrounder, December8,2006, http://www.cfr.org/publication/12200/indias_energy_crunch.html?bre adcrumb=%2Fissue%2F426%2Fenergy
    ③Condoleezza Rice, Our Opportunity with India, Washington Post, March 13,2006, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/12/ARz.
    ③M.M. Ali, U.S.-India Nuclear Agreement Dominates Press at Home and Abroad, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,May/Jun2006, Vol.25 Issue 4,p44-45,2p.
    ①Howard LaFranchi, Fallout of US-India nuke deal, Christian Science Monitor,10/24/2008, Vol.100 Issue 232, p3-3, 1/2p.
    ②http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/02/international/asia/02cnd-prexy.html?pagewanted=2&ei=5094&en=7dacedac58916 c34&hp&ex=1141362000&partner=homepage.
    ③Sharon Squassoni, The U.S.'s Catastrophic Nuclear Deal with India:Power Failure, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/program s/china/chinese/Research/ForeignPolicySecurity/indianuclear.cfm.
    ①Sharon Squassoni, The U.S.'s Catastrophic Nuclear Deal with India:Power Failure, http://www.camegieendowment.org/programs/china/chinese/Research/ForeignPolicySecurity/indianuclear.cfm.
    ②关于这样的担心,美国前中央情报局官员、南亚政策核心幕僚,现就职于华盛顿的布鲁金斯学会的布鲁斯·里德尔(Bruce Riedel)的辩解是印度之所以保持与伊朗的正常关系,是因为印度是仅次于伊朗的第二大拥有什叶派穆斯林人口的国家,他不得不保持与伊朗的关系,相对于印伊关系,还要看到印度与以色列的联系更加紧密,这对美国是更加重要的。
    ③Charles D. Ferguson, Security is vital in US-India nuke deal, http://www.cfr.org/publication/11480/security_is_vital_in_usindia_nuke_deal.html.
    ①M.M. Ali,U.S.-India Nuclear Agreement Dominates Press at Home and Abroad, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May/Jun2006,Vol.25 Issue 4, p44-45,2p.
    ③Barbara Slavin, Many skeptical eyes are on U.S.-India nuclear dea/,USA Today,04/05/2006.
    ①The rise of the Indian lobby, http://www.danieldrezner.com/archives/001325.html.
    ②Mike Mcintire,ndian-Americans Test their Clout on Atom Pact, http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/05/washington/05indians.html?pagewanted=1& r=1&sq=%20Indian-Americans%20T est%20their%20Clout%20on%20Atom%20Pact&st=cse&scp= 1.
    ②Sandeep Dikshit, No Compromise on Strategic assets, The Hindu,2005/7/30.转引自张力:《从“核协议”解读印美战略关系》,载《南亚研究季刊》,2005年第3期,第47页。
    ②Sharon Squassoni, U.S. Nuclear Cooperation with India:Issues for Congress, CRS Report for Congress, Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, July 29,2005, P.2.
    ①Elisabeth Bumiller and Somini Sengupta, U.S. and India Reach Agreement on Nuclear Cooperation, March 2,2006, http://www.nytimes.com.
    ①India Gets Special Attention in Statement,The M oscowTim es, July 17,2006.转引自田景梅:《美印核能合作的现状、影响及前景》,载《现代国际关系》,2006年第8期,第56页。
    ③SIPRI Yearbook 2007:Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, Oxford:Oxford University Press, Summary Version,2007,p.21, http://www.sipri.org/contents/editors/YB07minis.转引自邵峰:《国际核扩散难题:根源与出路》,载《世界经济与政治》,2008年第2期,第22页。
    ①http://www. wslfweb.org/nukes/npr.htm.转引自王逸舟主编:《磨合中的建构——中国与国际组织关系的多视角透视》,载中国发展出版社,2003年版,第53-54页。
    ②纵向扩散(Vertical proliferation)指的是国家之内大规模杀伤性武器的发展与进步;横向扩散(onward proliferation)指的是大规模杀伤性武器或其技术在国家间的扩散。参见李小军:《美国对南亚导弹扩散的安全评估与政策选择》,载《美国研究》,2004年第4期,第88页。
    ②http://press. idoican.com.cn/detail/articles/20081019002 A81/.
    ②Condoleezza Rice, Openning Remarks Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, April 5,2006, http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2006/64136.htm.
    ③《巴基斯坦寻求美国民用核技术要求美不能歧视》,http://www.ce.cn/xwzx/gj ss/gdxw/200810/03/t20081003_1697.shtml.
    ④http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1851775,00. html.
    ①Jeffrey Lewis,The Ambiguous Arsenal, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Vol.63, No.3, May/june 2005, pp.52-59.转引自[美国]司乐如:《美印中三角关系互动与国际格局》,载《当代亚太》,2007年第10期,第40页。
    ①《日邀印加入美日澳对话,要共同牵制中国?》,http://news.163. com/06/1210/01/31UOCD4E0001121M. html.
    1. Elisabeth Bumiller and Somini Sengupta,"U.S. and India Reach Agreement onNuclearCooperation",March2,2006,http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/02/international/ asia/02cnd-prexy.html?hp&ex=1141362000&en=7dacedac58916c34&ei=5094&partner= homepage.
    2. Jim Vandehei, Muneeza Naqvi and Fred Barbash," U.S.,India Seal Nuclear Deal, Accord Sets Up Sharing of Data, Fuel to Satisfy Rising Energy Needs", Mar.2,2006,http://www. washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/02/AR2006 030200183.html.
    3.Jim Vandehhei and Dafna Linzer," U.S.,India Reach Deal On Nuclear Cooperation, With Fule Imports Allowed, Arms Program Could Grow",Mar.3,2006,http://www. washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/02/ AR2006030200183.html.
    4.Howard LaFranchi,"US, India revive sweeping nuke deal", Christian Science Monitor,2008.7.10, Vol.100 Issue 158.
    5. Howard Lafranchi, "Fallout of US-India nuke deal", Christian Science Monitor, 2008.10.24, Vol.100 Issue 232.
    6. Harsh V Pant, "The US-India Nuclear Pact and the Non-Proliferation Regime: Triumph of Politics Over Institutions", Conference Papers--International Studies Association,2007 Annual Meeting, p1-18.
    7. Mark Fitzpatrick, " US-India Nuclear Cooperation Accord:Implications for the Non-proliferation Regime", Asia-Pacific Review,2008.5, Vol.15 Issue 1.
    8. Howard LaFranchi, "Why US is shifting nuclear stand with India", Christian Science Monitor,2005.7.20.
    9. Charles D Ferguson, "Security is vital in US-India nuke deal", Christian Science Monitor,2006.9.19, Vol.98 Issue 206.
    10.Harsh V Pant, "The US-India nuclear deal:the beginning of a beautiful relationship?", Cambridge Review of International Affairs,2007.9, Vol.20 Issue 3.
    11. Stephen F Burgess, " New Initiatives in Arms Control? U.S.-India Nuclear, Missile Defense, and Space Agreements", Conference Papers--American Political Science Association,2006 Annual Meeting, p 1-16,16p
    12. Sumit Ganguly and Dinshaw Mistry, "The Case for the U.S.-India Nuclear Agreement", World Policy Journal, Summer 2006.
    13.The Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,"Is India, or Will It Be, a Responsible International Stakeholder?", The Washington Quarterly, Summer 2007.
    24.Ehsan Ahrari:《美拉印抑中将付代价:南亚核竞赛势必加剧》,《世界报》[N],2006年3月15日第6版。
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    44.邵峰:《国际核扩散难题:根源与出路》,《世界经济与政治》[J],2008年第2 期。

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