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This thesis, through multi-case studies, takes a comparative research into the lobbying activities of Arab countries and Israel on U.S. Congress. Based on a systematic analysis, it summarizes rules in respect of exploiting resources and strategies in lobbying U.S. Congress of universal significance. It also concludes the essential elements for and restrictions to U.S. Congress lobbying by foreign governments. By a detailed study on the specific process of foreign governments’lobbying actives on U.S. Congress, this thesis deduces meaningful conclusions, which can serve as a reference to China’s diplomacy including lobbying U.S Congress.
     Apart from the preface and epilogue, this thesis has six chapters in all. The preface defines important concepts and illuminates the significance, status quo, logic framework and innovations of this thesis. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the background knowledge of Congress lobbying. Chapters from 2 to 5 are case studies, including the Middle East war in 1973, the anti-Arab boycott campaign of Israel, the sail plan of F-15 in 1978 and The AWACS Battle in 1981. Chapter 6 sums up the successful elements of and limits to the foreign governments’lobbying on U.S. Congress, as well as provides some proposals to China’s diplomacy.
     Innovations of this thesis are mainly in the following aspects:
     First, the visual angle is original. Studies on Congress lobbying by foreign governments is inadequate, both at home and abroad. This thesis is designed to deepen the research in this field. Second, it makes a detailed case study and takes a systematic research into the strategies and resources exploited by foreign governments when lobbying Congress. It also sums up the successful elements of and limits to the foreign governments’lobbying on U.S. Congress. All these are quite original. Third, this thesis puts forward original ideas for China to lobby U.S. congress.
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    ① Samuel P.Huntington,“The Erosion of American Interests,”Foreign Affairs,Sept./Oct.,1997,p.46.
    ② James Q.Wilson,American Government(Los Angeles:University of California,1922);H.R.Mahood,Interest Groups in American National Politics:An Overview(Prentice-Hall,Inc.),2000.
    ③ 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2005 年版,第 13 页。
    ④ Arthur F.Bently,The Process of Government(Cambridge:Mass,1967).
    ① David Truman,The Governmental Process(New York,1951).
    ② Lester W.Milbrath,The Washington Lobbyists(Chicago,Rand McNally,1963),p.6 .
    ① David D.Newsom,The Public Dimension of Foreign Policy,(Indiana University Press , 1996),p.182
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    ③ Lester W.Milbrath,The Washington Lobbyists(Chicago:Rand McNally,1963),pp.7-8.
    ④ Lester W.Milbrath,The Washington Lobbyists(Chicago:Rand McNally,1963),p.10.
    ① 刘润忠:《美国游说生意兴隆》,2001 年 7 月 20 日《环球时报》,第 3 版。
    ② Fred Harris,Deadlock or Decision(New York:Oxford University Press,1993),p.65.
    ③ (美)杰克尔·A·罗塞蒂:《美国对外政策的政治学》(周启鹏等译),北京·世界知识出版社,1997 年版,第 437 页。
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    ① Franck and Weisband,Foreign Policy by Congress,op.cit.p.186.转引自(台)刘青雷:《冲突与妥协——美国利益集团与游说活动》,台湾·时报文化出版企业有限公司,1988 年版,第 120 页。
    ② Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.50.
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    ② 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2005 年版,第 99 页。
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    ⑤ 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社 2005 年版,第 102 页。
    ① 李道揆:《美国政府与美国政治》,北京·商务印书馆 1999 年版,第 53 页。
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    ③ Norman J.Ornstein and Shirley Elder,Interest Groups,Lobbying and Policymaking(Washington.D.C:Congressional Quarterly Press,1978),p.96.
    ④ Norman J.Ornstein and Shirley Elder,Interest Groups,Lobbying and Policymaking(Washington.D.C:Congressional Quarterly Press,1978),p.95.
    ⑤ Congressional Quarterly,The Guide to Congress(Congressional Quaterly Press,1982),p.653.
    ⑥ 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2005 年版,第 127 页。
    ① 与非:《美国国会》,北京·中国民主法制出版社,2001 年版,第 182 页。
    ② Ronald J.Hrebenar and Ruth K.Scott,Interest Group Politics in American(Prentice-Hall Inc.,1982),p.189.
    ① Ronald J.Hrebenar and Roth K.Scott,Interest Group Politics in American(Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1982),p.59.
    ② 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2005 年版,第 78 页。
    ③ Schlozman,Kay Lehman and Tierney:Organized Interests and American Democracy(New York :Happer and Row,Publishers,1986),p.291.
    ④ Ronald J.Hrebenar and Roth K.Scott,Interest Group Politics in American(Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1982),p.73.
    ⑤ Barry R.Rubin,A Citizen’s Guide to Politics in American:How the System Works and How to Work the System(New York:M.E.Shape,Inc.,1997),p.158.
    ⑥ Ronald J.Hrebenar and Roth K.Scott,Interest Group Politics in American(Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1982),p.77.
    ① 张崇防:《金钱:美国真正的权势者》,2000 年第 8 期《时事报告》,第二版。
    ② Paul W.Cherington and Raiph L.Gillen,The Business Representative in Washington(Washington:The Brookings Institution,1962),p.57.
    ③ 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2005 年版,第 88 页。
    ④ (美)罗杰·希尔斯曼等:《防务与外交决策中的政治——概念模式与官僚政治》(曹大鹏译),北京·商务印书馆,2000 年版,第 346 页。
    ① Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.12.
    ① 李庆四:《试析少数族群对美国外交决策的影响》,2004 年第 4 期《国际论坛》,第一页。
    ② Joseph S.Nye,Jr.,“Redefining the National Interest”,Foreign Affairs,Vol.78 No.4,July/August, 1999.
    ③ (美)诺曼·杰·奥恩斯坦、雪利·埃尔德,《利益集团、院外活动和政策制定》(潘同文、陈永易、吴爱美译),北京·世界知识出版社,1981 年版,第 80 页。
    ① 张士智、赵慧杰著:《美国中东关系史》,北京·中国社会科学出版社,1993 年版,第 212 页。
    ② A.F.K.Organski,The $36 Billion Bargain:Strategy and Politics in U.S.Assistance to Israel(New York:Columbia University Press,1990),p.31.
    ③ A.F.K.Organski,The $36 Billion Bargain:Strategy and Politics in U.S.Assistance to Israel(New York:Columbia University Press,1990),p.31.
    ④ Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.69.
    ⑤ A.F.K.Organski,The $36 Billion Bargain:Strategy and Politics in U.S.Assistance to Israel(New York: Columbia University Press,1990),p.15.
    ① 王绳祖主编:《国际关系史》,北京·世界知识出版社,1996 年版,第 114 页。
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.46.
    ① (美)保罗·芬德利著:《美国亲以色列势力内幕》(武秉仁、戴克伟译),北京·中国对外翻译出版公司,1990 年版,第 29 页 。
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.45.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.46.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.45.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.46.
    ② 基辛格认为尼克松政府是出于战略考虑给以巨额援助的,但是 David Howard Goldberg 在他的专著中认为应该从多角度对这一决策加以考虑,AIPAC 发挥着重要的间接作用。详见:Henry Kissinger,Years of Upheaval.Boston:Little Brown and Co.1982,p.468;David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.50.
    ③ Mitchell Bard,The Israeli and Arab Lobbies,http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/lobby.html.
    ④ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.38.
    ⑤ 王绳祖主编:《国际关系史》,北京·世界知识出版社,1996 年版,第 114 页。
    ① Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.37.
    ② Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.14.
    ③ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.19.
    ④ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.47.
    ⑤ Washington Post,January 9.1975.
    ⑥ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.279.
    ① Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.279.
    ② Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.84.
    ③ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.85.
    ① Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.50.
    ① 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2005 年版,第 70 页。
    ② A.F.K.Organski,The $36 Billion Bargain:Strategy and Politics in U.S.Assistance to Israel(New York:Columbia University Press,1990),p.31.
    ③ A.F.K.Organski,The $36 Billion Bargain:Strategy and Politics in U.S.Assistance to Israel(New York:Columbia University Press,1990),p.43.
    ④ Rubenberg,“The Middle East Lobbies”;Keller,“Supporters Vie,”op.cit.and Steven L.Spiegel,The Other Arab-Israel Conflict(Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1985),p.8 .
    ① Sanford J.Ungar,“Washington:Jewish and Arab Lobbyists,”Atlantic,March 1978,p.10.
    ② Cheryl A.Rubenberg,Israel and the American National Interest:A Critical Examination(Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1986),p.163.
    ① Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.93.
    ② Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.93.
    ③ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.55.
    ④ Richard H.Curtiss,“Arab Boycott,Both Formal and Informal,Well Under Way,”Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,Novermber,2002.
    ⑤ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.55.
    ① Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.94.
    ② Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.94.
    ③ Lewis,National Journal,19 June ,1976.
    ④孙哲:《左右未来——美国国会的制度创新和决策行为》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2001 年版,第 84-117 页。
    ① Background Paper:Arab Boycott Issues,Israel,1-3March 1976(3);marked‘Limited office use’,Seidman,Box313,GFL.Qouted From Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.97.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.56.
    ③ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.62.
    ④ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.58.
    ① Near East Report,February 9,1977.
    ② Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.96.
    ③ Representative Joshua Eilbert(PA),12 March 1975;Fish(NY),14 March 1975;Drinan(MASS),23 September 1975,Congressional Record.Qouted From Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.97.
    ④ See Lewis,National Journal,19 June ,1976.
    ① Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.97.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.60.
    ③ Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.107.
    ④ Boycott Background paper,Seidman,Box 313,GFL.Qouted From Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.108.
    ⑤ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.70.
    ①Washington Post,September 27,28,1976;Washington Star,September 25,27,1976.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.58.
    ③ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.71.
    ① Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.71.
    ② Business Week,September 27,1976.
    ③ Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.108.
    ① Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.113.
    ② National Journal,31 July,1976.
    ③ Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.108.
    ④ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.58.
    ⑤ US News & World Report,November 1,1976.
    ⑥ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.59.
    ① Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.109.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.58.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.58.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.59.
    ① 张士智、赵慧杰:《美国中东关系史》,北京·中国社会科学出版社 1993 年版,第 243 页。
    ② (美)理查德·尼克松:《尼克松回忆录》下册,北京·商务印书馆 1979 年版,第 337 页。
    ③ New York Times,February.15,1978.
    ④ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.65.
    ⑤ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.65.
    ⑥ 张士智、赵慧杰:《美国中东关系史》,北京·中国社会科学出版社 1993 年版,第 243 页。
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.66.
    ② See Ezer Weizman,The Battle for Peace(New York:Bantam Books,1981),pp.233-248.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.67.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.66.
    ③ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.66.
    ④ (美)保罗·芬德利,《美国亲以色列势力内幕》(武秉仁、戴克伟译),北京·中国对外翻译出版公司,1990 年版,第 122 页。
    ⑤ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.66.
    ⑥ Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.126.
    ① Stephen D.Isaacs,Jews and American Politics(New York:Doubleday,1974),p.122.
    ② Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.127.
    ③ Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.127.
    ④ Washington Report,May 7,1978.
    ⑤ (美)保罗·芬德利,《美国亲以色列势力内幕》(武秉仁、戴克伟译),北京·中国对外翻译出版公司,1990 年版,第 122 页。
    ⑥ The Harris Survey,April 1978,as cited in Rosen and Abramowitz 1984,24-25.Qouted From David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.67.
    ⑦ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.67.
    ① (美)保罗·芬德利,《美国亲以色列势力内幕》(武秉仁、戴克伟译),北京·中国对外翻译出版公司,1990 年版,第122 页。
    ② 《华尔街日报》,1978 年 4 月 22 日。转引自(美)保罗·芬德利,《美国亲以色列势力内幕》(武秉仁、戴克伟译),北京·中国对外翻译出版公司,1990 年版,第 122 页。
    ③ Near East Report,May 17,1978.
    ④ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.69.
    ① Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.111.
    ② 《华盛顿邮报》,1978 年 5 月 7 日。
    ③ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.69.
    ④ (美)保罗·芬德利,《美国亲以色列势力内幕》(武秉仁、戴克伟译),北京·中国对外翻译出版公司,1990 年版,第121 页。
    ⑤ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),pp.102-103.
    ⑥ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.103.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.68.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.68.
    ③ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.295.
    ④ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.68.
    ① See New York Times,May 16,1978.
    ② See Christian Science Monitor,May 22,1978;Economist,January 28,1978,58;New York Magazine,April 24,1978;Time,May 15,1978.
    ③ A.F.K.Organski,The $36 Billion Bargain:Strategy and Politics in U.S.Assistance to Israel(New York:Columbia University Press,1990),p.43.
    ④ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.67.
    ⑤ Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.135.
    ① 参见(美)保罗·芬德利,《美国亲以色列势力内幕》( 武秉仁、戴克伟译),北京·中国对外翻译出版公司 1990 年版,第 122 页;Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),pp.127-128.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.66.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.69.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.69.
    ① Zbigniew Brzezinski,Power and Principal:Memoirs of the National Security Adviser,1977-1981(New York:Farrar Strauss,Giroux,1983),pp.452-453.
    ② Nicholas Laham,Selling AWACS to Saudi Arabia:The Reagan Administration and the Balancing of American’s Competing Interests in the Middle East(Praeger:Westport,2002),Preface,p.13.
    ③ Ronald Reagan,An American Life(New York:Simon and Schuster,1990),p.212.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.77.
    ② New York Times,Mar.8,1981,A4.
    ③ New York Times,April.24,1981,A1.
    ④ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.71.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),p.78.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.78.
    ③ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.78.
    ④ Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.152.
    ⑤ Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.137.
    ① New York Times,May.29,1981.
    ② Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizationgs,“Middle East Memo——Warning:Interests at Risk,”April 23,1981,FO003-02,Ronald Reagan Presidential Library,Cite in Nicholas Laham,Selling AWACS to Saudi Arabia:The Reagan Administration and the Balancing of American’s Competing Interests in the Middle East(Praeger:Westport,2002),pp.3-4.
    ③ Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),pp.148-149.
    ④ 参见(美)保罗·芬德利,《美国亲以色列势力内幕》(武秉仁、戴克伟译),北京·中国对外翻译出版公司 1990 年版,第 79 页。事后丹尼斯·罗斯顿科斯基在接受芝加哥 WMAQ 广播电台记者的采访时说,它实际上是赞成的,但由于惧怕“犹太院外活动集团”,结果投了反对票。
    ⑤ See David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),pp.74-75.
    ① Harris Survey,April 1978,as cited in Rosen and Abramowitz 1984,pp.24-25.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.75.
    ④ 97th Congress,1th Session,“H.Con.Res.118,”ID#032255,FO003-02,WHORM Subject File,Ronald Reagan Presidential Library,Cited in Nicholas Laham,Selling AWACS to Saudi Arabia:The Reagan Administration and the Balancing of American’s Competing Interests in the Middle East(Praeger:Westport,2002),p.27.
    ⑤ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.179.
    ① Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.145.
    ② Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.179.
    ③ Nicholas Laham,Selling AWACS to Saudi Arabia:The Reagan Administration and the Balancing of American’s Competing Interests in the Middle East(Praeger:Westport,2002),p.180.
    ④ New York Times,Oct.29,1981,A1.
    ⑤ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.180.
    ⑥ Nicholas Laham,Selling AWACS to Saudi Arabia:The Reagan Administration and the Balancing of American’s Competing Interests in the Middle East(Praeger:Westport,2002),p.90.
    ① Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.186.
    ② Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.187.
    ③ Mideast Markets,September 4,1981,Cited in Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.187.
    ④ Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.143.
    ⑤ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.187.
    ⑥ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.187.
    ⑦ See Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),pp.188-189.
    ① See Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.143; David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.75.
    ② Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.187.
    ③ See Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),pp.190-213.
    ④ Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.191.
    ① Nimrod Novik,The United States and Israel,Domestic Determinants of a Changing U.S.Commitment(Boulder:Westview Press,1986),p.127.
    ② Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.154.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.74.
    ① David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.74.
    ② David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.74.
    ③ Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.160.
    ④ Dine Interview;Rosenbaum 1981,57.Cited in David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel(New York:Greenwood Press,1990),p.74.
    ⑤ Richard Fairbanks to William M.Brodhead,June 4,1981,ID#8117973,FO003-02,WHORM Subject File,Ronald Reagan Presidential Library,Cited in Nicholas Laham,Selling AWACS to Saudi Arabia:The Reagan Administration and the Balancing of American’s Competing Interests in the Middle East(Praeger:Westport,2002),pp.14-16.
    ① Edward Tivnan,The Lobby:Jewish Political Power and American Foreign Policy(New York:Simon and Schuster,1987),p.160.
    ② Ronald Reagan,An American Life(New York:Simon and Schuster,1990),p.416.
    ① (美)爱因斯坦:《爱因斯坦文集》(许良英译),北京·商务印书馆,1976 年版,第 278 页。
    ② 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2005 年版,第 473 页。
    ① William.Greider,Who Will Tell the People:The Betrayal of American Democracy(New York;Simon & Schuster,1993),p.216-230.
    ① (美)诺曼·杰·奥恩斯坦、雪利·埃尔德,《利益集团、院外活动和政策制定》(潘同文、陈永易、吴爱美译),北京·世界知识出版社,1981 年版,第 80 页。
    ② John R.Wright,“Contributions Lobbing and Committee Voting in the U.S.House of Representative,”American Political Review,1990,Vol.84,pp.417-438.
    ③ David Austen-Smith and John R.Wright,Counterative Lobbing,American Journal of Political Science,Vol.38,No.1,February,1994,pp.25-44.
    ④ Lawrence Rothenberg,Linking Citizens to Government(New York:Cambridge University Press,1992),p.125.
    ① Wolf Blitzer,Between Washington and Jerusalem:A Reporter’s Notebook(Bloomington:Oxford University Press,1982),pp.72-73.
    ② 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社 2005 年版,第 46 页。
    ③ Allen D.Hertzke,Representing God in Washinton(Knoxville:University of Tennessee Press,1988),p.197.
    ④ (美)戴维·伊斯顿:《政治体系——政治学状况研究》(马清槐译),北京·商务印书馆,1993 年版,第 5 页。
    ⑤ (美)罗伯特·A·达尔:《现代政治分析》(王沪宁译),上海·上海译文出版社,1987 年,第 4 页。
    ⑥ Lester W.Milbrath,The Washington Lobbyists(Chicago:Rand McNally,1963),p.283.
    ① Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.14.
    ② 尼克松政府时期,沙特阿拉伯和伊朗是美国在海湾地区的代理警察,是维护海湾地区稳定的两根支柱。See Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.53.
    ③ See Steven Emerson,The American House of Saud:The Secret Petrodollar connection(New York:Franklin Watts,1985),p.19.
    ④ See A.F.K.Organski,The $36 Billion Bargain:Strategy and Politics in U.S.Assistance to Isreal(New York:Columbia University Press,1990),p.45.
    ⑤ A.F.K.Organski,The $36 Billion Bargain:Strategy and Politics in U.S.Assistance to Isreal(New York:Columbia University Press,1990),p.42.
    ⑥ An Unfettered Press:The American Press,http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/media/unfetter/press01.htm.
    ⑦ James Stimson,Michael MacKuen,and Robert Erikson,“Dynamic Representation,”American Political Science Review 89,September 1995,pp.543-565,David Maythew,Divide We Govern:Party Control,Law Making,and Investigation,1946-1990(New Haven:Yale University Press,1991).
    ① Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.50.
    ② Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.68.
    ③ Robert H.Trice,Interest Groups and the Foreign Policy Process:U.S.Policy in the Middle East(Berkeley,California:Sage Publication,1976),p.55.
    ④ David Howard Goldberg,Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups:American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Isreal(New York:Greenwood Press, 1990),pp.168-169.
    ⑤ Wlilliam B.Quandt,Decade of Decisions,American Policy Toward the Arab-Israel Conflict(1967-1976),(Los Angeles:University of California Press,1977),p.19.
    ① 孙哲:《左右未来:美国国会的制度创新和决策行为》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2001 年版,第 35 页。
    ② Janice J.Terry,U.S.Foreign Policy in the Middle East:The Role of Lobby and Special Interest Groups(London:Pluto Press,2005),p.4.
    ③ Robert A.Darl,A Preface to Democratic Theory(Chicago University,1956),p.124.
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    ⑤ 赵可金:《营造未来——美国国会游说的制度解读》,上海·复旦大学出版社,2005 年版,第 23 页。
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    41、James Stimson,Michael MacKuen,and Robert Erikson,“Dynamic Representation”,American Political Science Review 89,September 1995.
    42、John R.Wright,“Contributions Lobbing and Committee Voting in the U.S.House of Representative”, American Political Review,1990,Vol.84.
    43、David Austen-Smith and John R.Wright,“Counterative Lobbing”,American Journal of Political Science,Vol.38,No.1,February,1994.

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