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     第一部分。几个重要概念的界定及国内外理论综述。(一)、对文章的主要概念做出界定和说明:1、制度 2、正式约束和非正式约束 3、新制度经济学 4、中国传统文化 (二)、国内外理论综述
     第三部分。作为非正式约束的一般视角分析:中国传统文化的双重作用。积极作用:1、中国传统文化十分强调道德价值对于社会经济生活的指导作用。这种价值观念显然能够净化社会风气、大大降低市场交易成本。2、自强不息、刚健有为的精神 3、贵和持中的价值取向 4、人为邦本的管理思想 5、正已正人、德主刑辅的管理手段6、以道制欲、强调节俭,群体趋向的务实精神。消极作用:1、中国伦理—政治型文化范式的架构衍生出的价值取向在现代市场经济条件下发生作用必然导致现实的制度安排不合理,不能充分调动个体积极性。2、重义轻利的价值观与市场经济要求存在冲突,是发展社会主义
Market economy is essentially the economy of unity of ruling by law and ruling by virtue. The establishment of formal institutions is the necessary choice and prerequisite condition of market economy. But in read economic life it is not enough to have formal institutions and nation's legal system has also its unavoidable defects, that is, it is hard to adapt to the multiplicity of market economy, it can not have a capacity of the multiplicity of the market benefit as the main part demands and the complexity of benefit results completely. It is difficult to form social cooperating force between people depending on only law system. Under these circumstances, the arrangement of informal institutions becomes a kind of inevitable choice. In real economic life, virtue constraints are quite necessary and important. Creditability is the core of virtue constraints. This paper will discuss the creditability as informal constraints and Chinese traditional virtue cultures from the perspective of the new institutional ec
    onomics. The whole thesis consists of five chapters:
    The introduction raises points of study.
    Chapter One: The definitions of several important concepts and review of theories both at home and abroad.
    ( I ) The definition and explanation of the main concept of this thesis: 1.institution 2.formal constraints and informal constraints 3.the new institutional economics 4.Chinese traditional culture
    (II )Review of theories both at home and abroad Chapter Two: Positive analysis from the point of view of economics as informal constraints of creditability. Firstly we analyze the present social credit situation of our country by using creditability revenue curve; explain that our market main body lack the enthusiasm for safeguarding creditability; the vicious circle that creditability mechanism falls into reasons that causes China's present terrible credit environment. Then we will respectively expound that in market the different of transaction main body's future transaction expectation will result in the difference of
    creditability mechanism's efficacy by two game models : i. e one -time game and repeated game . On the basis of above points we farther analyze the conditions and system factors that ensure creditability mechanism playing roles.
    Chapter Three: The double function of informal constraints.
    Positive function: 1.Chinese traditional culture emphasizes virtue value has a guiding function on social economic life. This value idea can obviously purify the mood of society and reduce market transaction costs greatly. 2.The spirit of constantly striving to become stronger and energetic. 3.The value tendency characterized by peace and neutrality. 4.The managing thought characterised by the idea that human orientation. 5.The managing means characterized by the idea that is strict with oneself as well as others and virtue is the major and penalty is subsidiary to it. 6.The spirit dealing with concrete matters relating to work has the following features; restricting lust by virtues; emphasizing thrift and a tendency of groups.
    Negative Functions: 1. The value tendency produced from the framework of Chinese ethics -politics culture paradigm function under the condition of modern market economy will inevitably lead to unreasonable system arrangement and is unable to arousing the enthusiasm of individuals fully. 2.The conflict between the value notion considering duty important and paying little attention to benefit and the demands of market economy is the main thinking obstacle factor in developing socialist market economy. 3.Advocating virtues and neglecting science results in the development of market economy lacking the support of full scientific and technology consciousness and demands. 4.The prevailing of rule by virtue tradition and the lack of rule by law tradition makes people's senses of laws getting blunted. Therefore, it is hard to carry out the legal principles that we must persist in developing market economy. 5.The distribution notion of equalitarianism challenges the multiple distribution pat
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