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It's a significant way for enterprises to enhance core competence and to rapid respond to the market changing that integrating outside manufacturing resources based on the web technologies. In this dissertation, aim at efficiently integrating, evaluating and sharing the wide-ranging manufacturing resources, the pivotal concepts, model, technique and applying pattern of the manufacturing resources optimization deploying system are studied systematically.
     In chapter 1,based on the analysis of present status of manufacturing industry in our country and impact of the network technology on the manufacturing industry, the signification of the research subject is expounded. The present status of study on networked manufacturing resource deploying is analyzed and the main study contents of the treatise are summarized.
     In chapter 2,on the basis of analysis and study of the background and characteristics of resource deploying, the framework of networked manufacturing resource deploying was built up and it's concept, feature, structure and function model were discussed. Then, a study is given to the resource interoperation and communication mechanism in the web environment.
     In chapter 3,multi-hierarchies resource information semantic model (RISM) for networked manufacturing were constructed and the theory, method and architecture of RISM were studied in detail. Then, the resource function definition model was built based on the resource meta-function that is the basic function unit in the machining process. Moreover, as the key factor of RISM, the concept semantic net was constructed. The net creating method and semantic operators were discussed. Last, the manufacturing resource representation mechanism based on XML-Schema was proposed in order to support the heterogeneous information integrating and sharing.
     The task definition model for complex manufacturing task was studied in chapter 4. Based on the manufacturing feature, the decompounding method was presented. According to it, a complex manufacturing task can be decomposed into a tree-model that including several meta-tasks. Then the restraint rules were built that including the restraints on the meta-task itself and the restraints between meta-tasks. Base on the tree-model and the restraint rules, an algorithm for building machining process model of the complex manufacturing task was put forward.
     In chapter 5,to satisfy the demand of integrality, veracity of resource information finding, manufacturing resources matching algorithm based on the semantic comparing technology was studied. It included two facets; the one was to match the machining tool resources, the other to match software services for manufacturing. For the first, the semantic expanding operators and semantic verifying operators were constructed. Then, the key technique and workflow for semantic matching was studied. Based on these, the algorithm was brought forward for matching the machining tool resources to meta-task. For the second one, the function vector model of the service was established based on the VSM (Vector Space Model), then the calculating method for the function semantic satisfaction degree was studied, base on these, the software services matching algorithm was presented.
     In chapter 6, to resolve the problem of how to evaluating and selecting the manufacturing resources oriented to machining task in web environment, the algorithm of resources evaluation based on fuzzy and AHP theory was put forward. Then, the multi-resources deploying algorithm oriented to complex manufacturing task was studied. The concepts and the mathematics model of the multi-resources deploying algorithm were defined. To reduce the useless candidate resource, an redundancy resource object deleting algorithm was bring forward based on the constraints expanding method. Moreover, the manufacturing resource chains selecting method was constructed based on fuzzy sorting.
     In chapter 7, based on the above-mentioned theory, a prototype of networked manufacturing resources deploying system was provided.
     In the end, the major conclusions of this dissertation and the outstanding research issues are summarized in chapter 8.
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