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“Myth is a terminology which the modern critic happily uses ,it has contained a vital significance scope, has involved domain and soon religion, ballad, anthropology, sociology, psycho-analysis and fine arts……Usually opposed its view-point sets at it to with the historical scientific philosophy fable truth relative position in.”[1] This is a simple analysis of the myth , but myth’s imagination, unreal essence then like Marx says,“Any myth is conquer of the natural force with the imgination ,and with the aid of the imagination, the control natural forces, performs the natural forces the visualization; therefore, is controlled in fact along with the senatural forces, the myth has also vanished "[2]. Anthropologist Taylor thought“the myth occurs in universe has experienced in the remote century the ignorant time”[3], Lu Xun also said in his "Chinese Novel Abstact History"“Long ago original people, every day myriad things, variation not often, its various phenomena, also stems from the manpower to be able above, then from makes the audiences to say explains it: Every explained that, now says the myth”[4], namely the myth is original people to the life periphery in the world many unknown factors imagination explanations and the visualized ponder. Along with the humanity technology advancement and the rational development, thiskind of primitive thought product must eliminate, myth also becomes eliminating. This narrow sense of definition for myth..
     But the myth source of for the novel, this for does not struggle the fact, also we absorb the acceptance also are generalized myth this definition to the contemporary literature research, namely regarding represents the writer and its the work general significance by SuTong. In a word, myth is the humanity imagines the literature esthetic creation, alone makes for each time writer, and uses to express themselves ultimate ponder and the current concern fictionalizing words. This kind of usual mythical definition also is what we must discuss .Su Tong and his creation and the text characteristic main argument. If south Shen Congwen's western Hunan, Faulkner's US South, Mulk Si's MaKongduo , not says the high-density northeast townshipis same, Su Tong has also created his own south myth kingdom, namely take maple tree poplar tree village and cedrela odorata streetas representative's text world.
     Su Tong’s"the South Degenerates" and other correlative fictionalizes the text is puts in order its south myth writing the main basis, but "South Degenerating with Enticement - Novel Soviet Child Article by way of introduction" (Wang Dewei), "the South Writing" (Wang Zheng, Xiao Hua), "the South Image" (Wang Zheng), "the Surreptitious South" (Chen Xiaoming) and so on the commentary for enters Soviet child it "south" the kingdom password and the medium, is we constructs the construction criticism words the field territory and derives the theory strut the cornerstone.
     The present paper first traces to the source to definition the myth tracing, and through to the myth and literature origin of relations combing, the union modernism myth poem study vigorous growth flow, enters in Su Tong and its the text south myth world, grasps south the Soviet child's time of root and the creation power myth writing. This is the methodology the approximate vein.
     Next is a writer theory. Through carries on the dialysis to a writer document, gradually influencing of from the south, also is the cultural geography stratification plane excavates the Soviet child south the myth writing region origin, along with it to its childhood life memory, imagines the creation thought writing style which and fictionalizes coexists to carry on the analysis judgement.
     Finally, discusses the part for the work. This article to the Soviet child text in the image, the prototype, the mother will write the element to carry on the classification evaluation, the overall echoespreceding text literature myth the definition and the classification, also namely south myth write text multi-lateral surface will present.
     The conclusion, 20th century "the again myth" [5] favors and the newcentury global character "the iteration myth" vigorous growth thetidal current, itself also confirmed the myth poem skill has to the literary arts never may substitute urges to send the function and the structure value.
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