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Metal zirconium becomes a very important novel structure material for its advantages such as anti-nuclear radioactive, corrosion resistance and low thermal expansion coefficient and so on.
     The purpose of this work was to improve the properties of metal zirconium from the perspective of the structure of metallic zirconium. The cubic anvil high pressure apparatus was used to produce high pressure. The metal zirconium was treated by changing the pressure and temperature simultaneously, when the holding time was set. The microstructures and properties of the metal zirconium were studied.
     The phases and microstructure of the metal zirconium before and after treated under high temperature and high pressure were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. It was shown that there was significant change in phases of the metal zirconium treated under before the theoretical phase transition temperature. The calculation results of the average grain size showed that the size of the particle was changed under the combined effect of the temperature and pressure.
     The thermal expansion behavior of the metal zirconium before and after treated under high temperature and high pressure was investigated under the conditions of continuous heating by the thermal expansion equipment. The result shows that the thermal expansion coefficient of the metal zirconium treated descreases. The corrosion properties of the metal zirconium were analyzed by CHI660A electrochemical workstation. The corrosion resistance significantly increased in a particular temperature and pressure.
     The friction and wear experiment of the metal zirconium before and after treated under high temperature and high pressure was handled by friction and wear testing machine. The surface morphology of the sample was analyzed by the scanning electron microscope. The result shows that friction and wear process is mainly adhesive wear. The weight loss of metal samples treated was less, the wear resistance was improved.
     The result of hardness test shows the higher the pressure and temperature and the longer the natural aging time, the greater microhardness.
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