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Along with the strong increase of national energy demand, coal-dominated energystructure will last a long time. The safe and efficient mining issue has been a primaryresearch subject in the resources and environment flied, in order to improve equipmentautomatically and realize unmanned mining. Taking the Three Machines of shearer,hydraulic support and scraper conveyor as research object, this dissertation researchesthe positioning estimation and task coordination of Three Machines supported by theNational High Technology Research and Development Program of China. Kinematicsmodel of the Three Machines is established based on the collaboration motion rule of theThree Machines. Then the inertial navigation system (INS) integrated with the Ultra-wideband (UWB) are applied to derive the collaboration positioning model, which canobtain accuracy position and pose of shearer in the enclosed environment. Analyzing theconstraints rules among the shearer, hydraulic support and scraper conveyor, theparameter dynamic matching of the Three Machines is studied. A set of constraints isresearched to find the mechanism of task coordination. Finally the schedulingoptimization and conflict resolution of Three Machines is realized, which can providetheoretical and technical support for intelligent mining. The main research work includes:
     1) The kinematics model of the Three Machines is established on coal mine face.The position and pose equations of shearer is described by analyzing the working spaceand motion rule of shearer. Based on researching the propelling and advancing rules ofhydraulic support, the machinery-tracked model of hydraulic support is establishedthrough formulating the linkage rules of hydraulic support.
     2) Dynamic positioning strategy for shearer is proposed in the enclosedenvironment. Firstly the positioning estimation of shearer is researched by only using theINS. Strap-down inertial navigation machinery arrangement of shearer is fixed andinertial navigation equation of the shearer is established. Inertial navigation attitudesolution strategy is proposed based on quaternion. The positioning performance ofshearer is verified on the experiment platform, which reveals the advantage anddisadvantage of the INS. Secondly the integrated navigation strategy INS/UWB isproposed further. The coupling mechanism of INS/UWB integrates the advantage of thetwo methods. Finally the proposed method of INS/UWB is tested.
     3) Integrated navigation data fusion strategy is researched based on INS/UWB.Firstly the error propagation characteristic of integrated navigation system INS/UWB is studied based on the subsystem positioning error of INS and UWB. Then, systempositioning error state equation can be obtained. Secondly the state equation andmeasurement equation are established based on INS/UWB. Fuzzy adaptive Kalmanfiltering method is proposed and the integrated navigation simulation is researched.Finally the collaboration positioning platform is designed. The position and poseexperiment of shearer is researched, which can verify the integrated navigation model ofINS/UWB.
     4) Task coordination mechanism is studied under Three Machines constraints.Firstly a set of constraints among shearer, hydraulic support and scraper conveyor isfound and the parameter dynamic matching of the Three Machines is researched.Secondly Three Machines collaborative control system model is established, which issolved through dynamic programming theory. Generalized partial global planning(GPGP) task coordination mechanism of Three Machines is proposed and the simulationplatform is constructed. Experimental study of task coordination is developed. Theresults show that task coordination mechanism for Three Machines can detect taskconstraints, realize coordination running and improve the performance of ThreeMachines.
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