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Cotton is one of an import ecnomomic crops in china and it is strategic goods which have close relationship with our country's economy and people's life. It can influence tens millions of people's job in our country. However, our country has a large number of people while only has limited land, the contradictory between cotton and grains is very severe. An import way to solve this problem is promoting the short-seasoned cotton, but it always has the problem of early-decrepit which has negative influence on the yield and quality of cotton.SOD is an import enzyme in the complex process of short-seasoned cotton not early-decrepit and is the first line to get rid of ROS.So it is very important to carry some research on SOD, which can provide support to bio-chemical breeding.
     This research is based on the population which is the descendant of ZhongmiansuolO and Liao4086, to probe the relationship between earliness with decrepit and earliness but not decrepit from the perspectives of molecular marker, protein, transcription and field characteristics.Develope a new SOD marker, detect the characteristics of this population and the change of SOD enzyme of different time. The main results are:
     1)First determinated all of the 246 lines SOD activities and choose 2 groups:one is with high SOD activity and the other is with low SOD activity.Then uses the premiers which are desighed according to the EST of SOD to amplify their DNA. The results are:the group with high SOD activity have short fragment and the other group have long fragment. Then use all of the lines to check the reliability of this marker, we found that there are 56 lines are short fragments and 190 lines are long fragments. The average SOD activity of those lines which are 587bp is 840.476(unit/gFW)and the other is 690.276(unit/gFW). So this marker can be used to detect the SOD activity of short-seasoned cotton.
     2) According to the regulation of the SOD activity in short-seasoned cotton, took the samples at July 25th 2009, August 10th 2009 and August 25th 2009. Determinated their activities, extracted RNA, and then used them to carry the further analysis.The results show that no matter at translation level or trascriptive level, the expression of SOD is highest atⅡ,the same as the change of SOD activity. Cu/Zn-SOD play a dominate role in the formation of the total SOD activity. Cotton SOD gene is very similar with grapes',and the sme type SOD is very same as each other and SODs in the same organ is very similar.
     3) According to the analysis of field investigation results, the relationships among all the characteristics are complicated; they promote each other and limited each other, one's change often bring changes to others. SOD has predominated relationship with cotton field characteristics, this shows that SOD has positive influence on cotton field characteristics.
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