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The international flow of human capital is a social phenomenon as well as an economic phenomenon. Such phenomenon is unavoidable as long as there are many differences in economy, politics, science and technology, culture and living conditions among different countries and regions. The international flow of human capital delivers impact on a country in many aspects. It can influence economic development and welfare of a country on macro-level as well as institutions like corporations, other organizations and migrating individuals on the middle-level and micro-level. As the economic and financial globalization goes into depth, the phenomenon of mobility will become more intensive. Many scholars have studied the influence of the international flow of human capital on economic development, but this article will place great emphasis on the study of the impact of international flow of human capital on the strategic human resource management (SHRM) of China’s financial enterprises, based on the current situation of the human resource management of China’s financial enterprises.
     The financial enterprises are very essential to China’s economic stability and security, and the financial enterprises’competitiveness advancement and the realization of its strategic objective lie in high-level financial talents and enterprises’SHRM. This article begins with literature review, and then the analysis of the international flow of human capital and the necessity of implementation of SHRM in financial enterprises. Next, this article presents the view that the international flow of human capital can promote the construction and efficient operation of SHRM of China’s financial enterprises. This article also holds that the impact of the international flow of human capital on SHRM mainly lies in three aspects: strategic human resource international planning, high-level financial talents gaining and recruiting, and strategic compensation. The international planning of strategic human resource is a new conception put forward by this article, which means that China’s financial enterprises should do strategic human resource planning from the world perspective; while the gaining and recruiting of high-level financial talents and strategic compensation stress how China’s financial enterprises get, remain and make use of talents in the context of the international flow of human capital. Finally, this article puts forward some suggestions on the attracting, gaining and remaining of high-level financial talents.
     The contribution of this thesis can be summarized into the following four parts: First of all, the research is based on a new perspective, which allows the research to shed new light on the research question. Second, the author develops a new model for analysis. Third, the thesis put forward a new conception, namely the international plan of strategic human resource. Fourth, the thesis takes Game Theory as the research method, which will make the analysis more academic.
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