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     根据现代产品开发的特点和需求,在对工作流管理相关技术全面回顾的基础上,提出了敏捷环境下的注塑产品并行开发工作流管理系统模型。基于对象描述方法和标准建模语言,给出了工作流元模型的形式化定义和图形化描述,使得抽象的工作流元模型更加贴近于具体应用。基于Web Service技术,建立了敏捷环境下注塑产品并行开发工作流集成框架,使得产品开发活动更容易、有效地被部署,基于工作流技术的各种应用能够实时地、无缝地进行互操作,从而保证了敏捷模式下产品开发活动的顺利进行。
     深入研究了工作流过程建模与监控方法,针对注塑产品并行开发流程复杂、环节多的特点,首次提出了一种带有总控页的层次赋时有色Petri网模型-CHCTPN(Control page-based Hierarchical Colored and Timed Petri Nets)。为降低开发活动及其状态管理的复杂性,在保留CTPN描述优点的基础上,CHCTPN通过层次聚类的方法来对耦合开发活动分而治之。为了有效监控复杂环境下工作流状态,保证开发任务的如期进行,CHCTPN通过将控制页引入Petri网,力求使各种过程控制功能与方法能够在Petri网中得到表达与应用。
Workflow management is a research area which combines computer supported cooperative work and advanced manufacturing technology in the process of product development. Workflow management is a research direction under the pressure of market competition and forces of technology progress, provides an efficient development mode for design new product in high quality, short period and low cost.
     Development of injection product is a very complex process, including product design, mold design and simulation of injection process, and so on. In the past, injection product development mainly focused on CAD/CAE/CAM, and management of development workflow is poorly concerned. In general, if workflow management problems are encountered, manual or semiautomatic mode is always used but information process efficiency is barely satisfied. So it can’t match the demand of workflow management for a company. In this paper, workflow management technology is adopted in the development of injection product. With the idea of concurrent engineering and agile manufacturing, key technologies for injection products concurrent development workflow management system are deeply studied. The main content and creative points are summarized as follows:
     According to the requirement of modern product development, on the basis of comprehensive review of workflow management technologies, an injection products concurrent development workflow management system model is presented. By means of object-oriented method and uniform modeling language, a formalization definition and graphical description of workflow metal model are obtained, which make abstract metal model more approaching to the practice. By means of Web Service, an integrated workflow frame for injection products development is build, which make development activities and various workflow application can be more easily deployed.
     Relationship of concurrent development activities is deeply and systematically studied. On the basis of mapping mechanism and case-based reasoning (CBR) technology, a new algorithm for calculating the design structure matrix (DSM) is presented for the first time. On the analysis of the mapping mechanism between product feature and DSM, a synthesis mapping expression is proposed, which qualitatively demonstrates the relationship between product feature and DSM. The expression includes feature mapping, process mapping and adjacent mapping. After analyzing the technology challenge of CBR—case retrieving and adaptation, a novel CBR quantificational calculating platform is set up which is based on annealing simulation algorithm and rough set, and its mathematical model and associate algorithm are established. This platform efficiently improves the quality of case retrieving and adaptation by inheriting and simulating expert experience.
     The influence of coupled activities on workflow planning is deeply and systematically studied. On the basis of graph theory, a novel workflow planning method is presented. Focused on coupling and decoupling thesis, the whole process of workflow planning is divided into two phrases—activity identification and activity planning. In activity identification phrase, coupled activity can be recognized by Boolean operation of adjacent matrix, accessible matrix and strong connected matrix. In activity planning phrase, global planning result is obtained by compressing and hierarchically operating accessible matrix, and local planning result is obtained by comparing the coupled activities correlation strength of fuzzy design structure matrix. An advantage of the method is that mapping from design structure matrix to workflow graph can be automatically realized, which improves the efficiency of workflow planning greatly.
     Partner selection method is studied. On the basis of workflow planning, a fuzzy partner optimization selection strategy for mold development is presented. With the development strategy requirements of mold manufacturing enterprise, a comprehensive evaluating attributes set is build, which provides definite description of source data for partner evaluating. After analyzing and comparing the current evaluating methods, an optimization model for order preference is introduced for partner selection, which can ensure the maximal performance/price ratio for whole manufacturing chain. According to the character of strong experience and weak theory of mold manufacturing field, all decision parameters are expressed by extend triangular fuzzy number, which is more compatible with expert judgment habit.
     Task scheduling method of agile manufacturing was investigated. A flexible and dynamic scheduling model of concurrent product development was presented and dynamic environment parameter was calculated. Based on that, a genetic algorithm of extended procedure coding was presented and key technology such as coding/decoding, genetic operator, optimizing strategy was researched. To complete task as soon as possible, chromosome coding/decoding was designed with flexible and active scheduling method. To avoid potential conflicting and deadlock, chromosome crossover operator was designed with partially mapping and bubbling method. To avoid population premature because of chromosome similarity, chromosome mutation operator was designed with the concept of difference degree. To obtaining the global optimization chromosome, fitness function was designed with adjustment parameter.
     The methodology of workflow modeling and monitoring is deeply studied. On the basis of colored and timed Petri nets, a novel control page-based hierarchical colored and timed Petri nets-CHCTPN is presented. For reducing the complexity of activities and status managing, hierarchical planning ideal was used to divide and rule the coupled activities in CHCTPN. Furthermore, for efficiently monitoring and implementing the complex workflow, control page was introduced to express and apply practice control function in CHCTPN.
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