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Animation is an important part of the cultural industry, known as the most potential industry in the 21st century, with great market. It is of great significance for people's spiritual and cultural life, social culture and the cultivation of the teenagers. China's animation industry is now facing two major challenges:"insufficient incentives" and "incentives failures". So, the effective management and motivation by a scientific salary system to boost the staff's job performance are the inevitable issues for the companies.
     Although many studies have been made in the last decades, which are mainly made from the aspects of the total compensation theory, engagement theory and the theory of employee performance, the theories adopted were mainly independent instead of comprehensive, let alone considering China's distinctive situation and the interrelationship among the above theories. In this study, the hypothetical model among total compensation, engagement theory and the employee performance was brought up on the basis of the analysis of the previous studies, which signifies the relationship between total compensation and animation talents in the following fields:direct effect, i.e. total compensation has direct influence on staff's performance; intermediate effect, which means that total compensation influences staff's performance through engagement; adjusting effects, which means that demographic characteristics (gender, age, job title, education, duration of service, work, job position) and organizational characteristics (organization size and location) affect the relationship between total compensation and performance.
     Questionnaire is adopted in this research to collect data. In order to ensure its validity and authenticity, pilot questionnaire was made on the basis of domestic and international fixed fields and the combination of expert validity and surface validity, and then the formal questionnaire is formed after the amendment through the result of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). In order to ensure the data's representation, authenticity and reliability, this study has adopted four measures. Firstly, we have close communication with the cartoon and animation bases in both Shenzhen and other big cities in China, and get a helpful support from dozens of representative animation companies. Secondly, a certain number of representative animation companies were surveyed in Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Changsha, Wuhan, Chengdu, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Thirdly, gifts have been given to each respondent. Fourthly, the considerate design of the preface, contents, distribution and collection in the questionnaire are helpful in the relief of the respondents'worries.144 pilot questionnaires have been distributed to 20 animation companies with 133 valid ones, which rates 92.36%, and 730 formal questionnaires have been distributed to 65 animation companies with 556 valid one, which rates 76.16%.
     After the completion of the data classification and summarization, the professional statistical software SPSS17.0 and structural equation analysis software AMOS18 were used for the analysis. The analysis begins with the evaluation on the consistency of questionnaire in the situation of China by confirmatory factor analysis. Check whether the model matches with data measurement or not with the model's fitting degree index. And the structural validity examination was made. Then the reliability analysis is made to evaluate the reliability stability and consistency. Based on the above, a preliminary analysis was made by adopting the measures such as basic statistical analysis, correlation analysis, frequency distribution, independent sample t-test and single factor analysis of variance. Then SPSS 17.0 is used in correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. As the multiple regression analysis of SPSS is only valid for single process and can't signify the direct and indirect effect of independent variable to several induced variables, the author uses structure equation model analysis software AMOS 18 to compare (chi-square test) the assumed model (partial intermediary model) with the reasonable replacement models (non-intermediary model and complete intermediary model). And the author uses the model fitting degree to approve that the hypothesis model is the best model for the data, and test the hypothesis through the structural model, leading to the conclusion of the research.
     The research conclusions are as follows:(1) internal remuneration not only has significant positive and direct influence on the performance of the staff in animation companies, but also has indirect influence through "organization identity" and "work". Compared with other forms of payments, internal remuneration is much more conducive to improve the performance of the staff. (2) The external economic compensation has significant effects on performance of collective compensation (mainly work performance), and has indirect influence on dedication (mainly organizational identity) and performance. Personal fixed compensation has not significant influence on the performance. Individual variable compensation has direct and negative influence on performance. (3) Among social emotions remuneration, only "opportunities" has significant positive influence on performance (mainly "work performance"), whereas "freedom and career development" and "symbolic reward" do not have significant negative influence on performance. At the same time, "professional recognition" has significant negative influence on the performance (mainly work). (4) "Engagement" takes the roll as intermediate between overall salary of animation staff and their performance. (5) Three variables, sex, position and scale of company, have adjustment function for comprehensive salary and performance.
     The research has great significance for the relevant theories as total compensation, engagement and performance. The main contribution and innovation of the research are as follows:(1) It has compared and verified the function, method and degree of ways of salary to the performance of the animation staff within the framework of theory of total compensation, and supplements the "compensation-Performance Theory". (2) It has testified that engagement is the intermediate variable, which is both the supplements and innovation to the "compensation-Performance Theory". (3) It has tested the total compensation theory, which originates from the west, in China's situation. (4) It has provided theoretical support for animation companies in staff management and encouragement, meanwhile, it has provided the companies with empirical support in the ways of salary.
     The result of the research can help the animation company managers in five ways as follows:(1) A reasonable salary system is the priority. (2) Collective payment is preferred in salary in case of dissatisfaction of the staff, and it should be based on fairness and justice; (3) The external social emotion reward system should be made with care, mainly relying on promotions. With the development of the companies, "freedom and career development" and "symbolic reward" are also for choices; whereas, "professional recognition" can be avoided or dealt with care for some companies. (4) Make a full use of engagement as an intermediate between overall salary and their performance. (5) The conclusion that sex, position and scale of company influence the staff's performance to a certain extent is a useful reference for the management.
     Because of the limited knowledge and ability, and objective constraints, this study is expected to be promoted in research methods, method of investigation and homologous variance.
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