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The ne country, two systems policy is one of the long term and basic policies of Chinese
     Government. This paper, under the guide of Marxism and Mao Zedong thought on the strategic
     thoughts about international politics, nation and diplomacy, especially under the guide of the
     international strategy and exposition of ne country, two systems in Deng Xiaoping theory, has
     comprehensively studied and systematically induced the practice process and basic characteristic
     of ne country, two systems against international strategic background in Macan; tried to
     analyze the strategic influence of the formation of concrete implementation mode of ne country,
     two systems on the great task of national reunification in a macrn-way; compared this with the
     implementation of ne country, two systems in Hong Kong; pondered and explored the objective
     law through actual implementation of ne country, two systems identified key issues which
     need to be solved and dealt with in Macan and Hong Kong in their carrying out ne country, two
     systems It has paid much attention to the strategies and tactics put forward by the three
     generations of central leaders in their respective period when dealing with the question of Macao.
     Through collecting, inducing, rearranging, this paper intends to make the basis for further studying
     the development process of the concept. ne country, two systems
     This paper constitutes a foreword and eight chapters. The foreword mainly depicts the nature of
     the issue of Macao and the strategic characteristics in Macao and the strategic status in the great
     task of national reunification of ne country, two systems elaborating the purpose and
     significance of the paper. The first chapter expounds the origin of the question of Macao, changes
     of its international status and the strategy of the first generation leaders with Man Zedong and
     Zhou Enlai as representative. The second chapter discusses the forming of the concept of ne
     country, two systems initiated by Deng Xiaoping and its practice in Macan against the
     international strategic background. The third chapter mainly analyzes the co-operations and
     divergences of China and Portugal during the negotiations on the question Qf Macao as well as
     Portugal strategy. The fourth chapter analyzes the influence of the international strategic
     background on Macan, during the Pre-transitional period, meanwhile, compares the basic Laws of
     Macan and Hong Kong. The fifth chapter principally identifies the main issues to be solved during
     the post-transitional period, and the co-operations and divergences on these issues between China
     and Portugal, systematically induces the third generation central leaders strategic thoughts on the
     transitional period of Macan. The sixth chapter comprehensively analyzes the process of forming
     the preparatory committee of Macan Special Administrative Region with reference to the
     international background, and compares this with Hong Kong. The seventh chapter discusses the
     last strategic arrangement on both China and Portugai to solve the key issues concerning the
     handover of Macan against the international strategic background before the return of Macan. The
     eighth chapter mainly analyzes and evaluates the strategic interactive relationships among various
     factors concerning Macao, on the basis of the prior work, the international environment during
     solving the question of Macan, the relationship between China and Portugal, the strategy of
     Chinese Government in settling the issues of Macao by employing ne country, two systems
     studies and identifies the universal relations in the all-around implementation of ne country, two
     systems policy in Honk
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