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     微观组织结构分析表明,等离子喷涂层中相成分主要包括α-Al_2O_3相、γ-Al_2O_3相、TiO_2相及一部分非晶相。激光重熔后,等离子喷涂层中亚稳的γ-Al_2O_3相全部转化成了稳定的α-Al_2O_3相。此外,在重熔过程中, Al_2O_3和TiO_2反应生成了Al2TiO5相,且基体中有部分活性元素Ti渗入到熔池中。粒径分析结果表明,等离子喷涂Al_2O_3-13wt%TiO_2涂层及激光重熔后的Al_2O_3-13wt%TiO_2涂层均处于纳米结构。等离子喷涂纳米结构涂层中主要有两种组织,即熔凝组织和三维网状组织。激光重熔后,纳米结构重熔层组织具有明显的区域特征,在不同区域发现了柱状晶,胞状晶及其混合组织,这是由不同温度条件、不同冷却速度及熔池中不均匀传质等综合因素引起的。
In this paper, conventional Metco130 ceramic coating and nanostructured Al_2O_3-13wt%TiO_2 coating have been successfully fabricated by plasma spraying on a titanium alloy (TC4) substrate. A CO2 laser has been used to remelt the plasma sprayed coatings, with the purpose of homogenizing their microstructure, eliminating their porosity and enhancing their bonding strength. The influence of laser remelting on the microstructure and properties of the ceramic coatings was investigated.
     The microstructure, phase constitution and microhardness of the as-sprayed and laser remelted coatings were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX) techniques and microhardness testing, respectively.
     Experimental results show that the as-sprayed coatings maintained good mechanical bonding to the substrate. The porosity of the nanostructured coating is less than that of the conventional Metco130 coating. After laser remelting, the remelted coatings with smooth surface, less crack were obtained. The remelted coatings possessed a more homogeneous microstructure, less porosity, and an excellent metallurgical bonding to the substrate. The defects and porosity of the as-sprayed coatings were eliminated.
     The microstructure analysis shows that the plasma sprayed coatings consisted ofα-Al_2O_3,γ-Al_2O_3 and TiO_2 phases. Amorphous phases were also found in the as-sprayed coatings. After laser remelting, the metastableγ-Al_2O_3 phase in the as-sprayed coatings was transferred to stableα-Al_2O_3. In addition, the reaction of Al_2O_3 and TiO_2 led to Al2TiO5. A bit of Ti of the substrate came into the molten pool during laser remelting. The average grain size in the as-sprayed coatings and laser remelted coatings was evaluated using Scherrer Equation. The results show that the plasma sprayed Al_2O_3-13wt%TiO_2 coatings were nanostructured. After laser remelting, the remelted coatings could still keep nanostructured. Two kinds of typical microstructures were found in the as-sprayed nanostructured coatings. One is the full-fused microstructure and the other is the three-dimensional net microstructure. In the laser remelted nanostructured coatings, columnar grain, cellular grain and their mixture microstructure were found in different zone. The different kinds of microstructure were due to different laser heating temperature, different cooling rate and nonuniform mass transfer process.
     The microhardness of the coatings before and after laser remelting was determined. It has been found that the microhardness of the as-sprayed coatings was about HV700~1050, which was 2~3 times that of the microhardness of the substrate. The microhardness obtained after laser remelting was up to HV800~1300, which was higher than that of the microhardness of the as-sprayed coatings.
     During plasma spraying and laser remelting, the nanostructured coatings possessed microstructure heredity. The three-dimensional net microstructure could be found in the nanostructured feedstock. After plasma spraying, the net microstructure was kept in the as-sprayed coatings. At last, in the laser remelted coatings, the net microstructure feature could be also found in the ball-like micorstructure.
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