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绝经后妇女由于雌激素水平下降,易于引发骨质疏松,对骨质疏松与颌骨、牙槽骨关系的研究表明,骨质疏松症的绝经后妇女下颌骨量与全身骨量有明显的相关关系,绝经后可出现不同程度的牙槽骨骨质疏松症状[1-4]。雌激素替代疗法(estrogen replacement treatment,ERT)可有效提高绝经期妇女体内雌激素的水平,是预防绝经后骨质疏松症及骨折的有效方法[2],同时,ERT也可减少牙周炎患者的牙龈出血和附着丧失,维持牙槽骨的骨量,提高牙齿的保留率[5,6]。牙周膜细胞是牙周膜内的主要成分,对维持牙周膜的形态、功能有决定性的作用,并且在牙槽骨的改建中发挥重要作用。以往的研究显示牙周膜细胞内有雌激素受体的表达,而且在外源性雌激素作用下,牙周膜细胞的成骨作用增强[7]。在牙周膜内有数种细胞成分,除占主要地位的牙周膜成纤维细胞外,还有成骨细胞、破骨细胞及未分化间充质细胞--牙周膜干细胞(PDLSCs),PDLSCs是牙周膜内各主要功能细胞的来源[8],而PDLSCs与雌激素在牙周改建及再生过程中的关系尚无研究报道。由此,我们设想,牙周膜干细胞内是否也有雌激素受体的表达,如果有雌激素受体表达,外源性雌激素对牙周膜干细胞成骨作用有何影响?通过本研究,我们将对这些问题进行探讨,以进一步明确雌激素在牙周改建及再生中的作用机制,为牙周病及正畸临床治疗提供一定新的思路和理论基础。
     (3)取第三代PDLSCs以免疫细胞化学方法进行ERα及ERβ特异性抗体染色;以逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)法检测PDLSCs在雌激素作用前后ERα及ERβmRNA表达的变化并与牙周膜细胞作比较研究;以Western blot法分析PDLSCs在雌激素作用前后ERα及ERβ蛋白表达的变化并与牙周膜细胞作比较研究。
     (3)免疫细胞化学染色显示ERα及ERβ在PDLSCs中均阳性表达,定位于细胞核;RT-PCR及Western blot检测示:在mRNA及蛋白水平,均可检测到ERα及ERβ表达,且ERα表达高于ERβ。此外,PDLSCs与同来源牙周膜细胞相比, ERα及ERβ的表达较高;而PDLSCs在雌激素作用后ERα及ERβ的表达较作用前均增加。
Estrogen deficiency is important in the pathogenesis of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Previous studies show that the bone mass in the mandible and skeletal bone mass had an evident correlation in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, and the osteoporotic alveolar bone would appear in postmenopausal women. Estrogen replacement treatment (ERT) can increase the estrogen level in postmenopausal women and decrease the bone loss, gingival blooding and attachment loss. Estrogen exerts its influence by binding to specific receptors, estrogen receptor (ER). ER-αand ER-βhave been detected in periodontal ligament (PDL) cells, and it has been reported that estrogen could stimulate bone formation capacity in cultured PDL cells by increasing alkaline phosphatase activity, the production of osteocalcin and the formation of mineralized nodules.
     Periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) are progenitors of PDL cells, and the application of PDLSCs may be effective for periodontal regenerative therapy as for their ability to form different tissue types and self-renew. However, considering the effects of estrogen on bone-forming capability in cultured human PDL cells, few studies have been conducted in PDLSCs. The aims of the present study were to determine ERs expression in human periodontal ligament stem cells and to investigate the effects that estrogen on osteogenic differentiation of PDLSCs in vitro.
     In the present study, PDLSCs were isolated by immunomagnetic method. The flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry procedure were used to disclose the cell cycle and surface marker of the PDLSCs. And osteoinduction and adipoinduction were done to conform the multidirectional differentiation ability of PDLSCs as meanwhille. We investigated ERs expression in PDLSCs by immunocytochemistry, ERs mRNA expression by RT-PCR and ERs protein expression by Western Blot analysis. Furthermore, we evaluated the effects of estrogen on ALP activity and collagen synthesis in the osteogenic differentiation of PDLSCs.
     We harvested the following results:
     1. The isolated PDLSCs have orbicular-ovate nuclei and irregular morphous, which are similar to fibroblast-like cells. The cell growth curve indicated that PDLSCs had a low proliferation rate.
     2. The isolated PDLSCs have the ability to form multi-cell clusters and cell life cycle which similar to that of stem cells. Analysis of surface epitopes of PDLSCs by FACS showed CD44 and CD146 were of high expression, in the contrary, CD34 and CD45 were of low expression. In the meanwhile, STRO-1 and Vimentin were both positively stained. Furthermore, after adipogenetic induction, PDLSCs developed into oil red O-positive lipid-laden fat cells as well as small round alizarin red-positive nodules were also formed in the osteogenic induction cultures.
     3. Immunocytochemistry showed that both ER-αand ER-βwere positively stained in the nuclei of PDLSCs. Western blot analysis and RT-PCR procedure indicated that the expressions of ERs (both ER-αand ER-β) in PDL cells were in a lower level compared with that in the PDLSCs. In PDLSCs groups, the expression of ER-αwas higher than that of ER-β, and the expressions of ERs in 17-βestradiol treated group were higher than that of untreated group.
     4. Comparing to the group of control, the DNA synthesis of PDLSCs depressed in the first three days, and increased apparently in the following time while treated with 17-βestradiol. In the estrogen treated groups, the DNA synthesis was of a dose dependent manner.
     5. When PDLSCs were treated with 17-βestradiol, the ALP expression increased from day 3. Furthermore, the ALP levels were higher in the estrogen treated groups than control group, and in the estrogen treated groups, the ALP activity was of a dose dependent manner.
     6. When PDLSCs were treated with 17-βestradiol, compared with control groups, the synthesis of typeⅠcollagen increased more apparently in the estrogen treated groups, and the synthesis was of a dose dependent manner.
     1. Immunomagnetic method is an effective way to isolate and purify the PDLSCs. The acquired cells showed the characteristics of stem cells.
     2. Both ER-αand ER-βare expressed in PDLSCs. The expression of ER-αis higher than ER-β, which indicates that estrogen effects on PDLSCs are probably mainly displayed via ER-α. When PDLSCs were treated with estrogen while osteogenic induction, the expression of ER-αand ER-βincreased, this signified that estrogen may modulate the osteogenic differentiation of PDLSCs through ERs.
     3. Estrogen could accelerate the DNA synthesis and osteogenic differentiation of PDLSCs, which indicates that the estrogen effects on periodontal reconstruction may be displayed through PDLSCs.
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