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Boiler is one of the main equipments in the power plant, and it's security and economy are very important. To increase the efficiency of the boiler, decrease the occurring of the blowout of the pipes, and reduce the let of the pollutant and so on, we need to analysis the process of the combustion of pulverized coal in the boiler and it's temperature distributions, pressure distribution, velocity, and so forth.
    However, development of coal combustion technology in the past was largely empirical in nature, being based primarily on years of accumulated experience in operations of utility furnaces and on data obtained from sub-scale test facilities. Empirically based experience and data have limited applicability. With the fast development of computer, the numerical simulation of combustion has been a important means of the combustion theory research and combustion device design, and can accurately predict the temperature distributions, gas composition, velocity, NOx formation and so on.
    In this paper, by using the user defined functions of the CFD software FLUENT, I introduced the more advanced devolatilization model DAEM into the software instead of the original devolatilization models. So on the basis of the other submodels of the comprehensive combustion models in the software, the numerical simulation of the process of the combustion pulverized coal and the formation of NOx of the seventh boiler of the 200MW set of the Tai Yuan Second Thermal Power Plant is done, and the distribution of C(S), CH4 and NO can be seen, and this will help the control of pollutant and running of the boiler.
    The submodels used in the process of the pulverized coal combustion are discussed in this paper,. a comprehensive model must balance submodels sophistication with computational practicality. In other words, a
    comprehensive model must incorporate submodels that not only simulate the phenomena of interest, but do so in a way that can be coupled with the other submodels and solved in a reasonable amount of time.
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