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Forest fire is an important drive to the succession of the forest, and the forest fire is a burning that is out of control, and it is a natural disaster which mechanism is complex and does great harm to. How to get its benefit and to avoid its harm and to control the fire and make it tend to the fire favorite to the benefit, it needs the deep master to the forest fire’s mechanism. In this research, the theory, technology and the methods of the knowledge discover is introduced into, and implying the unordinary procedure to improve the automation level of the forest fire research, and gets new knowledge and builds new model, as a result, to provide new theory, technique and methods.
     The Fangshan district as the research area, the R as the analysis tool, the relation between the ignition and the spread of forest fire and the environment in this area was analyzed.
     The main contains of this research include many respects, as follows:
     1 the collection of the forest fire’s precision data.
     Implying the location and measurement technology of the hand-hold GPS, forest compass and the lookout of the forest fire, aided by the GIS, the difficulty of collection of the precision data of forest fire is solved, and the precision of the forest fire data is improved. According to the condition of the forest bureau of Fangshan, the problem how to get the forest fire data is solved.
     2 the pretreatment of the forest fire data
     Implying the pretreatment technology of the forest fire data, the cause of the outlier was probed in description and in fix quantify. The noise in the forest fire is removed, and the method to replace the missing data is determined.
     3 the research on the application of the three key technology of the KD in forest fire research. Three key technology of KD is implying in the research on the relationship between the weather factors and the ignition and the spread of the forest fire attain the new knowledge and present that the weather factor’s affect on the forest fire is complex. The key technique to analysis the weather factors with the KD is present.
     4 research on the time serial data and the spatial data of the forest fire Research on the time serial data, figure out the methods to analysis the time serial data and present the calculating of the forest fire protection period and the determine of the severe area.
     The main result
     1 the combination of different weather factors may have the same infection on the ignition of the forest fire.
     The combination of the different climate factors has the same affections on the forest fire’s ignition, and that can not be expressed by a formula which is widely used in traditional statistics. This
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