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中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)是西北太平洋陆架区的特征种,也是我国近海重要浮游桡足类之一。其在中国近海生态系统中的作用与地位与大西洋中的飞马哲水蚤(C. finmarchicus)相当。基于中华哲水蚤在海洋生态系统物流和能流中的重要地位,故被称为海洋浮游动物的“关键种”。半个世纪以来,在中华哲水蚤生物学、生态学等研究领域已积累了丰富的资料。但是,作为我国近海浮游动物的关键种,对中华哲水蚤的种群发生、增长及其补充过程和机制、生活史策略、生态对策等重大生物学和生态学问题我们仍知之甚少,许多问题诸如种群地理分化、渡夏机制等仍然悬而未决。研究中华哲水蚤的种群遗传学,是海洋生态系统动力学研究的一个重要组成部分,对于探索生态系统物质的输入和输出以及系统内部能量的运转机制具有重要意义,也是合理利用生物资源和资源保护的重要基础研究,也是研究全球环境变化对海洋生产力和产量影响的重要内容。
     1. 2002年5月份在青岛胶州湾海域采获的中华哲水蚤的mtCOI基因片段长度为709 bp (国际基因库,索引号AY665663),其碱基组成A、C、G、T含量分别为24.26%、19.18%、22.43%和34.13%;C+G含量为41.61%,A+T为58.39%。与国际基因库登录(索引号AF332769)的中华哲水蚤(日本内海)mtCOI(633bp)比较,差异仅有3个位点,两者一致性(identity)达99.53%。
Calanus sinicus is a characteristic copepod widely distributed in Northwest Pacific continental shelf because it dominates the mesozooplankton in the shelf ecosystem, also components a major copepod in China seas for its eggs, larvae and adults provide a wide size spectrum of food to the commercial pelagic fish stocks. Owing to it plays a most important role in the material and energy flows in ecosystem of China seas, which corresponds to an other planktonic copepod Calanus finmarchicus inhabited in northern Atlantic, Calanus sinicus is named“key species”in China seas, especially in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Although Much biological and ecological research contribution (e.g. Feeding, fecundity, development, growth, diel vertical migration, spatio-temporal distribution, seasonal life cycle, etc.) of Calanus sinicus has been well documented in previous field and laboratory investigations in the past about fifty years, little research field has been dealed with the maintenance mechanism of Calanus sinicus population dynamics, especial in population genetic diversity in China seas. We have little knowledge on the significant problems as follow as life strategy, ecological adaptation and ecological evolution, population geodiversity and differentiation, as well as oversummering of Calanus sinicus. Studies on the population genetics of Calanus sinicus is an important research field in marine ecosystem dynamic project. Population genetic analysis may yield statistical rather than deterministic conclusions about population dynamic phenomena. Thus, the destination of a particular plankton may not be predictable, but how frequently a dispersal pathway is used (i.e. estimation of the number of migrating individuals) may be established using population genetic statistics
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