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     ① 系统分析了现有基于MEMS技术的光调制器的原理及优缺点,并针对现有技术的不足,提出了两种新型的光栅光调制器:反射镜平动式光栅光调制器(RM-GLM)和光栅平动式光栅光调制器(GM-GLM)。详细介绍了两种GLM的结构和工作原理。
     ② 应用微结构的力学理论,建立了GLM相应的电力学模型,理论分析了器件的工作电压、固有频率、响应速度等机电特性同器件结构参数的关系。利用CoventorWare,进行了器件的机电特性仿真,并针对器件的有效衍射面积,对两种结构进行了优化,得到了能与现有工艺兼容的尺寸参数。加工出4×4、16×16GLM阵列。采用WYKO NT1100干涉轮廓仪,进行了相关测试分析。结果表明,由于现有加工条件的限制,只能加工出GM-GLM器件,其加工工艺尚待进一步改善。
     ③ 针对GLM特有的机电特性,确定了器件的驱动方式及图像灰度实现方式。详细阐述了GLM的显示控制原理,设计出GLM显示控制系统的总体方案。重点针对加工出来的16×16的GLM阵列,采用VHDL语言和Quaruts Ⅱ开发环境,完成了显示控制系统的数据格式转换、脉宽调制等模块的具体设计。为验证控制系统及灰度实现原理,利用LED点阵代替GLM器件,选用美国Altera公司提供的Cyclone开发板,设计搭建了显示驱动的外围硬件电路。
     ④ 完成了GLM的数据驱动电路及脉宽调制电路的相关实验,搭建了实验电路板,完成了灰度图象显示的验证实验。结果表明,数据驱动电路的驱动能力可达0-30V,响应速度能满足高速脉宽调制的要求。设计的脉宽调制电路的输出波形正确,能满足GLM的驱动要求。设计的GLM显示控制系统方案较为合理,利用二进制脉宽调制实现图像灰度可行,达到了预期的效果。
Due to the advantages of high light efficiency, fast modulating speed, great gray scales, excellent contrast, high brightness and good uniformity, light modulator based on MEMS technology has become one of the focus research projects in the field of large screen high definition projection display. Because of the patent protection for the existing light modulators, the research and development of domestic projection display technology is limited, so it is sharply necessary to develop a new light modulator with own patent property right. For this new light modulator proposed by research group, the electromechanical characteristics such as operation voltage, natural frequency and response speed are the key performance, which decide whether the device can be used in the field of projection display. In this dissertation, the structure, electromechanical characteristics and drive control system of the new light modulator are researched and investigated. The main contributions include the following:
    ① The principles and features of the existing light modulator base on MEMS technology are reviewed and discussed firstly. According to the disadvantages of the existing technology, two new grating light modulators (GLM) are proposed: Reflector-moving GLM and Grating-moving GLM. The structures and operation principles of these two GLM are introduced in detail.
    ② Applying the mechanics theory for micro-structure, the corresponding electrodynamics' models are gained; the relations between the electromechanical characteristics and the structure parameters of the device are analyzed theoretically and simulated by CoventorWare. The structures of GLM are optimized to achieve a larger efficient diffracting area and practicable parameters of GLM are gained. Then 4x4 and 16×16 GLM arrays are fabricated, and some of them are tested and analyzed by the interfere contourgragh WYKO NT11100. The results show that due to the limitation of the existing processing technic, only GM-GLM can be achieved in a good result but still needs further improvement.
    ③ According to the special electromechanical characteristics of GLM, the drive manner for GLM and implementation way for image gray are determined. The general scheme of the GLM display control system is developed. As to the obtained 16x16 GLM array, the data format transformation and pulse width modulation (PWM) modules of the display control system are concretely designed by using the VHDL
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