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Information industry has been recognized as an innovative industry in the 21st century, with a huge market prospect. It has turn out to be the research focus among all countries. The development of Information industry has triggered a tremendous change of economic growth quality, which has transformed from resource consumption-based to knowledge & technology-based. Therefore, the development of Information industry has become an important symbol to measure the level of a country or regional economic and social development. Due to the globalization of Information economy, the research of the relationship between the Information industry and the quality of economic growth, and how to achieve a significant improvement for the quality of economic growth on the basis of sustaining this quantity of economic growth, has become China's key issues and academic focuses at current stage.
     This thesis introduces the research background, reviews and comments the research literature. Then, based on comparative analysis, mainly through empirical analysis based on the experience and supplemented by logic and deductive reasoning, using the basic theories of econometrics, industrial economics, Information economics, economic science and Western economics, by analyzing the ultimate goal of economic growth, this research work puts forward the research framework for the quality of the economic growth with three main dimensions; including economic growth, effectiveness, industrial structure of economic growth and employment rate of economic growth. Finally, this thises analyzes the relationship between the Information industry and the various dimensions of the quality of China's economic growth.
     This thesis introduces the development process and the economic characteristics of the Information industry and qualitatively analyzes the impact of Information industry on the economic growth. Based on the Ordinary Least Squares analysis of historical data and the Granger causality test, this research work puts forward the impact of the Information industry on the quality focused on economic growth, analyzes the dimensions of quality of economic growth and then provides a foothold and starting point for discussion in the follow-up sections.
     The empirical data analysis reveals the stable positive correlations between the economic growth and the inputs of the various production factors. Empirical analysis shows that an input increase of the Information factor can explain 0.5 percent of China's economic growth or so, which shows that the promotion impact of the Information elements on the China's economic growth is still significant.
     The thesis constructs GM (1, N) dynamic model under the gray system theory, get that Information industry closely associates with traditional industries. Then it analyzes sensitivity & lead degree of Information industry. So Information industry will turn to the leading industries.
     The Dissertation analyses the impact of employment structure from Information industry through theoretical and empirical analysis. Through the theoretical research of structural unemployment, constructs and analyses the structural unemployment model. According to the analysis with the PDLs (Polynomial Distributed Lags) model, it reveals that the employment structure and the current and its following four stages of Information industry development are positively related.
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