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After introducing evaluation method and considering fully the researching material, and combining the characteristic of this research and the demand of automobile research institute of Nanjing Yuejin Group, an automobile synthetic performance evaluation soft system was designed, which based on knowledge.
    Based on the software engineering theory, summary design of the evaluation system, requirement analysis, function analysis, feasibility analysis and so on, were accomplished successfully. Meanwhile, according to the fuzzy evaluation, automobile synthetic performance evaluation model was established, and according to the characteristics of automobile, the system evaluation target was established too. The evaluation knowledge was divided into two parts: qualitative knowledge and quantitative knowledge. This paper discussed the acquiring process and managing methods of the two parts, and built managing model of knowledge which based on relative database. Adopting academic and experimental methods to evaluate the automobile synthetic performance, this soft system can analyze and process automatically the experimental result. By putting emphasis on the introduction of how to ascertain the membership functions and weights of influencing factors, this paper built the evaluation matrixes based on expert knowledge an
    d used all successfully on the fuzzy evaluation of automobile synthetic performance. By an example, the evaluation soft system is proven achieving all of the original design aims.
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