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微生物多糖由于其独特的理化性质和丰富的生物功能,培养条件可控等优势得到广泛的应用和规模化生产。海洋蕴含丰富的微生物资源,其种类多样,性质特异。从海洋微生物中寻找结构新颖,活性独特的胞外多糖具有重要理论意义和潜在的应用价值。本文以14种不同海洋来源微生物的发酵液为研究对象,从中提取胞外多糖,对其进行组成分析,从中筛选出4株海洋微生物,包括南海红树林内生真菌(Aspergillus sp. Y16),南海珊瑚共附生真菌(Aspergillus versicolor LCJ-5-4),太平洋深海底质来源真菌(Penicillium griseofulvum)以及南海海绵内生真菌(Alternaria sp.SP32),对其胞外多糖进行分离纯化、结构研究和抗氧化活性评价。研究结果如下:
     1.从南海红树林植物厚藤内生真菌Aspergillus sp. Y16发酵液中提取得到胞外多糖,通过Q Sepharose Fast Flow离子交换柱层析及Sephadex G150,Superdex75凝胶渗透柱层析对其分离纯化,得到两个多糖组分As1-1和As2-1,分子量分别为15kDa和6kDa,As1-1是由Man和Gal组成,比例为9:1;As2-1全部由Man组成。经甲基化及1D,2D NMR分析表明,As1-1是以(1→2)-α-D-Manp为主链的半乳甘露聚糖,其O-6约每3个糖基存在一个分支,支链由β-Manp、β-Galf和少量(1→6)-α-D-Manp组成。As2-1是近似直链的(1→6)-α-D-Manp连接的甘露聚糖,在O-3位存在一定的分支,分支由α-D-Manp及(1→3)-α-D-Manp组成。通过体外DPPH自由基、羟基自由基、超氧阴离子自由基清除能力及抗脂质过氧化作用评价表明,As1-1和As2-1具有良好的体外DPPH自由基和超氧阴离子自由基的清除能力,特别是As1-1,其清除DPPH自由基的EC50值为1.45mg/mL。该研究首次从厚藤内生真菌Aspergillus sp. Y16胞外多糖中获得了结构新颖的以(1→2)-α-D-Manp为主链的具有抗氧化活性的半乳甘露聚糖,其具有潜在开发应用价值。
     2.从南海珊瑚共附生真菌Aspergillus versicolor LCJ-5-4发酵液中提取胞外多糖,通过Q Sepharose Fast Flow离子交换柱层析及Sephacryal S400,Superdex75凝胶渗透柱层析对其分离纯化,得到两个多糖组分AV-1和AVP。经GC、HPLC、HPGPC、IR、甲基化及1D,2D–NMR分析表明,AV-1是以葡萄糖为主的中性杂多糖,分子量为500kDa,其结构以(1→6)-α-D-Glcp为主要连接方式,平均9个糖基存在一个以单个非还原末端α-D-Manp形式的分支连接在主链(1→6)-α-D-Glcp的O-3位上。AVP是分子量为7kDa,结构新颖的甘露葡聚糖,其主链以(1→6)-α-D-Glcp为主,还含有(1→2)-α-D-Manp,也存在一定的分支,平均每8个糖基存在一个分支,而且支链比AV-1的支链要长,除了非还原末端α-D-Manp以外,还含有(1→2)-α-D-Manp,连在主链(1→2)-α-D-Manp的O-6位上。通过体外抗氧化指标评价表明,AVP具有良好的清除自由基的能力,对DPPH自由基和超氧阴离子自由基的清除EC50值分别为2.0mg/mL和1.5mg/mL。本研究从珊瑚共附生真菌A. versicolor LCJ-5-4得到两种胞外多糖,AV-1为具有Man分支的类似右旋糖酐结构,AVP是结构新颖具有抗氧化活性的甘露葡聚糖,表明海洋共附生真菌是结构新颖的活性胞外多糖的重要来源。
     3.从太平洋深海底质来源的真菌灰黄青霉Penicillium griseofulvum发酵液中获得的胞外多糖,通过Q Sepharose Fast Flow阴离子交换柱层析及Superdex75凝胶渗透柱层析分离纯化得到多糖组分Ps1-1。 HPGPC及HPLC研究表明,Ps1-1是分子量为20kDa,Gal与Man的比例约为1:1的半乳甘露聚糖。通过部分酸水解、甲基化、1D,2D NMR、乙酰解和ESI MS分析表明,Ps1-1是以(1→6)-α-Manp为主链的磷酸化半乳甘露聚糖。其存在Man核心,核心结构是以(1→6)-α-Manp为主链的多分支结构,分支发生在主链的O-2位上,由单个非还原末端的α-Manp及(1→2)-α-Manp连接的二糖和三糖组成。由Gal组成的支链结构连接于Man的核心结构上,Gal支链由β-(1→5)-Galf组成,存在15%的分支,分支由单个非还原末端的β-Galf连接在主链β-(1→5)-Galf的O-6上,并且存在10%左右的磷酸基取代,取代同样在β-(1→5)-Galf的O-6位上。采用部分酸水解的方法制备寡糖,并结合Bio GelP4凝胶柱层析分离纯化,得到了4个由β-(1→5)-Galf组成的聚合度为2–5的半乳寡糖,以及聚合度为3–5的磷酸化半乳寡糖。并对β-(1→5)-Galf寡糖的二级质谱碎裂模式进行了探讨和验证,为通过质谱微量分析呋喃型半乳寡糖的结构提供了依据。本研究从深海底质来源的真菌P. griseofulvum得到了一种含有特异β-(1→5)-Galf直链的半乳甘露聚糖,并获得了不同聚合度的呋喃半乳寡糖及磷酸化呋喃半乳寡糖,为我国“海洋糖库”的建设提供了新型特征寡糖。
     4.从一株南海海绵内生真菌(Alternaria sp. SP32)中提取其胞外多糖,通过QSepharose Fast Flow离子交换柱层析及Superdex75凝胶渗透柱层析分离纯化得到多糖组分SP-S。HPGPC和GC分析表明,SP-S的分子量为27kDa,主要由Man、Glc和Gal组成,其比例约为3:2:1。通过连续酸水解、甲基化、1D,2D NMR及部分酸水解后寡糖的GC–MS和ESI–CID MS/MS分析表明,SP-S是以甘露糖为核心的半乳葡萄甘露聚糖。核心甘露糖主链由(1→6)-α-Manp组成,其O-2上存在大量由(1→2)-α-Manp组成的分支。其半乳糖以→2)-β-Galf-(1→,→2,6)-β-Galf-(1→及β-Galf-(1→的连接方式,与(1→2)-α-Glcp和(1→6)-α-Glcp构成了胞外多糖SP-S的分支结构。经过体外抗氧化活性研究表明,SP-S存在一定的清除自由基的活性,对DPPH自由基的清除EC50值约为5mg/mL。这是首次从Alternaria属真菌所产胞外多糖中获得结构新颖的半乳葡萄甘露聚糖,为研究半乳葡萄甘露聚糖的生物活性提供了物质基础。
Microbial polysaccharides are of growing interest in application and large-scaleproduction for the advantages of novel functions, constant chemical, physical propertiesand possibility to easily control the growth conditions in a bioreactor. It contains richmicrobial resources widely distributed in the oceans which are important sources ofvarious exopolysaccharides (EPSs). For the demonstrated biochemical and physiologicaldiversity, it is of great significance to find new EPSs with unique bioactivities frommarine microorganisms.
     In this paper, the exopolysaccharides were derived from the fermented liquid of14ocean microorganisms with different sources. Through contents analysis,4species of themarine microorganisms, including the mangrove endophytic fungus in the south Chinasea (Aspergillus sp. Y16), coral symbiotic fungus in the south China sea (Aspergillusversicolor LCJ-5-4), fungus from the sediment of deep sea (Penicillium griseofulvum)and sponge endogenous fungus in the south China sea (Alternaria sp. SP32) werechoosed to futherly separate and purify their exopolysaccharides, study the structures andevaluate their antioxidant activities. The research results were as follows:
     1. Two exopolysaccharides As1-1and As2-1were isolated from the broth ofmangrove endophytic fungus strain Aspergillus sp.Y16and purified by Q–Sepharose FastFlow anion-exchange chromatography and Sephadex G150, Superdex75gel-permeationchromatography.The structures of the exopolysaccharides were investigated by GC,HPLC, methylation and1D,2D–NMR analysis. The results showed that As1-1was agalactomannan composed of mainly mannose(88.9%) and galactose(11.1%) with themolecular weight of15kDa. The backbone consisted of (1→2)-linked α-Manp units,substituted mainly at O-6by units of β-Manp, β-Galf and small amounts of (1→6)-linkedα-Manp. As2-1was mostly composed of mannose with the molecular weight of about6kDa. It was nearly a linear polysaccharide with the main chain of (1→6)-linked α-Manp and small quantity of side chains composed of α-Manp and (1→3)-linked α-Manp whichwere linked to O-3of the main chain. The antioxidant properties in vitro were evaluatedby DPPH, hydroxyl and superoxide radicals scavenging abilities, lipid peroxidateinhibition assays. From the results, the two polysaccharides possessed good antioxidantproperties, especially on superoxide radicals and DPPH radicals. As1-1showed strongDPPH and superoxide radicals scavenging ability as evidenced by its low EC50value(1.45mg/mL for DPPH radicals and3.4mg/mL for superoxide radicals). In this study, anew galactomannan with a backbone of (1→2)-α-D-Manp was gained from theexopolysaccharides produced by mangrove endophytic fungus Aspergillus sp.Y16, whichpossess good antioxidant properties and have the value to further study.
     2. Two exopolysaccharides AV-1and AVP were isolated and purfied from thefermented broth of coral-associated fungus Aspergillus versicolor LCJ-5-4byQ–Sepharose Fast Flow anion-exchange chromatography and Sephacryal S400, Superdex75gel-permeation chromatography. AV-1was mainly composed of glucose with smallamounts of mannose in the molar ratio of8.6:1.0with molecular weight of about500kDa. AV-1was a slightly branched polysaccharide, and its backbone was composed of(1→6)-α-D-glucopyranose residues (90%), branching of single non-reducingα-D-mannopyranose (10%) occurred at O-3position of (1→6)-α-D-glucopyranoseresidues. AVP was a mannoglucan with molecular weight of about7kDa, and the molarratio of glucose and mannose was1.7:1.0. The backbone of AVP was characterized to becomposed of (1→6)-linked α-D-glucopyranose and (1→2)-linked α-D-mannopyranoseunits. The mannopyranose residues in the backbone were substituted mainly at C-6by theside chain of (1→2)-linked α-D-mannopyranose trisaccharides units. The antioxidantactivity of AVP was evaluated with the scavenging abilities on DPPH, superoxide andhydroxyl radicals in vitro, and the results indicated that AVP had good antioxidantactivity, especially scavenging ability on superoxide radicals with EC50value about1.5mg/mL. AVP was a novel mannoglucan with antioxidant activity produced bycoral-associated fungus Aspergillus versicolor, indicating that symbiotic fungi of marineorganisms were important sources of novel active exopolysaccharides.
     3. A galactofuranomannans Ps1-1, was isolated from the Deep-Ocean sedimentderived fungus Penicillium griseofulvum, using ethanol precipitation and anion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatography. The average molecular weight of Ps1-1wasestimated to be20kDa. Ps1-1consisted of Man and Gal in a molar ratio of1.1:1.0.According to the data obtained, Ps1-1was a galactomannan composed of5-O-linkedgalactofuranosyl chains linked to a mannan core. The mannan core consists of a mainchain of α-(1→6)-linked mannopyranosyl residues, substituted at O-2with either a singlea-mannopyranosyl unit or (1→2)-linked di-, trisaccharides. The galactofuranosyl chainhas a few additional branching at6-O-position of the chain by a terminal galactofuranoseand phosphate esters. Through the partial acid hydrolysis and purification by Bio-GelP4, oligosaccharides composed of β-(1→5)-Galf with the DP2-5and phosphorylatedoligosaccharides with DP3-5were obtained. MS/MS was used to analyse the structuresof the oligosaccharides. The ion fragmentation of the ring and the mass losses of theβ-(1→5)-Galf was observed and could be evidence for the diagnose of theoligosaccharides with the similar glycoside linkage. This study supplied novelgalacto-oligosaccharides with β-(1→5)-Galf linkage for the “marine specialoligosaccharides database”.
     4. A galactoglucomannan, SP-S was isolated from sponge endogeneous fungiAlternaria sp. SP32in south China sea. The average molecular weight of SP-S was about27kDa. The monosaccharide composition of SP-S was Mannose, Glucose and Galactosein the ratio of3:2:1. Through the gradual acid hydrolysis, methylation,1D,2D–NMR andoligosaccharides analysis derived from partial acid hydrolysis, the structure of SP-S waselucidated. The results showed that, SP-S was a galactoglucomannan with core mannosestructure. The core of the main chain was composed of (1→6)-α-Manp linkage with lotsof branches occured at O-2with (1→2)-α-Manp. The galactose residues of SP-S at thelinkages of→2)-β-Galf-(1→,→2,6)-β-Galf-(1→and β-Galf-(1→together with(1→2)-α-Glcp and (1→6)-α-Glcp also constituted the branch part of SP-S. Thisexopolysaccharide was novel in fungus genus Alternaria. From preliminary antioxidantand antitumor activity screening in vitro, it was found that SP-S had certain free radicalsscavenging abilities. The EC50value of scavenging DPPH radicals was about5mg/mL.This study provided a novel source for the bioactivites research of galactoglucomannan.
     The data in this paper supplied novel polysacharides and special oligosaccharides to“marine polysaccharides database”, provided promising sources of novel polysaccharides with good antioxidant activity, had potential value and important reference meanings forfurther research and development of marine microbe exocellular polysaccharideresources. And this study clearly indicated that marine microorganisms were exciting andpromising sources of novel polysaccharides with good bioactivity.
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