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Within a proposed theoretical framework of Religion and Global Governance, taking Baha'i International Community (BIC) as an example, this paper explores the relevance of Baha'i religious concepts, culture, governance model and social practice to global governance. Based on in-depth research and analyses on such issues as the governance structure of the worldwide Baha'i Community, BIC's interactive approach to NGO coalitions at the UN, Baha'i perspective on development and UN reforms, the paper holds that religion, particularly the Baha'i Faith, may play a more prominent role in global affairs in the future.
     The paper discovers that the governance model of the worldwide Baha'i Community, which combines basic principles of modern democracy and distinct Baha'i religious culture, provides a working mechanism for governing the affairs of a global community, therefore could become a source of learning for devising a future structure of global governance.
     BIC's advocacy at the UN is characterized by its appeal for world peace, its concern over multiple issues ranging from human rights, women's advancement to social and sustainable development, its emphasis on the importance of recognizing the spiritual nature of man, as well as unity and consensus building to deal with the challenges of our globalized world. Based on such strengths, BIC has been playing an outstanding role in the UN public policy process during the1990s.
     Through applying Baha'i system of consultation to operational mechanisms of NGO coalitions to which it belongs, as well as providing various resources and services needed for their smooth functioning, BIC often acts as an effective coordinator and facilitator for consensus-building among civil society organizations at the UN. These roles that BIC plays are conducive to the synthesis of political energy of civil society and the effectiveness of civil society's participation in the UN process. As a model of best practice in civil society cooperation, Baha'i facilitated consensus building could be a positive influence in shaping the way nations and government interact in our interdependent world.
     In the field of International Development, BIC proposes an alternative development model to the prevalent materialistic development paradigm. The Baha'i concept of development is based on Baha'i teachings about a future world civilization as well as the social and economic development practice of the worldwide Baha'i Community. It seeks to establish a pattern in which spiritual development facilitates material progress through fully exploiting the knowledge and insights contained in both science and religion. By engaging in World Faith Development Dialogue, participating in international development research projects, and organizing sustained discussions about the role of science and religion in development, the Baha'i Faith has begun to shape the international discourse on development.
     Drawing from Baha'i scriptural writings on the nature and features of a new world order, BIC has openly and consistently proclaimed that UN reform should be guided by a vision of world government. This projection of the UN reform direction resonates with the general trend toward an ever more interdependent world and the apparent need for creating a more effective global governance structure. A number of Baha'i proposals have either been implemented by the UN, or incorporated into official UN reform programs, while the bulk of its reform suggestions are found to be in consonance with other prominent reform proposals from civil society. Given the stated Baha'i mission in assisting the governments and peoples of the world establish a future world federation, it is likely that the interaction between the Baha'i world community and the United Nations will be more frequent and intense in the future.
1世界上规模最大的四个传统宗教的信徒总数如下:佛教,7亿800万人;基督教,21亿2000万人;印度教,11亿人;伊斯兰教,13亿人。这些数字加起来就有52.08亿人,占目前全世界总人口70亿的75%有余。见Jeffrey Haynes, Religion and Development:Conflict or Cooperation[M], New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2007, pp.18-22.此外,锡克教、犹太教、耆那教、道教、神道教等规模较小的传统宗教,巴哈伊教、摩门教、耶和华见证会等新兴宗教的信徒数量也都在上千万人以上。世界各地的少数民族和部落社会几乎全民信仰自己的宗教传统。如果把这些因素都考虑在内,全世界信仰宗教的人数将远远高于世界人口总数的75%。
    2 Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations[M], New York:Simon and Schuster,1996.
    4 James N. Rosenau and E.O.Czempiel, eds., Governance without Government:Order and Change in World Politics[M] (Cambridge:Cambridge University press,1992); James N. Rosenau, Governance in the Twenty-first Century, Global Governance[J], Vol.1, No.1 (Winter,1995), pp.13-14, p17.
    10根据非政府组织在联合国国系统中发挥的不同功能,学者一般把它们分为倡议/教育类非政府组织(advocacy/educational NGOs)和运作类非政府组织(operational NGOs)两大类,前者主要关注联合国经济社会领域的政策和规范,后者主要和联合国的发展和人道主义救援机构等运作型部门开展合作。当然,有些国际非政府组织既从事倡议和公共教育,又参与运作型部门的活动。
    15 Thomas G. Weiss, What Happened to the Idea of World Government? International Studies Quarterly[J], (2009)53, p.257.
    24 Andrew S. Natsios, "Faith-Based NGOs and U.S. Foreign Policy", in Elliot Abrams, ed., The Influence of Faith[M], Lanham:Rowman & Littlefield,2001, pp.189-200.
    25 Ronald Sider and Heidi Ronald Unruh, "Typology of Religious Characteristic of Social Service and Educational Organizations and Programs," in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector[J],2004(1),pp.112-115,117-118.转引自朱晓黎:《近十年来国内非政府组织研究综述》,载:《基督教学术》(第九辑),徐以骅、张庆熊主编,上海三联书店,2011,第256-257页。
    26 Julia Berger, Religious Nongovernmental Organizations:An Exploratory Analysis, in Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations [J], Vol.14, No.1, March 2003, p16.
    27 Benjamin Rivlin, "Thought on Religious NGOs at the UN:A component of Global Civil Society", in Peter I. Hanjnal ed. Civil Society in the Information Age[M], Ashgate Publishing Limited,2002, pp.155-173.
    28 See Religion Counts, Religion and Public Policy at the UN[R], Washington D.C.,2002.
    29 见 Susan Dicklitch and Heather Rice, The Mennonite Central Committee and Faith-based NGO aid to Africa, pp.663-664。转引自郝平:《国际发展援助中的宗教非政府组织——以“天主教救济服务会”为中心的研究》,载《宗教与美国社会》(第五辑),徐以骅、范丽珠、秦倩主编,2008,第49页。
    30 Mark R. Amstutz, Faith-Based NGOs and U.S. Foreign Policy, in Elliot Abrams, ed., The Influence of Faith[M], Lanham:Rowman & Littlefield,2001, pp.175-187.
    31 Andrew S. Natsios, Faith-Based NGOs and U.S. Foreign Policy, in Elliot Abrams ed., The Influence of Faith[M], Lanham:Rowman & Littlefield,2001, pp.189-200.
    32 Stephen V. Monsma, Faith-Based NGOs and the Government Embrace, in Elliot Abrams ed., The Influence of Faith[M], Lanham:Rowman & Littlefield,2001, pp.203-219.
    33 Benjamin Rivlin, Thought on Religious NGOs at the UN:A component of Global Civil Society, in Peter I. Hanjnal ed. Civil Society in the Information Age[M], Ashgate Publishing Limited,2002, p.159.
    34 William Korey, NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, New York:St. Martins Press,1998, p.19.
    35 Julia Berger, Religious Nongovernmental Organizations:An Exploratory Analysis, Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations[J]. Vol.14, No.1. March 2003.
    41见杨阳:《宗教非政府组织与美国对外援助》,载《宗教与美国社会》(第二辑),第433—496页;郝平:《国际发展援助中的宗教非政府组织——以“天主教救济服务会”为中心的研究》,载《宗教与美国社会》(第五辑),第42—72页;朱晓黎:《后冷战时期宗教非政府组织与美国的对外援助政策——以天主教救援服务会为例》,载《宗教与美国社会》(第五 辑),第176—219页。
    50 见 Religion Counts, Religion and Public Policy at the UN[R],2002, Washington D.C.,p14, p37, p38,p41,p58.
    51 Peter Smith, The Babi & Baha'i Religions:From messianic Shi'ism to a world religion, Cambridge University Press,1987.
    53 Shoghi Effendi, World Order of Baha'u'llah,2nd revised edition, Wilmette:Baha'i Publishing Trust,1938, ppxi-xii.
    62见王宇洁:《巴布教派和早期巴哈伊信仰在伊朗的发展和传播》,载《巴哈伊教研究论文集(第一集)》,北京:中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所巴哈伊研究中心,2001,第23—27 页;王宇洁:《从末世论宗派到世界宗教》,载《巴哈伊教研究论文集(第二集)》,2004年,第64—72页;叶露华:《二十世纪巴哈伊信仰发展之概况》,载《巴哈伊教研究论文集(第一集)》,2001,第28—37页;冯今源:《巴哈伊教迅速发展原因初探》,载《巴哈伊教研究论文集(第一集)》,2001,第82—88页;李维建:《巴哈伊教50年的轨迹:发展与挑战(1957-2007)》,载《巴哈伊教研究论文集(第三集)》,北京:中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所巴哈伊研究中心,161-173页,等。
    71 Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations[M], New York:Simon and Schuster,1996, p.27.
    72 Jeffrey Haynes, Religion and Development:Conflict or Cooperate?[M] Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p.219.
    73 Scott Thomas, Religion and International Conflict, in K.R.Dark eds., Religion and International Relations[M], New York:Palgrave,2000, pp.1-12.
    74 Ibid, pp.12-14.
    75 Douglas Johnston and Cynthia Sampson, ed., Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft[M], Oxford University Press,1994.
    76 Douglas Johnston, Review of the Findings, in Douglas Johnson and Cynthia Sampson, ed., Religion, the Missing Dimension Statecraft[M], Oxford University Press,1994, pp.260-262.
    77 Edward Luttwak, The Missing Dimension, in Douglas Johnson and Cynthia Sampson, ed., Religion, the Missing Dimension of Statecraft[M], Oxford University Press,1994, p.17.
    78 Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby, A Working Definition of Fundamentalism, from The Glory and the Power:The Fundamentalist Challenge to the Modern World,转引自Religion and Public Policy, p.18.
    79 Jeffrey Haynes, Introduction to international Relations and Religion [M], Pearson Education Limited,2007, p.221.
    80 Ibid, p.218.
    81 Ibid, p.98.
    82 Scott Thomas, Religion and International Conflict, in K.R.Dark eds., Religion and International Relations[M], Palgrave,2000, p.14.
    83 J. Goldstein, International Relations [M],2nd edition, New York,1996, p204.转引自ibid, p.18.
    84 J. Witt, Introduction, in J.Witt eds., Christianity and Democracy in Global Context, Bouler CO: Westview,1993.转引自Jeffrey Haynes, Introduction to International Relations and Religion [M], p.139.
    Jeffrey Haynes, Religion and Development[M], Palgrave Macmillan,2007, p.20.
    86 Jeffrey Haynes, Introduction to International Relations and Religion [M], p.135.
    87 Harriet A. Harris, Theological Reflections on the Religious Resurgence and International Stability:a look at Protestant Evangelicalism, in K.R.Dark eds., Religion and International Relations [M], Palgrave,2000, pp.24-45.
    88 A. Ghorbani, The Organization of Islamic Conference and its contribution to world politics, paper prepared for the Third ECPR General Conference, Budapest,2005, p.9.转引自 Jeffrey Haynes, Introduction to International Relations and Religion[M], p.150.
    89 Wayne Hudson, Postsecular civil society, in Helen James, ed., Civil Society, Religion and Global Governance[M], New York:Routledge,2007, p.152.
    90 Peter Berger, Religion and Global Civil Society, in Mark Juergensmeyer ed., Religion in Global Civil Society[M], Oxford University Press,2005, p.15.
    91 Richard Falk, Religion and Humane Global Governance[M], New York:Palgrave,2001, pp.14-33.
    92 Jeffrey Haynes, Religion and Development[M], New York:Palgrave,2007, p16.
    96这两个非政府组织联盟分别是非政府组织-联合国儿童基金会委员会下属的女童工作组(NGO-UNICEF Executive Committee's Working Group on Girls),和非政府组织性别平等框架改革联盟(Gender Equality Architecture Reform, GEAR)。巴哈伊国际社团是前者的主席,是后者的主要发起组织之一。
    2 Baha'i International Community:History of Active Cooperation with the United Nations, http://bic.org/statement-and-reports/bic-statements/00-0606.htm 另见 Statistics, The Baha'i World (2003-2004), Baha'i World Center, Haifa, p241.
    2世界正义院(the Universal House of Justice)是一个由九名成员组成的国际理事会,是巴哈伊教世界共同体的最高权威机构,其权威由巴哈伊教创世人巴哈欧拉在其经典著作中授予。第一届世界正义院成立于于1963年,由当时世界上所有的成年男性巴哈伊信徒伦敦举行的选举大会上产生,此次大会被巴哈伊信徒成为人类历史上第一次跨国民主选举。世界正义院成立以后至今,每五年改选一次,当选者没有任期限制,但近年来,出现了在职成员因年龄和身体原因而申请退休,并举行选举填补差额的事情。
    4巴哈伊教与国际组织的关系始于国际联盟时期。1926年,巴哈伊教在国联总部日内瓦设立的代表机构巴哈伊国际局(Baha'i International Bureau),向国际联盟传播巴哈伊教关于世界和平的理念和实现和平的途径和原则。
    5作者与巴哈伊国际社团联合国办事处办公室首席执行官帝夫·卡尼克(Mr. Steve Karnick)的访谈。
    6联合国成立初期就与联合国经济社会理事会建立联系,并取得咨商地位的宗教团体,主要是一些认同《联合国宪章》的自由进步主义倾向的基督新教派别,以及世界宗教与和平大会(World Conference on Religion and Peace)等宗教间联盟组织。神学信念是促使它们加入联合国的重要因素。和平是绝大多数宗教的核心信仰,这些宗教团体一般都奉行各国和平友好、建设公正的国际秩序、增进人类福利等价值观,因而受到联合国理想的吸引而与联合国建立联系。见Rivlin, B. Thought on Religious NGOs at the UN:A Component of Global Civil Society, in Peter Hajanal, ed., Civil Society in the Information Age:NGOs, Coalitions and Relationships, London:Ashgate,2002.
    7这八个国家灵体会是:北美、不列颠群岛、德国与奥地利、埃及与苏丹、伊拉克、伊朗、印度、巴基斯坦与缅甸、以及澳大利亚与新西兰巴哈伊国家(或者地区)灵体会。见The Baha'i
    World (1950-1954), p.597. 8 Baha'i International Community, External Affairs Strategy:A Paper Prepared by an Ad Hoc Committee and Approved by the Universal House of Justice,19 September 1994, p.1.
    10例如,巴哈伊国际社团提交给经济社会理事会的2002-2005年活动报告中提到,在上述四年间,它一共参加了300多次各类联合国机构的例行会议和特别会议,包括联合国大会的特别会议,发表了29篇声明(其中包括6篇联合声明)。在此期间,巴哈伊国际社团的联合国代表在非政府组织联盟中的任职情况包括:非政府组织妇女地位委员会(主席)、非政府组织宗教信仰自由委员会(主席)、国际刑事法院信仰和伦理网络(两个并列主席之一)、非政府组织反对种族主义和种族歧视委员会(副主席)、非政府组织社会发展委员会(秘书)以及非洲粮食安全倡议网络(召集人)等。见Baha'i International Community United Nations Office, Quadrennial Report to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (2002-205)[R].
    11《天下一家》(One Country)是巴哈伊国际社团公共信息办事处编辑发行的通讯,报道巴哈伊教共同体在世界各地从事社会经济发展活动的情况,也报道联合国的重要事件和活动。《天下一家》是一份季刊,以英、法、西班牙和中文等刊行,向各类公共机构和学者免费赠送,发行量达50,000份。
    14根据2003-2004年版的《巴哈伊世界》(the Baha'i World)提供的数据,上引年份世界正义院任命的洲际顾问总人数为81,助理顾问总人数为990人。见Statistics, the Baha'i World(2003-2004), Baha'i World Center, Haifa, Israel, p.241.和各级灵体会成员一样,洲际顾问和助理顾问也没有任何特权,主要职责是为包括世界正义院在内的各级巴哈伊机构提供咨询,捍卫巴哈伊教,促进各级巴哈伊团体的内部团结等。
    15 External Affairs Strategy:A paper prepared by an Ad Hoc Committee and approved by the Universal House of Justice,19 September 1994, p.2.
    16联合国非政府组织大会(the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council),简称CONGO。它是获得经社理事会谘商资格的非政府组织的协会组织,主要功能是代表所有成员组织努力争取扩大参与联合国政治的渠道,不在联合国政策议题采取实质性的立场,对各个领域的联合国议题表达实质性的政策立场的是它下属的二十几个专题非政府组织委员会。
    17 The Baha'i World (Volume XX), p.523.
    18 The Greatness Which Might Be Theirs:UNIFEM/Baha'i Projects Raises Community Consciousness.http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/greatness-theirs-unifem-bahai-com munitv-conscious
    19 The Baha'i World (Volume XVIII), p.400.
    20 Douglas Martin, The Case of the Baha'i Minority in Iran, The Baha'i World (1992-1993), pp.247-271.
    21 http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/bahai-international-community-quadrennial-rep ort-2006-2009
    22 World Citizenship:A Global Ethic for Sustainable Development, a statement presented by the Baha'i International Community at the First Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
    23 Prosperity of Mankind, a statement prepared by the Baha'i International Community Office of Public Information, first distributed at the United Nations Summit on Social Development,
    Copenhagen, Denmark. http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/the-prosperity-of-humankind
    24 Valuing Spirituality in Development:Initial Considerations Regarding the Creation of Spiritually Based Indicators for Development, a concept paper presented to the "World Faiths Development Dialogue", hosted by the President of the World Bank and the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace, London, England. http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/valuing-spirituality-in-development
    25 Freedom to Believe:Upholding the Standard of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Baha'i International Community's statement on the freedom of Religion or Believe. http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/freedom-believe-upholding-standard-udhr
    26 Baha'i International Community:History of Active Cooperation with the United Nations, httn://bic.org/statement-and-reports/bic-statements/00-0606.htm
    Baha'i International Community, The Search for Values in an Age of Transition:A Study Guide, p.2. http://www.bic-un.bahai.org/06-0701.htm
    28笔者对加拿大巴哈伊国家灵体会成员之一,负责该组织人权事务的苏茜·塔玛斯女士(Miss Suzzie Tamas)在巴哈伊国际社团联合国办公室的访谈。
    29巴哈伊国际社团联合国办事处首席执行官史蒂夫·卡尼克(Steve Karnick)的访谈。
    30作者对联合国非政府组织联络处副主任爱丽莎·彼得女士(Mrs. Elisa Peter)的访谈。
    31作者对联合国妇女行会(UN Women's Guild)主席、卸任的秘书处负责与妇女非政府组织联络的官员华裔联合国官员沈祖为的访谈。
    33 Baha'i International Community, Sustainable Development and the Human Spirit, based on the statement "The Most Vital Challenge", presented to the Plenary of the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED, Earth Summit'92). http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/bic-statements/92-0604.htm
    34 Baha'i International Community, Eradicating Poverty:Moving forward as One,2008.
    35 See Leon Gordenker & Thomas G. Weiss, Pluralizing Global Governance, in Leon Gordenker & Thomas G. Weiss ed. NGOs, the UN, and Global Governance[M], Boulder, Colorado:Lynne Pienner Publishers, Inc.1996, pp.8-29.
    36例如,在第四届世界妇女大会筹备期间,巴哈伊国际社团向大会《北京行动纲领》起草工作委员会提交文件,阐述了妇女财产继承权涉及的原则问题。基于巴哈伊教教义巴哈伊国际社团指出,遗产的公平地分配并不意味着均等分配。对“均等”(equality)和“公平"(equity)这两个原则含义的差别所作的探讨,对《行动纲领》起草工作组与伊斯兰教国家代表之间的对话大有帮助。见Religion Counts, Religion and Public Policy at the UN[R],2002, p.58.
    38作者对联合国妇女行会(UN Women's Guild)主席、卸任的秘书处负责与妇女非政府组织联络的官员华裔联合国官员沈祖为的访谈。
    39 http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/bahai-declaration-human-obligations-rights
    40见http:// bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/60-annervasary-universal-declaration-human-rights
    41《儿童权利公约》第17条规定儿童有权享有获取适当的信息的权利。见Baha'i International Community Representation, The Baha'i World(Volume XX), p.524.
    42http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/60-annervasary-universal-declaration-human-rig hts
    43 Baha'i International Community and the United Nations (1954-1963), The Baha'i World, pp. 789-791.
    45 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, a statement of the Baha'i International Community On the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations, http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/the-search-for-values-in-an-age-of-transition
    46 Baha'i International Community'United Nation's Office,2007 year in Review, p.5.
    47例如,荷兰首相鲁伯斯(R.F.M Lubbers)在环发大会上演讲时指出:“……只有形成联合国以及人类大家庭的概念,可持续发展才有肯那个实现……我们都属于人类;除非我们视彼此为同一个人类大家庭的成员,否则任何国家和个人都不可能享有长久的和平与福祉。”环发大会秘书长莫里斯·琼斯(Maurice Strong)在大会开幕式上指出:“作为地球上的各个族群,我们本质上同为一体,因此必须超越彼此的差异和困难。作为我们星球的看护者,今天诸位必须承担起历史的重任,在这里作出使北方和南方、东方和西方团结起来的决定,在新的伙伴关系中确保我们的共同未来。”见Baha'i International Community, Comprehensive Report on Participation at the Earth Summit United Nations Conference on Environment and Development(UNCED) [R], Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,3-14 June 1992, pp.5-6.
    48 Ibid,p.17.
    49 Baha'i International Community, The Most Vital Challenge, Baha'i Statement addressed at the Plenary of UNCED, Rio,4 June 1992.
    50 Ibid, pp.7-8.
    51 Baha'i Involvement at the Earth Summit, The Baha'i World (1992-93), pp.177-188.
    52 World Citizenship:A Global Ethic for Sustainable Development, Baha'i Internationa Community Statement at the first Session of Commission on Sustainable Development,1993.
    53 Baha'i Involvement at the World Summit for Social Development, the Baha'i World (1994-95), pp.43.
    54 Participation of the Baha'i International community Office of the Environment in the Process Leading Up to and Including the United Nations World Summit for Social Development (6 to 12 March 1995) and the Parallel NGO Forum'95 (3 to 12 March 1995)[R], p.8.
    55 Ibid, p.40.
    56 Participation of the Baha'i International community Office of the Environment in the Process Leading Up to and Including the United Nations World Summit for Social Development (6 to 12 March 1995) and the Parallel NGO Forum'95 (3 to 12 March 1995)[R], p.3.
    57 Equality, Development and Peace:Baha'is and the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women and NGO Forum, The Baha'i World (1995-96), pp.152-153.
    58 Ibid, pp.154-155.
    59 Ibid, pp.153-154.巴哈伊国际社团妇女进步办公室前主任玛丽·鲍尔女士和现任主任巴妮·杜伽尔女士在跟笔者的访谈中都谈到了巴哈伊国际社团参与女童议题倡议的更多细节。 《北京行动纲领》涉及的12个重要关切领域分别是:贫困、教育、健康、暴力、武装冲突、经济结构、权力分享和决策、促进妇女进步的机制、人权、媒体、环境和女童。女童作为作后一个议题被列入北京会议的成果文件,正说明它原来不在联合国的考虑范围之内。
    60 Equality, Development and Peace:Baha'is and the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women and NGO Forum, in The Baha'i World (1995-96), pp.147-151.
    61 The Baha'i International Community's United Nations Office:An Overview of the Organization (Past, Present and Future),24 September 2008, p.4.
    1 A. LeRoy Bennett & James K. Oliver, International Organizations:Principles and Issues[M], Prentice Hall,2002, p25-26.
    3 http://esango.un.org/civilsociety/displayConsultativeStatusSearch.do?method=search&sessionCh eck=false
    4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Call_to_Action_Against_Poverty2010年12月10日访问。
    5 http://www.humanrights-china.org/en/Messages/World/t20100704_618357.htm2010年12月10日访问。
    6作者对非政府组织“全球青年行动网络”(Global Youth Action Network)联合国代表维达·埃科豪先生(Mr. Vidar Ekehaug)的访谈。
    7作者对非政府组织“圣母玛利亚的女学童”(School Sisters of Notre Dame)的联合国代表安·苏尔茨(Ann M. Scholtz)修女的访谈。
    9巴哈伊教创立者巴哈欧拉(Baha'u'llah)语,引自世界正义院编:《共同磋商——Heaven of Divine Wisdom)),梅寿鸿译,马来西亚巴哈伊出版委员会,1988年,第2—3页。
    11《共同磋商》,梅寿鸿译自世界正义院编The Heaven of Divine Wisdom,科伦坡:马来西亚巴哈伊出版委员会,1988,第6-7页。
    12 See Baha'i International Community's United Nations Office Annual Report 2005.
    13 See Baha'i International Community's United Nations Office Annual Report 2006.
    14 Baha'i International Communitv's United Nations Office 2007 Year in Review.
    15 http://bic.org/statements-and-reports/statements/bahai-international-communitv-quadrennial-rep ort-2006-2009
    17联合国秘书处卸任官员沈祖为女士在访谈中指出,巴哈伊国际社团为联合国秘书处妇女进步股(The Division for the Advancement of Women)官员和非政府组织妇女地位委员会之间的定期会商免费提供场所,是对联合国妇女领域的一个贡献;非政府组织圣母玛利亚的女学童(School Sisters of Notre Dame)联合国代表安·苏尔茨修女(Ann Scholtz)对巴哈伊国际社团无偿为她所在的非政府组织联盟“女童工作组”提供会议场所表示赞赏,称其慷慨的姿态是整个非政府组织共同体的“福份”(a blessing)。
    http://www.onecountrv.org/e 104/310411as.htm2010年1月15日访问。
    19 A Brief Report on the Millennium Forum to the Board of the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations, (Geneva,23-24 June 2000, Meeting), by Techeste Ahderom, Co-Chair, Millennium Forum, p.2.
    20 We the People Millennium Declaration and Agenda for Action:Strengthening the United Nations for the 21st Century, Millennium Forum, New York,2000, p1.
    21 Techeste Ahderom, The Millennium Forum:The Coming of Age of Civil Society, Article for the UN 2000 commemorative book, p.2.
    22 A Brief Report on the Millennium Forum to the Board of the Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations, (Geneva,23-24 June 2000, Meeting), by Techeste Ahderom, Co-Chair, Millennium Forum, p.2.
    23本案例研究基于对巴哈伊国际社团联合国办事处妇女进步办公室主任、女童工作组主席福尔叶·维其娄谷露女士(Ms. Fulya Vekiloglu)的深度访谈。
    1 Jeffrey Haynes, Religion and Development:Conflict or Cooperation[M], Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p.2.
    3皮埃尔·毕斯曼:《前言》, 载《实验室·庙宇·市场——对科学、宗教和发展的交互作用的反思》,沙伦·M.P.哈伯主编,张继涛等译,广东人民出版社,2006,第1页。
    4 Agenda 21,6.3.
    5 Habitat Agenda,p.4.
    6 Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development, p.3.
    7 Agenda 21,6.23.
    8 Platform for Action of the Fourth World Conference on Women, p.24.
    9 Goulet, D., Development expert:the one-eyed Giant. World Development[J],1980.8 (7/8),pp.481-489.转引自法赞·阿巴伯,《对科学、宗教与发展的探讨》,载《实验室·庙宇·市场——对科学、宗教和发展的交互作用的反思》,沙伦·M.P.哈珀主编,张继涛等译,广东人民出版社,2006,第207页。
    12 Culture, Spirituality & Development, published by the World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD), Oxford, UK,2001,2001, p.4.
    13关于上述三种趋势以及宗教机构与世俗国际发展机构和政府之间的复杂关系的详细分析,见Jeffrey Haynes, Religion and Development:Conflict or Cooperation[M], Palgrave Macmillan,2007, pp.26-51.
    14 Jeffrey Haynes, Religion and Development:Conflict or Cooperation[M], Palgrave Macmillan, 2007,pp.11-13.
    17 Jeffrey Haynes, Religion and Development:Conflict or Cooperation[M], Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p.20.
    19 Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, translated by Shoghi Effendi, Baha'i Publishing Trust, Wilmette, IL.,1983, pp.213-214.
    20巴哈伊教创始人巴哈欧拉在《亚格达斯经》(写于1870年代)等著作中,呼吁各国实行普遍义务教育、建立互利的经济相互依赖关系、消除各种偏见、鼓励自愿分享财富、培养诚信等道德品质等,以促进社会的发展;第二代巴哈伊教领导人阿博都-巴哈的著作《圣神文明的隐秘》(写于1875年)对如何促进整个社会的发展作了全面的论述,第三代领导人守基·阿芬第在《巴哈欧拉的世界秩序》(写于1932-36年间)中论述了以灵性指导人类发展努力的必要性。见Holy Hanson, Overview of the Baha'i Social and Economic Development, The Baha'i World (1992-1993), Baha'i World Center, Haifa, Israel, pp.229-230.
    21 The Office of Social and Economic Development, Baha'i International Community, For the Betterment of the World:the Worldwide Baha'i Community's Approach to Social and Economic Development, New York,2003, p.3.
    22 Holy Hanson, Overview of the Baha'i Social and Economic Development, The Baha'i World (1992-1993), Baha'i World Center, Haifa, Israel, pp.236-237.
    24 The Office of Social and Economic Development, Baha'i International Community, For the Betterment of the World:the Worldwide Baha'i Community's Approach to Social and Economic Development, New York,2003, pp.4-27.
    25 Holy Hanson, Overview of the Baha'i Social and Economic Development, The Baha'i World (1992-1993), Baha'i World Center, Haifa, Israel, pp.240-244.
    26 The Office of Social and Economic Development, Baha'i International Community, For the Betterment of the World:the Worldwide Baha'i Community's Approach to Social and Economic Development, New York,2003, pp.30-31.
    11 Baha'i International Community, Prosperity of Mankind,1995, p.4.
    29 Baha'i International Community, Valuing Spirituality in Development:Initial Considerations Regarding the Creation of Spiritually Based Indicators for Development,1998, p.2. http://bic.org/statements-and reprots/bic-statements/98-0216.htm
    30 Religious Values and the measurement of Poverty and Prosperity, A paper prepared by the Baha'i International Community for "Values, Norms and Poverty:A Consultation on the World Development Report 2000 ", p.2, http://bic.org/statements-and reports/bic-statements/99-0102.htm
    31 Baha'i International Community, Prosperity of Mankind,1995, p.5.
    33 See Valuing Spirituality in Development, note No.16, p.15.
    34上述对巴哈伊倡导的精神原则及其与发展关系的和探讨和论述,参考Valuing Spirituality in Development, pp.5-7.
    35 Valuing Spirituality in Development, p.12.
    37 Valuing Spirituality in Development, p.2.
    40 Baha'i International Community, Prosperity of Mankind, p.21.
    55 The Most Vital Challenge, a statement read at the plenary of UNCED in Rio de Janeiro on 4 June 1992 by a Baha'i International Community representative, The Baha'i World (1992-1993), p.192.
    56首届世界宗教与发展对话(World Faiths Development Dialogue)会议于1998年2月18-19日在英国圣公会(the Church of England)坎特伯雷大主教的驻地蓝波宫(Lambeth Palace)举行,由时任世界银行行长詹姆斯·沃尔芬森(Dr. James D. Wolfensohn)和坎特伯雷大主教乔治·盖瑞(George Carey)共同主持召开。巴哈伊教、佛教、基督教、印度教、伊斯兰教、耆那教、犹太教、锡克教和道教等世界九大宗教的领袖以及基督教救援组织(Christian Aid)等少数非政府组织的代表参加应邀与会。这次会议是世界银行为了找到消除贫困的有效策略与世 界宗教领袖首次正式开展的政策对话,因而对国际发展领域具有历史性的意义。在为期两天的对话中,第一天(1998年3月18日)上午的主题是“理解发展”,世界银行的发展专家和各个宗教的代表各自阐述了对“贫困”、“繁荣”和“发达”等概念的理解。下午的主题是“发展的标准”,参与者围绕“参与”、“可持续性”、“声音”等议题发表看法。对话第二天的议程是总结第一天的主要对话成果,并讨论会议的最后声明。这次对话会议对发展问题达成了重要的共识,确立的精神发展和物质发展不可分离的概念,并提出了几项合作建议,包括世行每年邀请宗教界人士参与《世界发展报告》的研究和讨论,使宗教界的思想能够影响世行的政策思考。第二届对话会议于1998年11月在华盛顿召开,国际货币基金组织的首席执行官也出席会议。经过热列讨论,第二届对话会议对精神价值观与发展关系中的很多原则问题达成了进一步共识,如发展的基础是诚信个诚实等精神价值观,必须促进人类社会的团结,必须承认人类大家庭的一体性,必须建立一套全球伦理等。与会者一致同意,对话应该在至少未来五年之内继续进行,并且正式邀请国际货币基金组织成为对话的伙伴。会议决定成立一个独立的顾问团,负责向对话会议执行委员会以及执委会的两位主席就今后对话的协调机制问题提出建议,还决定前两届对话会议的参加者将在两年之内再次召开会议。见The Baha'i International Community Activities(1999-2000), The Baha'i World(1999-2000), Baha'i World Center, Haifa, Israel, pp.116-117.
    57 The Baha'i International Community Activities 1997-98, The Baha'i World(1999-2000), The Baha'i World Center, Haifa, Israel, p.68.
    58 A Dialogue on Spirituality and Development, the Baha'i World (1997-98), The Baha'i World Center, Haifa, Israel, pp.61-69.
    59 Dialogue on Spirituality and Development, The Baha'i World (1999-2000), Baha'i World Center, Haifa, Israel, p.65.
    60关于科学教育与应用基金会及其发展战略、发展项目和所取的发展成就,详细情况参见http://www/bcca.org/services/lists/noble-creation/fundaec 1.html
    See Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity, May Knowledge Grow in Our Heart:Applying Spiritual Principles to Development Practice-The Case of Seva Mandir,2010.
    63 Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity, Science, Religion and Development:Promoting a Discourse in India, Brazil, and Uganda,2010, pp.26-27.
    1 http://www.globalpolicy.org/reform/analysis.htm
    3全球治理委员会(The Commission on Global Governance)的联合国改革研究报告,见《天涯若比邻》(Our Global Neighborhood),天津人民出版社,1995;福特基金会-耶鲁大学联合国研究独立小组的研究报告,见《第二个五十年的联合国》(the United Nations in its Second Half-Century:the Report of the Independent Group on the Future of the United Nations), http:// www.librarv.yale.edu/un/unhome.htm
    5 Edward C. Luck, Reforming the United Nations:Lessons from a History in Progress, International Relations Studies and the United Nations Occasional Papers,2003,No.1, p.53-54.
    6 Religion Counts, Religion and Public Policy at the UN[R], p.21.伊斯兰国家组织是以伊斯兰国家为成员的国际间政府组织,是联合国大会的永久性观察员。另一个以伊斯兰教为基础的地区性国家间组织是阿拉伯国家联盟(The League of Arab Nations),也是联合国大会的永久性观察员。
    7 Proposals for Charter Revision Submitted to the United Nations by the Baha'i International Community, The Baha'i World (1954-1963), pp.796-799.
    8 See Turning Point for All Nations-A Statement of the Baha'i International Community on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, Baha'i International Community United Nations Office, New York, October 1995.
    9 See The Search for Values in An Ase of Transition— A Statement of the Baha'i International Community on the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations, Baha'i International Community United Nations Office. New York.2005.
    10 Turning Point for All Nations—A Statement of the Baha'i International Community on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, p.1.
    12 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition,2005, p.2.
    13 Turning Point for All Nations—A Statement of the Baha'i International Community on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, p.3.
    14 Turning Point for all Nations, p.2, p.6.
    13 Turning Point for all Nations, p.7.
    18 Thomas G. Weiss, What happened to the idea of World Government? International Studies Quarterly[J] (2009)53, pp.253-254.
    19 The Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood[R], Chapter Seven:A Call to Action, Oxford University Press,1995.
    20 Proposals for Charter Revision Submitted to the United Nations by the Baha'i International Community, The Baha'i World (1954-1963), p.796.
    Turning Point for All Nations, p.6.
    22 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, pp.7-8.
    23 Turning Point for all Nations, pp.5-6.
    24 http://sovereignty.net/p/gganalysis.htm
    25这份报告的名称是《我们人民:公民社会、联合国与全球治理》(We the People:Civil Society, the United Nations and Global Governance)。其中提到的改革建议,参见http://www.ungalink.org.uk/cardoso insert.htm, p.4.
    26 The Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood[R], Oxford University_Press,1995, p.21.
    27 Proposals for Charter Revision Submitted to the United Nations by the Baha'i International Community, The Baha'i World (1954-1963), p.796.
    Turning Point for All Nations, p.4.
    32 The Commission on Global Governance, Our Global Neighborhood, Chapter Two:Values for the Global Neighborhood, Oxford University Press [R],1995.
    33 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.3.
    37 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.5.
    38 The Universal House of Justice, The Promise of World Peace, Baha'i World Center, Haifa, Israel,1985, p.7.
    39 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.6.
    41 Baha'i International Community, Baha'i Proposals to the United Nations for Charter Revision, articles Ⅰ, Ⅱ,&Ⅲ, The Baha'i World(1954-1963), p.198.
    45 Turning Point for All Nations, p.8.
    46 Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah[M], Wilmette, IL.:Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1974, p.203. Also,'Abdu'l Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization[M], Wilmette, IL.:Baha'i Publishing Trust,1974, p.24.
    47 Turning Point for All Nations, p.8.
    49 Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah[M], p.127. Quoted from Ocean Research Library.
    50 Turning Point for All Nations, p.10.
    52 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.17
    53 Turning Point for All Nations, p.11.
    55 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.17, p.24.
    56 Turning Point for All Nations, p12.
    50 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, P.12
    62 Turning Point for All Nations, p.16.
    63 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.13.
    64 Turning Point for All Nations, p19; The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.12.
    65 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.13.
    66 Turning Point for All Nations, p19; The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.17.
    68 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.10.
    69 Turning Point for All Nations, p.17.
    70 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p11.
    73 'Abdu'l Baha, The Promulgation of International Peace [M],1982 U.S. edition, p.134. quoted from Ocean research librarv.
    74 Turning Point for All Nations, p.19.
    75'Abdul'-Baha, Selections from the Writings of'Abdul'-Baha [M], Great Britain, W & J. Mackay Ltd.1978, p.302.
    76 Turning Point for All Nations, p.19.
    78 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.17.
    79 Turning Point for All Nations, p.20.
    83 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, p.14.
    84 The Search for Values in an Age of Transition, pp.15-16..
    85 See In Larger Freedom:towards development, freedom and human rights for all, Re Secretary-General, General Assembly, A/59/2005.
    86全球治理委员会的联合国改革报告,见《天涯若比邻》,天津人民出版社,1995年版;福特基金会-耶鲁大学独立联合国研究小组的报告,见The United Nations in its Second-Half Century, a Report of the Independent Working Group of the Future of the United Nations, a project supported by the Ford Foundation. http://www.library.yale.edu/un/unhome.htm;厄斯金·柴尔德(Erskine Childers)和布莱恩·乌克哈德(Brian Urkuhart)的报告《更新联合国系统》(Renewing the United Nations System)的内容摘要,见Renewing the United Nations System-A Summary, http://www. globalpolicy.org/reform/intro/1995childers.htm
    87 Henry Lamb, Our Global Neighborhood:a Summary Analysis, first published in Ecologic, January/February,1996. http:sovereignty.net/p.gov/gganalsis.htm
    88除了巴哈伊国际社团以外,在国际舞台上公开倡导建立世界政府的团体还包括世界邦联主义者(World Federalists)..世界邦联主义运动(World Federalist Movement)始创于1947年,倡导建立世界联邦和世界政府,总部设在纽约,在加拿大、美国和欧洲各国设有分支机构,1970年取得联合国经济社会理事会谘商地位,目前为联合国非政府组织大会(CONGO)执委会成员。目前,世界邦联运动大约有3-5万人。见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Federalist_Movement。
    Edward C. Luck, Reforming the United Nations:Lessons from a history in Progress, in International Relations Studies and the United Nations Occasional Papers, No.l, p.48.
    90 See A More Secure World:Our Shared Responsibility, Report of Secretary-General's High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, UN,2004.
    91 Paul Kennedy, The Parliament of Man:The Past, Present, and Future of the United Nations, Random House,2006, pp.247-249.
    92 Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, Baha'i Publishing Trust, Wilmette, IL.,1991.
    2 Jeffrey Haynes, Religion and Development[M], New York:Palgrave,2007, p16.
    3 Peter Berger, Religion and Global Civil Society, in Mark Juergensmeyer ed., Religion in Global Civil Society[M], Oxford University Press,2005, p.15.
    4 Richard Falk, Religion and Humane Global Governance[M], New York:Palgrave,2001, pp.14-33.
    5 Benjamin Rivlin, "Thought on Religious NGOs at the UN:A component of Global Civil Society", in Peter I. Hanjnal ed. Civil Society in the Information Age[M], Ashgate Publishing Limited,2002, pp.155-173.
    7作者对美国巴哈伊国家灵体会联合国代表,巴哈伊国际社团替代代表(alternative representtative)杰佛瑞·哈费因斯(Mr. Jeffrey Huffines)的访谈。
    8见Religion Counts, Religion and Public Policy at the UN[R], Washington D.C.,2002, pp.37-38.
    9 Thomas G. Weiss, What happened to the idea of World Government? International Studies Quarterly[J] (2009)53, pp.253-254.
    10 List of non-governmental organizations in Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council as at 31 August,2006, E/2006/INF.4该表所列的18个获得经社理事会特别类谘商资格的以China或Chinese作为名称开头的非政府组织包括:China Association for Science and Technology Coooperation(2006), China Association for Science and Technology(2004), China Care and Compassion Society(2004), China Disabled Person's Federation (1998), China Education Association for International Exchange (2006), China Environmental Protection Foundation (2005), China Family Planning Association (2005), China Green Foundation (2003), China International Institute of Multinational Corporations (2006), China Society for Human Rights Studies (1998), China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Programme (2000), Chinese Association for International Understanding (2003), Chinese Immigrants Services (1998), Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (2001), Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament (2002), Chinese Society for Sustainable Development (2004), Chinese Women's Association of America (1998)。唯一一个获得在经济社会理事会注册资格的中国非政府组织是China Association of Women Entrepreneurs (2000)。不排除上述所列非政府组织中有少部分是海外华人组建的非政府组织,如Chinese Women's Association of America,但据名称推断,大多数应该属于中华人民共和国境内的非政府组织。
    13 Thomas G. Weiss, What Happened to the Idea of World Government? International Studies Quarterly [J], (2009)53, p.257.
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    46.世界正义院编:《共同磋商——Heaven of Divine Wisdom》,梅寿鸿译,马来西亚巴哈伊出版委员会,1988年。
    53.刘贞哗著:《国际政治领域中的非政府组织——一种互动关系的分析》, 天津:天津人民出版社,2005年。
    69.徐以骅,秦倩著:《如何界定宗教非政府组织(代序)》, 载《宗教与美国社会》(第五辑),北京:时事出版社,2008年。
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