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  • 英文题名:The Research of Labor Unemployment and Reemployment Problem in Jilin Province
  • 作者:刘灿
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:人口学
  • 学位年度:2004
  • 导师:景跃军
  • 学科代码:030302
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2004-04-01
    国外促进就业的经验,包括有针对性的就业指导;开辟灵活多样就业形式的新领域;推动发展劳务派遣。根据失业者的特点实施再就业培训;向受训者提供经济帮助,注重对培训者进行培训; 把就业者培训与青年的职前培训纳入再就业培训.国外就业经验对吉林省就业的启示:英、法、德三国在再就业培训上注重解决下岗职工和失业者的心理障碍;模块化形式培训;培训后经考核合格,可获得相关的职业资格。
During the course of economic systems reforming in China, Jilin province is suffering from heavy pressure on employment with a great number of the laid-off workers and the unemployed, which has seriously hindered its economic and social development. Therefore, it is of great importance to analyze the causes of the urban labor unemployment problem and the reemployment barriers of Jilin province ,learn from other countries with successful experiences in dealing with the problem ,and formulate the employment policies of Jilin Province in a scientific way to solve the unempolyment problem and develop vigorously the original industrial base .The whole article consists of six parts.
    1、 Theories Basis of the Research
     Firstly, introduce the specific meaning of the related concepts, including Unemployment , Urban Registered Unemployment and Labor Participation Rate. Secondly, since the unemployment problem is the result of the conflict between labor supply and labor demand, the following analysis of unemployment theories is unfolded from the two aspects. From the aspect of labor supply, the factors consist of population , labor participation rate, and the cyclical fluctuation of macroeconomic growth. The amount of population and the age—structure of the population are the main influencing factors to the labor supply. As to labor participation rate, the educational system & the educational scale and social security system have their influences on it. The cyclical fluctuation of macroeconomic is affected by salary rate, market price of company commodity, market demand of company commodity, etc. From the labor demand aspect, technological development, macroeconomic surrounding, and salary rate have their influences on it.
    2、An Review of Urban Unemployment in Jilin Province :1995~2002.With the figures of urban registered unemployment and urban registered unemployment rate. it is clear to see that the unemployment problem of Jilin Province has been worsen from the year of 1998,which is the first year of state_owned companies’ bankrupt, Then ,in 2000,the increase of the unemployment is due to the further reform development in state_owned companies and the government structure.
    3、The Analysis of Present Factors on Unemployment Rate of Jilin Province . As to labor supply: there is a great number of the labor force, so the distance between labor supply and labor demand has widen year by year; the number of labor force is getting larger and larger; the surplus labor is increasing ; in the course of labor system reform, the concealed unemployment in state_owned companies has been known to the public; the surplus labor from the rural area are competing for the urban jobs ; the accumulated unemployment are becoming more surplus labor. As to labor demand: the increase of labor fail to keep the same speed with economic development and the change of economic development structure resulting in the structural unemployment.
    4、The Analysis of Reemployment of the laid_off workers in Jilin Province In this part ,the basic characters of the laid_off workers in Jilin Province are shown with
    the survey paper offered my professor Song Baoan ,The main age stage has transferred from the old to the middle aged; the gender proportion is on a high level. The key factors of reemployment are free employment training and effective training result .
    5、The Experience of Other Countries on Promoting Employment and the Enlightenment to Jilin Province .firstly, introduce the policies on promoting flexible employment and experience of reemployment training.
    When dealing with the unemployment problem of Jilin Prerince, some points should be mentioned : promote the development of flexible employment ; promote actively the structural adjustment of industries; actively consummate the system of ownership ; establish and strengthen social security system; reform the educational pattern of employment training and profession teaching; strengthen labor market system; accelerate the speed of establishing and strengthening
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