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May 12, 2008, earthquake occurred in Wenchuan. The earthquake brought great disaster to the People in earthquake areas and caused tremendous psychological trauma to the disaster area middle school students. In order to make up the curriculum which falls as a result of the earthquake, after the earthquake soon, the disaster area middle school then in abundance resumes classes. Does for the underage child, these student's psychology is also very frail, they have not walked from disaster's shadow, actually must withstand the study pressure. Therefore, for students from disaster area high school, mental health needs appeared to be necessary and urgent .
     But in fact, the disaster area middle-school student's psychologically healthy demand has not obtained by far satisfies. After the earthquake, the psychological intervention method is used for to alleviate the disaster victims bad psychology condition. Even if so, because our country psychology intervention staff lack extremely, but disaster victims quantity is actually great, the disaster area majority middle-school students have not accepted the psychological intervention treatment well. Therefore, can the healthy development and smoothly complete the studies for the disaster area middle-school student, used other methods to alleviate these student's bad psychological condition then to have the vital significance.
     in order to ease the effects of movement affecting anxiety and depression of the disaster area middle school students, provide theoretical support for carrying out physical exercises to alleviate adverse psychological and help the students restore mental health, The study has disaster area middle school students as objects, through the questionnaire to 360 students with high anxiety and depression level identified as the research object of this article,the effects of different physical education programs intervent anxiety and depression as content.
     Specific methods are: The 360 subjects were divided into experimental group, the free exercise group and negative recovery group, three levels of anxiety and depression didn’t have significant difference; The experimental group students were randomly divided into jogging group, aerobics and dance Qiang group, inter-group level of anxiety and depression there were no significant differences; Three groups had been divided into three times and five times week groups, between groups no differences in anxiety and depression, the group members in their own time training to middle-intensity exercise for 30 minutes; The free exercise group's grouping situation and the experimental group were the same, but didn’t make the request to the exercise intensity. Experimental group and control group students didn’t do gymnastics, Cessation of physical education and without an additional sports . Experiment duration of two months after the end of the experiment the experimental group and control group students anxiety and depression questionnaire.
     Result: 1. The effect of extracurricular physical exercising that was regular,moderate intensity was the best, the effect of free exercising to be in the mid-position, the effect of restoring negatively was the worst; 2. The post-test anxiety and depression level of aerobics, Qiang Dance and jogging groups was below than pre-test and the differences were significant. 3. different training course had significant effect on anxiety and depression of disaster area middle school students.
     In this study, exercise and mental health projects has been combined, for the movement intervention to alleviate anxiety and depression in disaster psychology students to provide some reference.
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