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Based on the research on the application of HJ-1 small satellite constellation in the field of disaster mitigation, a project of Civil Special Research Program of National Defense Science Technology and Industry, key technology problem in the construction of flood disaster emergency response decision-making support operational system were questioned and solved. By analyzing the core requirements to the decision-making support system of flood disaster emergency response operational working regulations, three key technologies were brought forward. On the basis of advanced software design ideas and developing technologies such as OO, software engineering, reuse, geodatabase, composite design template, COM and GIS, RS software technologies, the research on these three key technologies was deep carried out. The Theme-oriented Management and Service Technology for Multi-temporal, Differ-structural Spatial Data solved the basic problem of mixture spatial/non-spatial data storage. By providing object-oriented and direct-accessible data entities, operation workers were permitted to pay only attention to the operational logic in daily work. The operational processing of differ-structural data and information transformation functions were integrated. The solution for the spatialization of non-spatial thematic data was put forward and the standard grid data framework was built. As a result, the follow-up tasks have got robust data-source support. They all only need to pay attention to the efficient realization of specific functions.
    The Disaster Risk Analysis and Damage Evaluation Technology Based on Hazard Effect Objects looks the hazard effect object as the unification of natural disaster elements and operational working contents. The logistic model and information model for key technology development were built. According to the requirement of operational system development, the programming
    object model was designed. It has characteristics like integration, practicality and operationalization. The analysis based on any-scale and mixed data-source is able to be accessed. Moreover, it laid the foundation for the virtual flooding environment at the data aspect. The Integrated Model Library and Operation Library for the Flood Disaster Emergency Response Decision-making Support designed and developed a suit of integrated model library with characteristics of standard, flexibility and unlimited extensibility. The consistency of models made them can be utilized by each other. The simplest abstraction is the only thing need to be considered in the process of operational system development. As a result, the evolvement of operational system was transferred to the evolvement of network structure of model library. The objectives of effective resources utilization and improving development efficiency were attained. The operation library environment for flood disaster emergency response was designed based on the model library. By the application of operation objects and operation library, data, algorithms, models and result were united. The integration of operational system and true system-level reuse were implemented.
    Finally, the demonstrative integration application research of key technologies was launched in the Dongting Lake area. A demonstrative operational system for flood disaster emergency response decision-making support was developed. With the practical use in the operational department, it was proved that this example system can be used to construct the operational working flow of flood disaster emergency response in the form of computer aid. Meanwhile, this example system can be extended and perfected via continual model research and result data accumulation. By integrating the key technologies, operational system represents some good features such as flexibility, high-efficiency and ease of manipulation in the aspects of data management, model management and operation management. The three key technologies and the prototype operational system for flood disaster emergency response decision-making support have good application effect totally. They were proved to have good values of application and popularization.
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