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     为了实现上述定位过程,论文设计了基于线特征的场景三维重建方法。传统的进行场景三维重建的方法主要是利用点特征。基于点特征的三维重建方法存在着精度低、计算量大以及无法准确地表示当前场景等问题。与点特征相比,线特征存在诸多优点:在同样的噪声强度下,线特征受噪声影响更小;线特征对光照情况和阴影都不敏感;线特征的数量较少,从中确定有用线段并利用其进行三维重建的计算量较小。然而,不同视图间的线特征匹配一直都是计算机视觉领域的一大难点,至今仍缺乏能够准确、全面地查找线对应的方法。为此,论文首次提出了多层特征图(Multilayer Feature Graph, MFG)结构。MFG借助于多种特征之间的几何关系和约束,可以有效地确定不同视图间线特征的对应关系,并最终确定线特征和建筑物平面(竖直平面)的三维信息。同时,MFG还是一种有效的场景表达的方式,将周围场景表示为多种相互关联的主要特征,包括点特征、线段特征、直线特征和竖直平面特征,更有助于对场景的理解。
     (1) MFG的设计与构建。给出了MFG的模型结构以及特征的提取方法。利用MFG中多层特征之间的几何关系,提出了基于特征融合的MFG的构建方法。通过构建MFG实现两视图间线对应的查找,并实现了基于线对应的场景重建与理解。
Self-localization is a basic and key technique for mobile robot navigation. Inrecent years, with the reduction of camera cost and the rapid development of thetechniques for image processing and pattern recognition, researchers pay moreattention to the visual localizaton (also termed as “vision-based localization”). Visuallocalization for mobile robot utilizes the visual information from the camera(s) tolocalize the mobile robot. Recently, the applications for mobile robots working inoutdoor environments, especially in urban areas, are very popular. Therefore, theresearch on visual localization for mobile robot in urban environments is veryimportant both in theoretical and practical applications.
     The dissertation focuses on visual localization for mobile robot in urbanenvironments. A localization scheme combining the satellite map of mobile robotworking area and images captured by an onboard camera is proposed. The satellitemap is used to generate the building boundaries from top-down view, and the cameraimages are utilized for building reconstruction from horizontal view. The proposedmethod can determine the absolute position of the robot in the2D satellite map bymatching the two results obtained in the above.
     To realize the localization scheme above, a line-based3D reconstruction methodis proposed. The point-based3D reconstruction methods are popular. However,existing point-based methods are low-accuracy, high-computation, and can notrepresent the scene exactly. Compared with point features, line features are morerobust, and insensitive to lighting condition or shadows. The line-based methods canlead to low computational cost because of their small amount and robustness.However, the matching of line features between views is a difficult issue in computervision. To this end, a structure named Multilayer Feature Graph (MFG) is firstlyproposed in this dissertation. With the aid of the geometric relationships betweendifferent features, MFG can find the line correspondences between two viewssuccessfully, and reconstruct line features and vertical planes in further. Besides, MFG is an effective method to facilitate the robot scene understanding byrepresenting the scene as different related key features, such as points, line segments,lines and vertical planes.
     The main work consists of two parts: the design and construction of MFG,localization algorithms based on MFG. A feature fusion method is discussed in theMFG construction part. While in the localization algorithms, an automatic buildingboundary generation method from high-resolution satellite map is developed firstly,then a feature weighted localization method based on an MFG is proposed. However,this method can not guarantee the correctness and uniqueness of solution. Thus, avoting-based localization algorithm based on multiple MFGs is designed, where eachMFG could provide several candidate solutions, and the final solution is determinedbased on the consensus of all the candidate ones. In general, the main work in thedissertation is summarized as follows:
     (1) Design and construction of MFG. The structure of MFG and the extractionmethods for the features in MFG are proposed. A feature fusion method for MFGconstruction is developed based on the geometric relationships between features inMFG. MFG can help us to find the line correspondences between two views, usingthat we can realize the scene reconstruction and understanding well.
     (2) An automatic building extraction method from high resolution satellite map.By analyzing the characters of building and non-building regions in satellite map, anovel automatic and time-efficient building boundary extraction method, with the aidof corresponding ordinary map, is proposed. This method was implemented andtested on the Google satellite maps. The physical experiments demonstrated theaccuracy and efficiency of the method.
     (3) Feature-weighted map query method for localization. A feature-weightedvisual localization method is proposed based on a single MFG and2D buildingboundary map. This method converts the localization task into an optimizationproblem. The location solution can be obtained by solving the optimization problem.The physical experiments demonstrated that the method can localize the robotsuccessfully in most cases. However, the theoretical analysis and physicalexperiments show that, in some complex situations, especially when there are similar buildings in the surroundings, this method can not guarantee the uniqueness of thesolution, even leads to wrong results.
     (4) Voting-based visual localization method. This method is an improvement ofthe feature-weighted algorithm above. Multiple MFGs generated from camera framesare utilized in the voting-based method, with each MFG providing multiple candidatesolutions. The final localization solution is determined based on the consensus of thecandidate ones. Physical experiments demonstrated that, compared with the featureweighted method, the voting-based algorithm can improve the probability ofcorrectness and the localization accuracy.
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