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The thesis relies on the item70971102supported by the Research Fund of National NaturalScience Foundation, the item2006BAF02A03supported by the National Science andTechnology Supporting Program, the item Q20121104and the item T201102supported by theEducational Office of Hubei Province. Based on the extensive study on the frontier fields such assystematic engineering of green manufacturing, industrial ecology, engineering evolution andartificial life, some intensive research works are discussed in this thesis to pose the seriouschallenges for the steelmaking processes. Based on the further research in this thesis, someinnovative technologies and fundamental principles are contributed to solve the resource andenvironmental issues that steel industrial system is confronted with.
     Iron and steel industrial system has numerous metabolic behaviors with substance andenergy on the complicated environmental boundaries existed between the steel industrial systemand the natural ecosystem. These metabolic behaviors will touch off the systematic evolutionwith the best fitness under the constraints and stimulations exerted by the external environment.The thesis regards the iron and steel-making system as a form of non-carbon carrier of theartificail life. Based on this vision, the morphology characters and coupling mechanism of themetabolic behaviors of substance and energy on the environmental boundary is discussed in thisthesis. A systematic evolutionary model for the metabolic behaviors of the substance and energyin the steel industrial system is established by the modeling approach of artificial life based onthe Agent of the processing subsystem. The thesis devotes to discover the systematic evolutionaybehaviors and laws of the metabolism of substance and energy in the steel industrial system withthe systematic evolutionay model.
     1. The thesis analyzes the fundamental framework and the processing flows of the steelindustrial system and illustrates the morphology and the dynamic hierarchical properties ofenvironmental boundaries generally existing in the steel industrial system, with correctmathematic approaches. The interior rules of the metabolic behaviors of substance and energy inits processing subsystem are established on the environmental boundary around the steel-makingsystem.
     2. Depending on the timing sequence of processing flow and the hierarchical sequence ofspace structure, the coupling mechanism of the environmental boundaries is constructed with theexterior rules under the metabolic equilibrium principles of substance and energy. The exteriorrules are formulated to describe the metabolic behaviors of substance and energy occurringbetween the processing subsystem and the ecological system.
     3. The indicators for the environmental fitness and the systematic evolutionary directions,including the emergy per metric ton of crude steel, the unavailable emergy per metric ton ofcrude steel and the environmental emission per metric ton of crude steel, are reasonably designed for the steel industrial system by the discretization and coupling of the environmental boundaryand the mathematic description for the rules of the metabolic behaviors of substance and energy,whatever interior or exterior ones. The systematic evolutionary model for the metabolicbehaviors of substance and energy in the steel industrial system is established with the modelingapproach of artificial life based on the Agent of the processing subsystem.
     4. Solved by the evolutionary algorithms such as the Non-dominated sorting in geneticalgorithms, the systematic evolutionary model deduces the optimized vectors of metabolicbehaviors of substance and energy with the best benefits of the systematic resource and energy. Italso discovers the evolutionary laws of the metabolic behaviors of substance and energy in thesteel industrial system.
     5. Compared with the actual production data from a state owned integrated steelworks ineastern China, the vectors of the metabolic behaviors demonstrated in the systematicevolutionary model verify the accuracy and validity of the systematic evolutionary model.
     The thesis illustrates the similitude and the difference of the metabolic behaviors ofsubstance and energy both in the steel industrial system and in the ecological system. The thesisdiscovers the basic laws of the substance and energy operations in the steel industrial system anddiscusses the influences which the various directions of the systematic evolution exert on themetabolic behaviors of substance and energy in the steel industrial system. The works andconclusions in the academic research present an innovative theory and methodology for theoptimized control and efficient utilization of the substance and energy resources in the steelindustrial system.
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