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Liquid hydrocarbon fuels including gasoline, diesel oil, ethanol and kerosene, belong toa kind of semitransparent medium. The properties of liquid hydrocarbon fuels are importantfor research of spaceflight, power and energy, chemical production. The infrared spectralparameters of liquid hydrocarbon fuels include absorption index and refractive index. Thoseparameters are the basic data of heat transfer simulation and thermal design in combustionsimulation, high thermal exchange and infrared measurement, etc. The study of the infraredspectral parameters of liquid hydrocarbon fuels plays an important role in relativetechnology.
     On the basis of transmittance method, the infrared spectral properties of liquidhydrocarbon fuels were studied. High temperature measuring technique of transmittedspectrum is established. Based on measured date of spectral transmittance, inversionmodeling was established. The parameters of the infrared spectral properties forencapsulation window materials and typical liquid hydrocarbon fuels were analyzed.
     The main work of in this dissertation includes the following four aspects.
     1. Investigation on the inversion modeling and solving method of multi-layersemitransparent materials based on the infrared spectral properties. The traditional doublethickness method and single thickness method based on KK relations were investigated, andthen effects of high order reflection item and variety of window reflection werequantificationally studied. The IDTM model was proposed, and the double thickness methodwas introduced and improved so that the method can be applied three-layer configuration ofwindow-liquid hydrocarbon-window that is similar with sandwich. The applications oftheoretical inversion methods and the effect characteristics of experimental errors on modelwere summarized based on calculation analysis.
     2. The spectral properties of materials of sample encapsulation window wereexperimental studied. The spectral parameters of materials of typical infrared windowswere studied, such as quartz and Zinc selenide in wavelength0.83μm~21μm and airtemperature, in wavelength2μm~15μm and medium temperature that is respectively373K and423K,based on experimental measurement and inversion calculation. Theeffects of spectra and temperature on spectral characteristics of infrared window wereinvestigated. The studied results supply the help for designing the liquid hydrocarbonfuel encapsulation.
     3. The measurement technology of spectral transmittance of hydrocarbon fuels inmedium and high temperature was studied. The sample encapsulation configuration of liquid hydrocarbon fuel and heating equipments were designed. The measurement equipments ofspectral transmittance that can operate in medium and high temperature were designed andconstructed, which include laser sources and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Thethermal environment in constant temperature chest and the transient heating characteristicsof sample optical cell were numerical studied, and the effects on thermal environment andtransient heating characteristics were investigated, which include heating temperature,emissivity, the semitransparent characteristics of window material, and heat exchangeconditions of outer surface of window, etc.
     4. The experimental measurement and analysis of the infrared spectral parameters oftypical liquid hydrocarbon fuels were studied. Firstly, the optical constants of water werestudied. The spectral transmittances of water were experimental measured, and theabsorption index and refractive index were attained by the inversion calculation, and thefeasibility of measurement operation and inversion methods were validated based oncompared with the data of literature. The infrared transmittance spectra of typical liquidhydrocarbon fuels were investigated in wavelength2μm~15μm, which include aviationkerosene RP-3, common kerosene,-35#diesel oil and ethanol. And the infrared spectralparameters include the absorption index and refractive index of typical liquid hydrocarbonfuels were attained based on inversion calculation. The effect of temperature on the infraredspectral parameters of liquid hydrocarbon fuels aviation kerosene RP-3was studied.
     By the investigations in this thesis, high temperature measuring equipment of spectralproperties of hydrocarbon fuels in medium and high temperature environment based ontransmittance method was built. The infrared spectral parameters of four kinds of typicalliquid hydrocarbon fuels in limited wavelength range were attained. The study can promotethe development of infrared spectral parameters of liquid hydrocarbon fuels. The basicparameters of liquid hydrocarbon fuel can help the application of thermal engineering designand quantitative research of heat transfer.
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