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Since high acrylamide was reported in high-temperature processed food April 2002, the problem of high acrylamide has become one of the hotspots in food safety. It also has negative impact on some traditional deep-fried foods. Thus, it is significantly important to study the ways that inhibit the production of acrylamide in these foods. In this paper, an improved acrylamide determination was established, which based on previous study. The effects of NaHSO_3, CaCl_2 and L-cysteine on acrylamide formation and fried potato crisps texture were investigated.
    ① a- amylase was used in the pretreatment step to hydrolyse starch. That shortened the pretreatment time and increased accuracy of acrylamide determination.
    ② Effects of CaCl_2, NaHSO_3 and L-cysteine on inhibition of acrylamide formation in fried potato crisps were investigated. The results showed that different concentrations of the three solutions were used to immerse the fresh potato crisps. All inhibited acrylamide formation in fried potato crisps greatly. The efficiencies increased as the concentrations increased. L-cysteine is the most efficient agent of the three. Effects of these food additives on the texture of fried potato crisps were also studied in this article. It was found that L-cysteine and CaCl_2 showed little effect on the texture of the crisps. CaCl_2 was regarded as the better choice, because of its low price. Furthermore, the optimal condition of processing, including temperature, time for fresh potato crisps immersing, was
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