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The effects of butyl hydroxy aniso (BHA), dibutyl hydroxy toluene (BHT), tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), L-ascorbic acid (Vc) on maillard reaction products (MRPs) were respectively tested in asparagines-glucose and glycine-glucose reaction system at 160℃using HPLC, colour determination, fluorescence spectrophotometry and ion-chromatogram.
     1. MRPs were tested by HPLC at the same chromatogram condition. The results showed that the number of peaks, the area of total peaks and single peak were greatly influenced by the antioxidants; and the species and contents of MPRs were more influenced by the antioxidants in glycine-glucose reaction system than in asparagines-glucose reaction system.
     2. The browning of Maillard reaction products were tested spectrophotometrically at 420nm after diluting 15 times. The results showed that the OD420 of MRPs in asparagines-glucose reaction system is higher than in glycine-glucose reaction system, and OD420 of MRPs were more influenced by the antioxidants in glycine-glucose reaction system than that in asparagines-glucose reaction system at the same condition.
     3. The fluorescence of MRPs were tested at an excitation wavelength of 419nm and an emission wavelength of 507nm. The results showed that the fluorescence intensity were greatly increased by the addition of antioxidants; and the fluorescence of MRPs were more influenced by the antioxidants in glycine-glucose reaction system than that in asparagines-glucose reaction system at the same condition. The fluorescence intensity increased as the concentration of antioxidant increased.
     4. The effects of antioxidants on amino acids and sugars of MRPs were determined by ion-chromatogram. The results showed that the speicies and contents of amino acids were greatly influenced by the antioxidants.
     In asparagines-glucose reaction system, there are four new kinds of amino aicds (lysine, histidine, phenylalanine, glutamic acid) were produced when no antioxidants was added; while there are four (histidine, aspartate, phenylalanine, arginine), four (lysine, histidine, glutamicacid, alanine), seven (lysine, histidine, phenylalanine, aspartate, glutamic acid, serine, tyrosine) and five (lysine, histidine, phenylalanine, glutamic acid, arginine) new kinds of amino acids were produced when BHA, BHT, TBHQ and V_c were respectively added.
     In glycine-glucose reaction system, there are six new kinds of amino aicds (alanine, proline, histidin, phenylalanine, glutamic acid, tyrosine) were produced when no antioxidants was added; while there are four (histidine, proline, glutamic acid, tyrosine), five(histidine, glutamic acid, tyrosine, serine, arginine), nine(alanine, histidine, phenylalanine, glutamic acid, valine, arginine, serine, lysine, leucine), and six (proline, histidine, phenylalanine, glutamic acid, tyrosine, lysine) new kinds of amino acids were produced when BHA, BHT, TBHQ and V_c were respectively added.
     There are two (histidine, lysine), one (histidine) new kinds of amino aicds were produced in antioxidant-asparagines reaction system when BHA and V_c were respectively added; while there is no new kinds of amino aicds were produced in antioxidant-asparagines reaction system when BHT and TBHQ were respectively added. In antioxidant-glycine reaction system ,there are one (histidine) new kinds of amino aicds were produced when BHA and Vc were respectively added; while there is no new kinds of amino aicds were produced in antioxidant-asparagines reaction system when BHT and TBHQ were respectively added.
     However, there are no amino acids produced in antioxidant-glucose reaction system.These results showed that new amino acids were produced in maillard-reaction, and the kinds and content of the new amino acids were greatly influenced the added amino acids and antioxidants.
     5. The speicies and contents of sugars in MRPs were greatly influenced by the antioxidants. In asparagines-glucose reaction system, there are three (fructose, arabinose, xylose or mannose), two (fructose and arabinose), one (galactose) new kinds of sugars were produced when BHT, TBHQ and BHA were respectively added,but there are no new sugars produced when no antioxidants and V_c was added. In glycine-glucose reaction system, there are three(fructose, arabinose, xylose or mannose) new kinds of sugars were produced when BHT were added, and there is one(fructose) new kinds of sugars were produced when no antioxidants and V_c was added. These results showed that the speicies and contents of sugars were also greatly influenced by the added amino acids and antioxidants.
     In antioxidants-glucose reaction system, there are two new kinds of sugars (ramnose and fructose) were produced when BHA and BHT were added,but there are no new sugars produced when other antioxidants were added.. It Was concluded that there are new kinds of sugars were produced in antioxidants-glucose reaction system, and the speicies and contents of sugars were greatly influenced by maillard-reaction when amino acids were added.
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