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Tackling with Climate Change is one of the major challenges and opportunities of landscape architects in 21st century, because, on one hand, Climate Change will give significant impacts on landscape architeccture; on the other hand, landscape architects will play an important role in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Although cases in tackling climate change can be found in domestic landscape architecture practice currently, we are still lack of deep understanding in the Climate Change crisis and the resposibilities landscape architects should take in the context of Climate Change, and more lack of a systematic theoretical study on how we can adapt and mitigate Climate Change through landscape architectural means. We could possibly create a few successful cases without systematic study, but we could not understand the root of the issue, take the whole situation into account, have common and effective practices without theoretical guidance. The disertation aims at how landscape architect could create a sustainable living environment with adaptation to Climate Change, meeting the requirements of landscape aesthetics, under the instruction of theories of landscape architecture tackling Climate Change, through the summary and discussion on related theories, techniques, design methods, research findings, practices and strategies.
     The dessertation starts from; firstly, discuss the main features of contemporary Climate Change, including causes, future trends and impacts to provide basis for the following research; secondly, discuss the direct and indirect impacts that contemporary Climate Change could give on urban landscape architecture; thirdly, summarize landscape architectural theories tackling Climate Change, including recognize the ecological value of landscape elements, carbon neutral landscape, watershed landscape, resource and energy friendly landscape, and climate proof landscape; fourthly, explore and discuss the advantages and disadvantages, issues and potential of present typical landscape architectural methods in tackling Climate Change internationally, including methods tackling with global warming, urban water issues, promoting low-carbon life, reducing carbon print and increasing the carbon capture in landscape; fifthly, reasearch on the relationship between urban green space and Climate Change in Beijing, by using the results of methods study, and model. Results found that daily maximum surface temperature and surface stormwater runoff both have high relevance with green cover ratio. In terms of surface temperature, when reference temperature arise, the temperature reduced by green space will increase as well, in addition, through increasing green cover, the effect of global warming in the end of 21st century will be offset. In terms of surface stormwater runoff, research found that runoff can be reduced significantly by increasing green cover and tree cover, as well as the permeability of the soil. This will increase stormwater infiltration, soil moisture, reduce irrigation needs, urban discharge pressure. On the contrary, if green cover is reduced, urban area will have to face more serious impacts from Climate Change. In the end, suggestions on spatial planning of green spaces are made for all sites.
     The innovation in this dissertation is combinning research on theory and method with mathematical modelling and simulation on the base of summary of theory and method in tackling with Climate Change, to quantize the effects of landscape architectural design methods in medium-scale, explore the potential of urban green space in tackling with Climate Change. Research model adopted in the reasearch could be used in urban planning practice with Climate Change as a major consideration and subject, and also offer guidance to design practice.
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