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草菇(Volvariella volvacea)是一种生长于热带和亚热带的腐生真菌,具有极其复杂的生活史,在整个生活史中形态发生了明显变化,并且这些形态变化受到相关基因的调控。在实际生产应用中,草菇由于其生长周期短,易开伞等因素,导致草菇采摘后不易存储和保鲜,因此制约了草菇的市场价值,本文通过草菇不同生长发育时期基因表达量的比较研究,发现了在原基期和伸长期差异表达的基因,并对这些差异表达的基因进行了生物信息学分析,旨在能发现调控草菇原基形成和菌柄伸长的转录因子,为后期的功能验证和生产应用提供理论基础,希望能通过基因改造来延长草菇的货架保鲜期,主要试验结果如下:
     (2)根据同源比对,分析转录因子在不同担子菌和子囊菌中的保守性,比对的真菌包括草菇(V. volvacea),裂褶菌(Schizophyllum commune),双色蜡磨(Laccaria bicolor),灰盖鬼伞(Coprinopsis cinerea),黑粉菌(Ustilago maydis),酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae),瑞氏木霉(Trichoderma reesei),粗糙脉孢菌(Neurospora crassa)和构巢曲霉(Aspergillus nidulans)。比对结果显示草菇中62.6%的转录因子与其他8种真菌具有同源性,其中37%的转录因子只在草菇基因组中有同源基因,46%的转录因子在所比对的担子菌中有同源基因,而仅有16%的转录因子在担子菌和子囊菌中具有同源性,因此,不同真菌间,尤其是担子菌和子囊菌之间,转录因子的同源性很低。虽然转录因子的氨基酸序列不是很保守,但是转录因子绑定DNA的区域却很保守。
     (4)通过差异表达分析,共得到8个差异表达的同源异形框转录因子,其中有5个(GME10392, GME1763, GME860, GME11623和GME8409)在原基期上调表达,有3个(GME918, GME8013和GME2319)在伸长期下调表达,并且荧光定量结果(qRT-PCR)与表达谱的结果一致,这些差异表达的同源异形框转录因子很可能与子实体的形态建成有关。
     (5)克隆测序结果显示,GME918(GenBank accession numbers:JX843776)在两个同核菌丝体PYd15和PYd21中的DNA序列完全相同。通过转录组测序,共得到约2600万个高质量的reads和2,408,000,220nt核苷酸,其中有3,632个reads可以定位到GME918上。通过转录组数据,分析GME918的基因结构,结果显示,GME918全长为2856bp,开放阅读框为1149bp,由四个外显子和三个内含子组成,并且在第一个内含子中存在可变剪切现象。
The Chinese mushroom, Volvariella volvacea (Bull.:Fr.) Singer, is a tropical and subtropical saprophytic fungus in the family Pluteaceae of the Basidiomycota. The lifecycle of V. volvacea is a complex process that involves a cascade of morphological events in fruiting body development. Several genes are responsible for regulation and control of the morphogenesis of V. volvacea fruiting body formation. In fact, the market value of V. volvacea was limited as difficult to storage and preservation that the short lifecycle resulted in the pileus-opening. The differentially expressed genes were obtained by comparing the gene expression level between two periods, from mycelia to primordia and from egg stage to elongation stage, respectively. Moreover, to identify the transcription factors of V. volvacea involved in primordia formation and stipe elongation, enrichment analysis of functional annotation for the expression profiles were performed. It could provide fundamental basis for functional verification and application in production that the preservation of V. volvacea was prolongated by using gene modification. The mainly results as follow:
     (1) In the present work,214putative transcription factors (TFs) belong to30transcription factor families were identified from the genome of V. volvacea via the pipeline of fungal transcription factor database (FTFD).
     (2) Compared the conservation of the TFs in different basidiomycetes and ascomycetes fungi, including V. volvacea, Schizophyllum commune, Laccaria bicolor, Coprinopsis cinerea, Ustilago maydis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Trichoderma reesei, Neurospora crassa, Aspergillus nidulans, by homology alignment. The results showed that62.6%transcription factors have homology with other eight fungi,37%is specific for V. volvacea, and46%is specific for basidiomycetes fungi. In addition, only16%transcription factors have homology in basidiomycetes and ascomycetes fungi. Therefore, the homology of transcription factors was low between basidiomycetes and ascomycetes fungi. However, the conserved domain of transcription factors among them is similar, although the whole amino acid sequences of transcription factors were not conserved.
     (3) To identify the differentially expressed genes in primordia and elongation stage,1503and1367differentially expressed genes were obtained by comparing the gene expression level between two periods, from mycelia to primordia and from egg stage to elongation stage, respectively. Of them,877and626genes were up-regulated and down-regulated expression from mycelia to primordia, respectively. Nevertheless, there have1004genes down-regulated expression, only363genes up-regulated, from egg stage to elongation stage. The enrichment analysis of functional annotation for the expression profiles of the developmental stages defined by mycelia, primordia, egg stage and elongation stage was performed. Functional terms involved in regulation of cellular process and metabolic process, were over-represented in genes up-regulated of primordia. Genes involved in cellular component biogenesis, anatomical structure formation and multicellular organismal process were enriched in the group of genes down-regulated of primordia. However, functional terms involved in regulation of cellular component organization and of cellular process were enriched in the down-regulated genes of elongation stage. Genes encoding anatomical structure formation, multi-organnism process were enriched in the group of genes up-regulated of elongation stage. The enrichment analysis of functional annotation illustrated that the regulation of gene expression played a crucial role in the formation of fruiting body based on the different expression analysis. We found that14%differentially expressed TFs belong to homeobox family in primordia and elongation stage. It may be paly more important role in these processes.
     (4) By the differential expression analysis as above mention,8differentially expressed homeobox TFs were obtained, including5up-regulated expressed in the primordia and3down-regulated expressed in the elongation stage of V. volvacea. In fact, quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to analyze gene expression value in mycelia, primordia, egg stage, elongation stage. The results showed that the gene expression levels of five genes (GME10392, GME1763, GME860, GME11623, and GME8409) were higher in primordia than in mycelia, whereas the gene expression levels of three genes (GME918, GME8013, and GME2319) in elongation stage were lower than in egg stage. The qRT-PCR results were consistant with the gene expression profile, and inferred that these differential expression homeobox TFs may contribute to morphological formation of the fruiting body of V. volvacea.
     (5) The molecular cloning and sequencing results of PCR products illustrated that the sequences of GME918(GenBank accession numbers:JX843776) from strains PYd15and PYd21were identical. About26million high-quality reads and2,408,000,220nt nucleotides from transcriptome sequencing. Of them,3,632reads could map to the reference sequence in analysis of gene structure of GME918. GME918spanned2856bp including an open reading frame of1149bp, and composed four exons and three introns. In addition, the alternative splicing in the first intron was found in studying the gene structure.
     (6) RNAi vector of GME918was constructed according to its conserved domain. It was evaluated by using polymerse chain reaction (PCR) and restriction enzyme digestion. Moreover, it was transform to V. volvacea strain H1521by Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The results showed that the colonial morphology and mycelial growth rate of transformant changed significantly. Therefore, the results indicate that transcription factor GME918could regulate the colonial morphology and mycelial growth rate of V. volvacea.
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